
1. **补益脾胃**:淮米性甘平,能够补益脾胃,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、消化不良等症状有改善作用。


2. **益肺肾**:淮米对于肺肾虚弱有一定的补益作用,适用于肺虚咳嗽、肾虚腰膝酸软等症。

3. **营养成分丰富**:淮米含有丰富的营养成分,包括皂甙、精氨酸、淀粉酶、蛋白质、脂肪、淀粉、矿物质及维生素C等,这些成分对于身体健康有益。

4. **药用价值**:淮米作为中药材,常用于中药配方中,具有补脾益肾、滋阴润燥的功效。

5. **促进消化**:淮米中的淀粉酶有助于食物的消化吸收,对于消化系统有保护作用。

6. **保健食品**:淮米常用于制作保健食品,如淮米粉、淮米粥等,有助于增强体质,提高免疫力。

7. **辅助治疗**:淮米在中医中常用于辅助治疗脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、泄泻等症。




1. **蛋白质**:木耳中含有丰富的植物蛋白,对人体组织的修复和生长十分有益。

2. **维生素**:木耳含有多种维生素,如维生素A、维生素B1、B2、B3、B6、B12和维生素C等,有助于提高免疫力,促进新陈代谢。

3. **矿物质**:木耳富含铁、钙、磷、钾、镁等矿物质,对于维持人体的生理功能非常重要。

4. **膳食纤维**:木耳含有大量的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,同时也有助于降低血脂和血糖。

5. **植物胶质**:木耳中的植物胶质具有较强的吸附作用,可以吸附和排出体内的杂质和毒素。



1. **蛋白质**:猪肉是优质的动物蛋白来源,含有所有必需氨基酸,对肌肉生长和修复有益。

2. **脂肪**:猪肉中含有一定量的脂肪,提供能量,但也需要注意适量食用。


3. **维生素B1和B12**:猪肉是维生素B1和B12的良好来源,有助于提高能量水平和神经系统健康。

4. **铁质**:猪肉含有丰富的铁,有助于预防贫血。


– **增强免疫力**:丰富的维生素和矿物质有助于增强人体的免疫力。
– **促进消化**:木耳中的膳食纤维有助于改善消化系统功能。
– **降低血脂和血糖**:木耳的植物胶质和膳食纤维有助于降低血脂和血糖。
– **预防心血管疾病**:木耳中的植物胶质和维生素B族有助于预防心血管疾病。




1. **杀菌作用**:银离子具有强大的杀菌作用,能够消灭650多种细菌,这在抗生素只能对付6种细菌的背景下显得尤为突出。因此,银在医疗和日常生活中都有其应用,比如银针、银质医疗器械等。

2. **验毒作用**:银能够与多种毒素发生反应,使含有毒素的物质变黑,这使得银成为古代验毒的重要工具。通过观察银器的颜色变化,可以判断食物或水中是否含有毒素。

3. **吸收毒性**:银能够吸收物质中的毒素,并产生变色反应,这一特性使得银器在古代被用于盛放食物和饮料,如蒙古牧民用银器盛放鲜牛奶,以防止牛奶变质。

4. **防腐保鲜**:银制品能够抑制细菌生长,因此用银器盛放食物或饮料,可以延长其保鲜时间。这也是为什么一些地区的人们会用银器盛放食物,如草原民族用银碗盛放马奶酒。

5. **热传导性**:银的热传导性在所有金属中是最突出的,可以迅速散发血管的热量,有助于预防各种疾病。


6. **保健作用**:经常佩戴银饰,可以中和人体内的有毒物质,加速创伤愈合,防治感染,净化水质和防腐保鲜。

7. **装饰作用**:银饰因其美观大方,自古以来就受到人们的喜爱。银饰不仅能够提升个人气质,还能作为装饰品展示个人的品味和审美。

8. **医用价值**:在中医中,银针是针灸常用的工具,它能避免金属刺入体内造成感染。

9. **工业应用**:银具有良好的延展性和导电性,因此在电气触点、电镀等领域有广泛应用。

10. **投资和收藏价值**:银作为贵金属,具有投资和收藏价值,其价格受市场供求关系影响。



1. **杀菌止痒**:五毒膏中的主要成分如五倍子、樟脑、苦参、蛇床子等,具有很好的抑菌和止痒效果,对因细菌或真菌感染引起的皮肤问题如皮炎、湿疹、脚气等有很好的治疗作用。

2. **修复皮肤**:五毒膏能够改善皮肤干燥、皲裂等问题,促进皮肤细胞的修复和再生,对于无名肿毒、皮肤瘙痒、冻疮、晒伤等皮肤症状有显著的缓解效果。


3. **祛毒消肿**:五毒膏具有祛毒消肿的功效,对于无名肿毒、皮肤溃疡等有较好的治疗作用。

4. **外阴瘙痒**:五毒膏还可以用于治疗外阴瘙痒、痔疮、肛门瘙痒等皮肤问题。

5. **抗真菌和霉菌**:五毒膏对真菌感染、霉菌感染及白色念珠球菌等有抑制作用,对于手足癣、甲癣等真菌性皮肤病有很好的治疗效果。


6. **蚊虫叮咬**:五毒膏对于蚊虫叮咬引起的红肿、瘙痒等症状有缓解作用。

7. **预防复发**:在使用五毒膏治疗皮肤问题后,继续使用一段时间可以防止病症复发。


– **外用涂抹**:五毒膏是外用药膏,不可口服。
– **过敏检测**:使用前应进行过敏测试,如出现过敏反应应立即停止使用。
– **遵医嘱**:按照医生的建议使用,不要自行增加用量或延长使用时间。
– **饮食注意**:用药期间避免辛辣食物,以免加重症状。



1. **补中益气**:党参具有补益中气的功效,能够增强人体的整体机能,适用于中气不足所致的神疲乏力、食欲不振、大便溏薄等症状。

2. **生津养血**:党参能够生津养血,对于口干舌燥、气血不足、面色萎黄等血虚症状有良好的改善作用。

3. **健脾润肺**:党参归脾、肺两经,能够健脾润肺,对于脾胃虚弱引起的食少便溏、消化不良,以及肺气虚导致的咳嗽气喘、声音低弱等都有治疗作用。

4. **改善气血**:党参能够改善气血,对于气血两亏导致的头晕目眩、面色无华等症有治疗作用。

5. **调治气阴两伤**:党参可以用于热病后期,气阴两伤所致的气息短促、口干舌燥等症状。

6. **调节胃肠功能**:党参对于胃肠功能有调节作用,可以改善消化不良等问题。


7. **增强免疫功能**:现代药理学研究表明,党参具有增强免疫力的作用,有助于提高机体抵抗力。

8. **改善肺功能**:党参能够改善肺功能,对于肺气虚引起的咳嗽气喘有辅助治疗作用。

9. **降血糖、调血脂**:党参还有一定的降血糖、调血脂作用,对于糖尿病、高血脂等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。


10. **延缓衰老、提高记忆**:党参还具有延缓衰老、提高记忆力的作用。

– 党参不宜与藜芦同用。
– 实证、热证而正气不虚者不宜使用党参。
– 如有不适,应及时就医。



1. **观赏价值**:海棠花色彩鲜艳,花形多样,有粉红、白色、红色等多种颜色,是春天赏花的好选择。它的美丽花姿和丰富的花色,能够为家居和公共空间增添色彩和生机。


2. **空气净化**:海棠花具有一定的空气净化能力,能够吸收空气中的有害物质,如甲醛、苯等,有助于改善室内空气质量,对人体健康有益。

3. **寓意美好**:在中国文化中,海棠花象征着富贵和美好,具有迎财纳福的寓意,是吉祥的象征。


4. **健康益处**:海棠花含有多种微量元素和营养成分,如维生素、矿物质等,对人体有一定的健康益处。

5. **药用价值**:海棠花具有一定的药用价值,可用于制作海棠花茶,具有滋阴降火、健脾养胃、助消化等功效。海棠花还可以活血化瘀,对慢性肾炎、尿毒症等有一定的辅助治疗作用。


6. **食用价值**:海棠花不仅可以观赏,其果实——海棠果,也可食用。海棠果味酸甜,含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,具有一定的食疗作用。

7. **心理健康**:海棠花的美丽和芬芳,能够愉悦人的身心,有助于缓解压力,提高心理健康水平。

8. **文化传承**:海棠花在中国传统文化中有着悠久的历史,与诗词、绘画等艺术形式密切相关,是中华文化的一部分。


"Yes!" Hong feng answered

"Then wait," Yu Guihai said calmly.
In a short time, several figures came out of Shimen.
The 17th squad looked at it excitedly and wanted to question it for such a long time.
Only to find that a faint coercion swept through the crowd and the words suddenly swallowed back.
"Your captain? Come out to talk. The wind is real. I have something to ask. "A man came out and said coldly.
Yu Guihai is the captain Lu who is the gatekeeper.
"Yu Guihai has seen the real wind" Yu Guihai said in a few steps before.
"Are you small ah what’s the matter? I heard that you met a congenital ghost here? " Wind reality saw him chuckle.
"Report to me that the real person met and was one of the top two ghosts, but they were all killed by my brother." Yu Guihai answered.
"All killed? What ghosts are they? " Wind reality surprised way
"It’s a ghost group led by an innate ghoul, and a black ghost with tentacles. The innate ghoul left a ghost eyeball, and the tentacle monster left nothing in the ghost corpse, and the yin qi was absorbed by my circle."
Yu Guihai answered and took out a green eye like jade and several pieces of flower paper depicting the complex array.
His half-truths are all seen in the squad. The innate ghoul method hides him and tells the truth directly.
And the ghost behind Huang Jinshan five people have not seen him, so he made up a ghost in Huang Jinshan five people and he didn’t have a root.
Doing so also confuses the people behind it. Success can always cover up a thing or two.
The wind reality took a look at it, and then returned the decal to him with a green eyeball, toying with it in his hand and exclaiming, "It’s good that you can slay two big ghosts, and few of them are brothers of the same rank."
Yu Guihai was about to make a modest remark when he heard the wind turn around and said, "I just need this eyeball. Do you need anything?"
Yu Gui Hai Wen immediately said, "Since the real person needs it, I will send the real person. Don’t ask him to seek truth. I will wait for justice."
"oh? Let’s hear it, "the wind reality was slightly startled way
"Report to the real person, I’m here to bring the team members to the vicinity of this entrance. I never thought that this security zone should meet two congenital ghosts one after another. I think there must be something wrong with it."
Yu Guihai immediately answered.
He has already thought about it.
Although Huang Jinshan’s five people were killed by him, these people are likely to be obeying orders. They arranged two congenital ghosts to take the opportunity to kill him.
Now that he’s not dead, the people behind him won’t let it go. It shouldn’t be possible to assassinate him directly in the fortress.
Then it can be a justified reason to suppress him.
For example, he led the ordinary members of the brigade to suffer heavy losses in the cave, and he was punished for Luo Zhi’s crime of Lizongmen Rules.
Although there are often ordinary players near the entrance to the cave, the door of vision does not stop this, but since he has suffered casualties this time, there are many people who have died.
Then once you are motivated, it is likely to cause trouble to him.
Therefore, Yu Guihai simply exposed some things first and directly, which is to pose a threat and let the people behind him get the boat. Instead, he has to cover up some things and calm down the impact of this matter.
"Hum! What can be strange? I think you are making excuses for your own mistakes. "The captain Lu immediately shouted at the smell speech.
Yu Guihai saw his one eye and ignored the fact that he was looking at the wind.
"Well, it’s rare to see two congenital ghosts in a row near the entrance, and it’s just a coincidence that so many people come to your team. Maybe there is a problem." The wind real person nodded and agreed
"I think so, too. I think someone colludes with ghosts and things to murder my classmates and needs real people to check it carefully," Yu Guihai said.
"Let’s talk about it when we go back. Now I want to ask your players something and answer it truthfully." Feng Zhenren waved his hand and said.
"Yes, you’ve heard it. You must know what to say and never cheat." Yu Guihai surrendered to the sea and then ordered the players to say
Then the wind reality asked the players what had happened and the players didn’t hide it.
For example, the reason why I visited Huang Jinshan all the way and met a five-person team, watching them enter the honeycomb stone wall and returning home, encountering congenital ghouls and blocking the road, leaving the team to escape alone and so on.
The wind reality quickly asked and didn’t hear anything unusual, so he nodded and said, "Well, I’m going to the sea. You can take people home first."
"Come back with me if you want."
Yu Guihai then called the rest of the team back to Shimen.
"Now that it’s okay, hello Shimen, I’ll go back. When Fan Zhenren comes back, you can leave according to the facts." Feng Zhenren commanded me to leave immediately.
"Yes!" The gatekeeper team immediately closed Shimen.
Is Lv Yixin sullen for a while and then find a header to find a person on duty for him, then left.
"Are you familiar with Captain Lu, the gatekeeper of Hongfeng?"
17 small group of people to protect Yu Guihai suddenly asked
"You mean Lv Yixin. He is a cruel and cruel person. It is not a good thing to look down on us ordinary brothers!" Flood peak low scold a way
"Oh" Yu Guihai nodded and didn’t say much, but his heart was white. It was hard for him to be surnamed Lu.

"Yes" Meng Xi’s heart is sad, and he is sad. People like himself have a little touched and happy mood.

Old Joe sat cross-legged on the ceiling and said in a low voice, "Whoever can run out and do it together in the first seven days of the seventh year is who."
Meng Xi turned to look around and leaned over and asked, "What is the seventh day?"
"The four mountain airports in the second district have been built. If we don’t do it, we may be transferred to the new project area." Old Joe bowed his head and said, "When you get there, you have to get familiar with the environment again, and … we can’t hide some guys."
"I have to find a way to meet Dachuan before I do it." Meng Xi replied without stopping. "I have to know how he arranged it."
"You don’t believe me?" Old Joe asked with a smile.
"It’s not always necessary to discuss such a big thing," Meng Xi asked. "Can you arrange it?"
Old Joe thought, "If you work in the tunnel, I can arrange it, but you won’t have a chance to contact him on the platform."
Meng Xi touched the bar "so that I can find a way to go to the tunnel one day and you can arrange for me to meet."
"OK" Old Joe promised to come.
Late clock or so.
Beifengkou Wu’s mercenary group set off fireworks and firecrackers worth more than 500 thousand in more than 20 living villages and seven living towns.
The northern land is snowy and the stars are bright.
Fireworks bloom in the dark, and Chinese and people living in the whole Beifengkou area feel the smell of the New Year at this moment.
Most of these people come here from other planned areas around the ninth district to make a living. They are doing some small businesses in the barren land, and they can’t afford to set off fireworks. However, Wu’s mercenary group spends a lot of money to set off fireworks for everyone every year and will also distribute some new year’s goods in moderation.
Wu Tianyin’s words are that it’s been a hard year. Let’s take the big guys with us when our industry is bigger.
When fireworks exploded all over the sky, two private transport helicopters, which looked very ordinary, quietly passed the Beifengkou and arrived at the No.19 mining base.
The helicopter landed in the compound, and a man dressed in the military uniform of the fifth district and with the rank of major general led a dozen people into the main building in a hurry.
Li Zhixun met everyone in the hall with a correct attitude and saluted Major General Male "Hello General Li!"
"How are you going?" The other party quickly asked in Korean as he walked to the inside.
"The mountain airport layout base has ended" Li Zhixun quickly told the other party "Our executives also arrived here in batches and are currently living in Building No.2 waiting for orders"
"This operation will be under my command," General Li said concisely as he stepped into the ladder. "You immediately ordered Lieutenant Colonel officers to come to the meeting."
"Yes!" Li Zhixun nodded.
Room 415, dormitory building
Meng Xi sat on the ceiling and was eating some snacks and sweets sent by the management.
"Brother, where are you from?" The former le Meng Xi neck strong man came over and asked with a smile.
"I … my hometown is Yanbei" Meng Xi replied with a smile.
"Is it a district?"
"Is in the area before" Meng Xi nodded.
"Nice place!" The strong man sat next to Meng Xi and sighed. "Life is just different. Your hometown is in the district. My hometown is gone … I didn’t know where to go when I wanted to go to the grave for the New Year."
"What’s wrong with this? Are we different now? We all stay in this terrible place." Meng Xi replied with a smile.
"Yeah, I hope I can get out."
"How many years have you been here?" Meng Xi asked
"For almost two years, Qiao Ge and I are the first batch to come here." The strong man habitually stubble "… when I left, I told my daughter-in-law that I could give 20 thousand yuan a year here and I would go back to a hotel with her after three or four years of work … Hehe, fuck it … I’ve been lost for almost two years, and I don’t know … what happened to her and her children"
Meng Xi silence
"If you are upset, just talk about it. If you don’t want to listen, we can talk about something else." The strong man scratched his head and replied.
But many people here are honest workers, and most of them are cheated.
"Don’t worry about chatting …!"
Meng Xigang wanted to reply when the door suddenly came several officers and leaders shouted, "Meng Xizhuang, Liu Cheng, you three come out."
Three people smell immediately to meet the past.
The officer knocked on the door with a key and said with a straight face, "There is something wrong with the outer wall line. You three go and repair it."
The three men were reluctant, but they were ordered to carry out the execution and immediately followed the officers and soldiers to the mining area.
After about an hour, everyone changed their jobs at the entrance of the tunnel and went to the familiar platform again.
But this time, the scene inside is completely different.
The qiankuang platform has been full of bombers one after another. These planes were set up by light rail and special passages when workers were resting.
Meng Xi watched in dismay as the foreheads of these planes were covered with sweat.
"Don’t look around and go!" The officer urged 1.
Meng Xi return to absolute being, step and follow each other to the back of the glass door where the rope can be hung.
Shi Jiangxue was also present, and he was also pulled in to repair the line urgently.
"Hurry up and get ready to go out together later." The engineer clapped his hands and shouted
Jiang Xue took the opportunity to gather around Meng Xi and whispered, "So many fucking bombers have been pulled … it is estimated that something big is going to happen. We must send the information out!"
No.19 mining base main building

Secondly, even if Lu Li gets out of trouble temporarily, he must make a choice, such as being able to kill the people in front of him in the face of a flood that eats away people.

During the war, there were so many thoughts in his mind that even he himself was not sure, such as killing and eating people.
However, the more chaotic the thoughts are, the more strong the will is, and the firm belief is exuded, and it is planned to fight for manpower at present.
That eats the soul’s blood at the moment of contact with Gangfeng for nine days, and suddenly burst into a strong repulsive force. Obviously, the nine-day spirit breath is the bane of blood evil spirit.
"Smelling the spirit of nine days will last forever, and those nine days of Gangfeng will wipe out everything. It would be better to want to eat your heart and soul than to be afraid, but if these two forces collide and explode, I will certainly suffer a lot."
The wandering mind rotates and the mind wave flashes continuously at different frequencies, and the biting heart shadow contact tries to get a certain connection.
According to Lu Li’s guess, most of this heart-eating shadow has a unique sense of autonomy, and it should be attenuated to some extent after entering the self-body.
Just after leaving the land, people naturally feel angry and say, "Death!"
Chapter one hundred and twenty-six last stand
Heart-eating people’s momentum suddenly changed, and the lotus flower in the palm of your hand emerged. Two blood-colored balls of several feet suddenly emerged, and there was not much fancy movement. When you shake your arms, two blood cells directly hit the land.
Can to want to dodge is suddenly found that Fiona Fang baizhang was firmly locked his body is almost unable to move!
"Lotus flower dedicated! It’s worth your while to die a little! "
When he spoke, the two blood cells suddenly wriggled like living things, and turned into two camptotheca flowers and attacked the land!
The camptotheca grandiflora is rich in blood, giving off a enchanting and strange feeling, which is constantly magnified in the eyes of the land. Although it is rich in blood, it is lifelike and gives people a very beautiful feeling.
But in the eyes of the land, even if it is beautiful, it can be described as a deadly killer. Once bombarded by it, it will be swallowed up by blood, and it will be doubtful!
It’s this point that makes it easy for Lu Li to peel off the blood evil force in nine days, and then there are only four yuan gods left, but all of them are scarred. Obviously, they have suffered a lot in the fight.
With a change of mind, Lu Li hid these Yuan gods in the area where the nine-day spirit was located through special methods, so that he completely broke off the connection.
These achievements are also blamed on his being so furious and stepping up his offensive to kill the land and land when he is aware of it.
However, there is also a lack of heart-eating, which bothers the whole person. Hate shines in the eyes of the whole person. "Heart-eating and scattered people smell the right way to kill you. You have escaped safely for several years. I wonder if you can get away this time?"
Heart-eating scattered people maintain the real consumption of lotus flower. For him, it can be said that it is not effective, but the anger is still unabated. The heart-eating scattered people actually chose to take back the two lotus flowers of the dedicated flower, and then they retreated and reduced their hands.
Cast a glance at Lu Li’s heart-eating, scattered people and laughed angrily. "Lu Li didn’t expect that your extraordinary talent could actually resolve me. This type of heart-eating killing proved to be a strange man."
Lu Xuan knows that he eats his heart and scatters people’s personality. This person will definitely not be here if he kills people like hemp. He talks nonsense and says, "Don’t talk nonsense and decide whether to win or lose!" It’s just that I want to eat my heart and scatter people to fight for life and death.
I can’t believe that Lu Li won’t give him a chance when he eats his heart. lost face also exudes a tyrannical atmosphere and takes out a sword with a flash of cold light in his hand.
The two swords are separated from each other, and the missiles that are shaken by the wind have a new understanding of the strength that eats the heart and scatters people.
Lu Li’s eyes were cold when he saw this weapon. This sword is absolutely extraordinary. Judging from its breath, it will go beyond the red shadow sword. I don’t know which one is better than Fang Yun’s cold sword.
This sword is full of blood red and contains extremely strong evil spirit. Just touching one side of the sword body may make people be eroded by evil spirit and die, which belongs to poisonous devices.
See Lu Li eyes slightly cold bite heart scattered indifference way "come on, let me see you this smug brother can walk a few moves in my hand? How? This heart-eating sword of mine is not a fairy weapon level. Do you want to kill and seize treasure? "
Lu Lihao said emotionally, "I will take possession of the magic weapon to kill myself?"
Heart-eating scattered people heard the laughter and suddenly turned to a cold tone. "I killed too many people with this sword, but today you will die in my hands!" "
Lu Li sneer at silence in his mind already had a definite plan.
"Today, even crash and burn, this heart-eating scattered person will kill and repair the gap, but the tactic skills can be used to make up for it. If it is at a disadvantage, it can be won by tactical strategy. Although this heart-eating scattered person is several realms higher than me, I must fight this person today! Zhenyuan will always run out, and when the oil is exhausted and the lights are dry, I will lose. It is better to carry out the attack to the end! "
Lu Li is so going to suddenly howl at the sky, and a red shadow sword is suddenly thrown to the baizhang outside behind him.
"Is this little crazy?"
It’s also rain or shine that scatters people’s minds. I don’t know what tricks Lulu is playing. Seeing Lulu’s performance seems to be madness.
"Take it!"
From the whole people, the speed will rise to the limit, and the whole people will step out and jump like tigers crossing the river to avoid the heart-eating and scattered people sweeping the sword and punching out obliquely.
This fist is overbearing. It is the tiger fist that is displayed and eats the heart and scatters people. It is also the right hand that holds the sword and does not retract the block. It is just that the left palm contains blood and blood, and it is a strong fist!
Bang! The loud noise came from far away, only to take a step back, and then immediately jump on the body and dance, once again avoiding eating the heart and scattering people, obliquely cutting two swords and light, and stretching his left fist forward like a snake spitting letters and stabbing the heart and scattering people’s throats.
This time, the heart-devouring scattered people are very quick, and the heart-devouring sword is turned into a perfect broken line. When pushing, a virtual shadow has been drawn towards the land, but fortunately, the land has already predicted otherwise the left arm has been cut.
When you retreat from the land, you are immediately ready to attack again, and the pain in your left palm is worse than if you were hit by a boulder. You didn’t take advantage of the tiger’s fist blow in the land.
Immortals also attach great importance to the flesh. After all, this skin is also the root of practitioners. Although it was scarred at the immortal conference, it was fortunate that it was not fatally injured. The flesh is also mostly traumatic and has no destructive damage. This can only be restored by Dan medicine.
If the whole head is cut off or the hand and foot are broken during the competition, it will take a lot of panacea to recover, but even so, if the palm is crushed, it can be restored by medicinal materials, and it can be left as it is and become a monk without palm.
Unless you are a great avatar, you can use the technique of returning to heaven to make the palm of your hand or take possession of others’ flesh.
A blow to the palm of your hand almost breaks your heart and scatters your anger. If you don’t fight, your skill will rise by 60%.
At the same time, the whole person’s breath changes, and a set of wonderful sword tactics is cast. This sword tactic is more sinister than the sword meaning that Lu Li has seen.
And the sword fern is no longer unusual, but with a poisonous smell, a slight scratch will cause great damage, which can almost be called a heart-eating sword fern!
Chapter one hundred and twenty-seven Mind attack

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The monkey thought about it and decided to come.
"In that case, it’s settled!"
Pig ring said with a smile.
Chapter three hundred and thirty-two Group of demons to attack
After leaving the Flame Mountain, Gao Cai returned to Qingqiushan. When he got back, Gao Cai took out a drop of JingXie from suppressing Niu Mowang’s body.
This Niu Mowang is a headstrong ox with deep heel and powerful strength. This is the only one left since Archaean times. If you refine this drop of Jingxue, it will not only be of great benefit to your body, but also make yourself the second headstrong ox in the world.
Slowly refining this drop of Jingxue, the shape of a talented person changes, and a head exudes vicissitudes of life. The bull stands tall and indomitable, and it is covered with stars and looks down on the heavens and the earth.
Change: behind this ancient and headstrong cow, the high talent drinks loudly, and a cow crows and vibrates in the world of Nanshan Prefecture.
After the change, Gao Cai took back the mang ox’s cross legs and took out the banana fan to concentrate on refining this innate treasure.
The spirit slowly permeates into the banana fan, reciting the formula while looking for the Yuanling in the banana fan, and slowly refining the Yuanling in the banana fan.
In the formula with the banana fan Yuan Ling, it was slowly refined by Gao Cai and became a part of Gao Cai’s spirit.
After refining this banana fan, Gao Cai summoned Yuzhen slightly and smiled at Yuzhen and said, "Yuzhen, this is an innate spiritual treasure. In the future, you will be in charge of the mountain spiritual treasure of Qingqiushan Town, making me a famous mountain in Qingqiushan!"
Smiling, he said that Zhonggao gave the banana fan directly to Yuzhen. With this banana fan, he would not worry about the safety of Qingqiushan when he walked in the future.
If you want to make this banana fan, you can also find Yuzhen to make it.
"Thank you, husband!"
Yu Zhen, who took over the banana fan, looked very happy. With this banana fan, even if he couldn’t repair it himself, he could determine the position of the big woman. When he looked very happy.
"You can arrange it. I have something to deal with!"
After finishing these talents, you have to think about how to suppress Niu Mowang. This guy has forced himself to use his strength to suppress a few treasures and has to think about it himself.
Wanted to think, this Niu Mowang can be suppressed in Qingqiu Mountain, and it can be suppressed well, which hinders many treasures in his hands.
But this Niu Mowang is also a big trouble. Now that he has been suppressed by himself, we must find an excuse to deal with the heaven and prevent those brothers in Niu Mowang from coming to find their own trouble.
I think I have sinned against the dumpling demon king in the Seven Sages and several other people in Niu Mowang who are afraid that I won’t spare myself.
Even if you want to release this Niu Mowang now, you can’t suppress it yourself. If you want to release this cow in Niu Mowang, you have to wait for your strength to surpass others.
Otherwise, the couple will be able to shrink in this large array of green hills and mountains to resist the fear of besieging themselves together
Thought of here, Gao Cai suddenly felt that he was temporarily soft-hearted and found himself a big trouble.
I am slightly depressed, but I have no regrets. If I don’t save this Niu Mowang, I will strengthen my Buddhist strength and I am afraid I won’t get the banana fan, a congenital treasure.
Risk and return are always equal, and now I have suppressed it in Qingqiu Mountain myself.
When the hands of a little activated the true shape map of the five mountains of Qingqiu Mountain and the array of gods and evil spirits, five huge light and shadow suddenly floated out of Qingqiu Mountain.
In the light and shadow of the mountain, a giant floating around the foot and the stars overlooking the ten sides of heaven and earth.
After the activation of the front of Mount Qingqiu, Gao Cai gently flipped Poseidon’s hand, sat in a colorful god and slowly flew out of the palm of his hand. Suddenly, a huge and too headstrong cow stared at a pair of unwilling and angry eyes and slowly disappeared into the screen of Wuyue Mountain.
Was slowly suppressed by five mountains.
In the suppression of the mountains, the virtual heavenly fiend slowly moved, and his huge hands slowly held down Niu Mowang’s identity and pressed it in the large array deep in the mountainside of Qingqiu Mountain.
This press into the Wuyue Mountain instead of the five-color mountain slowly disappeared into Niu Mowang’s body
In a huge noise, Niu Mowang was completely suppressed. Only after suppressing this ancient and headstrong cow did Gao Cai think about it and gently merged into Niu Mowang’s body.