
1. **祛风湿**:毛狗具有祛风湿的功效,适用于治疗由风寒湿邪引起的痹痛、腰膝酸痛等症状。

2. **补肝肾**:毛狗能够滋补肝肾,对于肝肾不足引起的腰膝酸软、足痿无力等有良好的改善作用。


3. **强壮筋骨**:狗脊有强壮筋骨的效果,可以用于治疗腰背无力、四肢关节疼痛、屈伸不利等。

4. **治疗腰痛项强**:适用于因风寒湿邪侵袭经络,导致的腰痛、项强、不能仰俯等症状。

5. **妇女病症**:对于妇女因虚寒引起的腰膝酸软、脚气无力、须发早白、牙齿松动、尿频遗尿或寒湿带下等症状,毛狗也有一定的治疗作用。

6. **温补作用**:毛狗具有很强的温补作用,适合寒性体质的人群。


– **阴虚火旺者**:毛狗的温补作用可能会导致体内火气过旺,因此阴虚火旺的人群不宜服用。


– **湿热下注者**:湿热体质的人使用毛狗可能会加重体内湿热的症状。



1. **生津止渴**:乌梅中含有丰富的有机酸,如柠檬酸、苹果酸等,这些成分能够刺激唾液腺分泌,有效缓解口干口渴的症状,对于消暑解渴特别有效。

2. **促进消化**:乌梅的酸性成分可以刺激唾液腺和胃腺分泌消化液,促进胃肠蠕动,有助于食物的消化和吸收,对于改善消化不良和提振食欲有显著作用。

3. **抑菌杀菌**:现代药理学研究表明,乌梅对多种致病菌,如霍乱杆菌、痢疾杆菌等,具有一定的抑制作用,有助于预防和治疗相关感染。

4. **抗氧化**:乌梅水能刺激腮腺荷尔蒙的分泌,有助于预防细胞老化,具有抗氧化作用。

5. **清血**:乌梅水可以帮助清扫血液,使血液流动量正常化,排除过量的酸素,对于维持血液循环健康有益。

6. **保护消化系统**:乌梅水具有消毒功能,可以防止食物在肠胃里腐化,保护消化系统的健康。

7. **增进食欲**:乌梅水含有较多的苹果酸,饮用后能增进食欲,适合食欲不振、胃口不好的人群。

8. **解酒**:乌梅水具有解酒、清新口气的功效,对治疗口臭及宿醉的效果也比较好。

9. **治疗便秘**:乌梅水具有润肠通便的功效,对轻度的便秘有很好的治疗作用。

10. **预防感冒**:乌梅水富含维生素C等免疫系统所需的营养物质,能够提高免疫力,预防感冒。


11. **缓解疲劳**:乌梅水中含有多种有益成分,如有机酸、维生素和矿物质等,能够增强身体的代谢能力,缓解疲劳感。

12. **保护肝脏**:乌梅水具有保护肝脏的功效,能够增强肝细胞的活力,减少酒精和药物等有害物质对肝脏的损伤。



1. **营养补充**:这类丸剂通常含有对大脑有益的营养成分,如DHA、EPA、欧米伽-3脂肪酸、B族维生素、叶酸、铁、锌等,这些成分对于维持大脑健康和促进大脑功能至关重要。

2. **改善记忆**:DHA和EPA等Omega-3脂肪酸被认为能够改善大脑中的信息传递,从而增强记忆力。


3. **促进神经细胞生长**:某些丸剂中的成分如多肽、氨基酸等有助于神经细胞的生长和分化,促进神经网络的建立。

4. **增强神经传导**:通过提供必需的营养物质,这些丸剂可以加强神经细胞间的信息传递,提升大脑处理信息的能力。


5. **提高血液循环**:一些成分能够促进血液循环,增加大脑的血液供应,确保大脑获得足够的氧气和营养。

6. **减轻疲劳和焦虑**:补充大脑营养有助于减轻因工作压力或精神紧张引起的疲劳和焦虑,进而改善睡眠质量。

7. **保护大脑免受氧化应激**:富含抗氧化剂的成分可以保护大脑免受自由基的损害,延缓大脑衰老。

8. **促进脑细胞新陈代谢**:某些丸剂中的成分有助于促进脑细胞的新陈代谢,维持大脑活力。

9. **增强认知功能**:通过改善大脑的多个方面,这些丸剂可以整体提升认知功能,包括注意力、反应速度和决策能力。

10. **辅助治疗神经退行性疾病**:一些丸剂可能对辅助治疗如阿尔茨海默病等神经退行性疾病有一定的帮助。



1. **燥湿和胃**:陈皮具有燥湿和胃的作用,能够帮助改善湿阻中焦、脘腹胀闷等症状。


2. **理气健脾**:陈皮和生姜都有行气散寒的作用,可以促进身体的新陈代谢和消化吸收,从而达到健脾理气的效果。

3. **补中益气**:红糖含有丰富的微量元素和维生素,具有补中益气的功效,能够补充身体所需的能量。

4. **缓急止痛**:红糖能够缓解疼痛,对于腹痛、胃痛等有舒缓作用。

5. **活血散寒**:红糖和生姜都有活血散寒的效果,对于宫寒、痛经等症状有改善作用。

6. **解表散寒**:生姜主要用于解表散寒,对于风寒感冒有很好的治疗作用。


7. **止咳化痰**:陈皮和生姜都有助于止咳化痰,对于咳嗽痰多的情况有一定的缓解作用。


8. **促进血液循环**:生姜中的姜辣素能够促进身体血液循环,有助于改善血液循环不良。

9. **改善食欲不振**:陈皮生姜红糖水可以改善食欲不振、恶心呕吐等症状。

10. **预防感冒**:经常饮用陈皮生姜红糖水可以有效预防感冒。




1. **养心安神**:酸杏仁性味甘、平,归心经,对于心悸失眠、心烦不寐、睡眠质量较差的人群,适量食用酸杏仁可以通过滋补心经来达到养心安神、促进睡眠的效果。

2. **敛汗**:对于体虚多汗、晚上盗汗的人,酸杏仁具有收敛的作用,能够有效敛汗,提高身体素质。

3. **润肺止咳**:酸杏仁中含有丰富的蛋白质、微量元素和维生素,具有祛痰、止咳、润肺的功效,对控制人体内胆固醇含量和降低慢性病的发生有积极作用。

4. **润肠通便**:酸杏仁中的营养物质能够提高肠内容物对黏膜的润滑作用,有助于润肠通便。


1. **中医观点**:中医认为,杏肉味酸、性热,有小毒。过量食用可能会伤及筋骨、诱发老病,甚至可能导致落眉脱发、影响视力。对于孕妇、产妇及儿童,过量食用酸杏仁还可能引发疮疖。

2. **胃部影响**:鲜杏酸性较强,过量食用可能增加胃酸分泌,引起胃病,同时可能腐蚀牙齿,诱发龋齿。


3. **过敏反应**:部分人群可能对酸杏仁中的某些成分过敏,食用后可能出现不适反应。

4. **苦杏仁中毒**:鲜杏仁中含有苦杏仁苷,过量食用可能转化为有毒的氢氰酸,导致中毒,严重时甚至危及生命。



1. **镇心安神**:紫石英可以缓解心悸、怔忡、惊痫等症状,对于精神紧张、焦虑不安、失眠多梦等神经系统问题有较好的疗效。

2. **温肺下气**:对于肺寒引起的咳逆上气、气急、胸部胀闷、咳嗽痰多等症状,紫石英有温肺下气的作用。


3. **暖宫**:紫石英对于女性宫寒不孕、四肢寒冷、慢性盆腔炎、宫颈炎等妇科疾病有一定的治疗作用。

4. **助阳**:紫石英有温肾助阳的作用,适用于肾阳不足、性欲淡漠等症。

5. **治疗不孕症**:对于因肝血症引起的不孕症,紫石英有一定的治疗效果。

6. **驱寒降逆**:紫石英可以驱除寒邪,降低逆气,适用于风寒感冒引起的头痛、恶寒、痰多以及胸闷等症状。


7. **治疗痈肿毒等**:紫石英醋淬后,可以用于治疗痈肿毒等外部感染。


– **剂量控制**:紫石英中含有大量的氧化钙,过量使用可能会对心脏、肾脏等器官造成损伤,因此应严格按照医嘱服用。

– **体质禁忌**:阴虚火旺者不宜服用紫石英。

– **炮制方法**:紫石英在入药前需经过特定的炮制方法,如火煅醋淬等,以确保其药效。


"I didn’t know before his mother that my order to Xiaobaida was to send troops out with a mouth, but this little drill went straight to Fuyang to make a mouth." Qin Yunai replied, "He has mobilized me. Now Xun Chengwei’s 121 Huncheng Brigade and Ou Xiaobin’s 122 Brigade have no way to retreat. They can help him fight for help in Bidu area."

"I’m white," Teng Pang immediately replied, "You can rest assured that I know what to do."
"Okay, that’s it."
After the two sides ended the call, Teng Pang immediately rushed to the division commander and shouted, "Inform all the troops at the front not to attack at a single point, and rush to our department for multi-point impact to drag the enemy’s 30,000-person department to the north side."
Fuyang southwest attack line
"Boom boom …!"
The mortar position of the 191st Brigade moved forward again. When the enemy was captured, the position was rebuilt, and then it was attacked at the deep defense zone.
Xiaobai in the central area saw that the frontier troops had been fighting with the defenders of the 325th armored division. After a battle, he directly took off his distribution coat and personally picked up an automatic rifle. He shouted, "The guards of the brigade headquarters and the officers of the brigade headquarters have all taken off their shoulders and changed their ranks for private soldiers."
The company commander of the "brigade commander" guard company swallowed and said, "You can’t …!"
"You know a fart! Senior officers don’t enter the worst battlefield to feel the intensity of the war, which will always be a paper talk about soldiers. "Xiaobai glared at his eyes and replied," Fuck your mother, you haven’t killed the general for such a long time. Today, you are all ready to bypass the positive ridge line. "
At this moment, all the troops in Fuyang area have ensured that the security department of the 325th armored division is in the central area.
Yoko Daya grabbed Ou Xiaobin’s arm and said in a low voice, "We must cross this area before the battle of Fuyang is over, but we may encounter enemy reconnaissance units halfway … so you must be careful to ensure the concealment of the troops."
"I know" Ou Xiaobin nodded.
Fang stretched out his palm and looked at him with fangs. "Bon voyage!"
"Have a safe trip!" Ou Xiaobin reached out and clenched his fists with his fangs. After a long time, they looked at each other. Ou Xiaobin took people first.
Follow Ou Xiaobin. Meng Xi looked back at Dachuan, while the latter yi tooth said, "Old Meng saved his life. Don’t fucking die. We still have to do great things in Chuanfu!"
Meng Xi nodded and quickly followed Ou Xiaobin to leave.
Five minutes later, the Pu Corps counterattacked the front battlefield of the Fuyang area with 20,000 troops.
Pu Blind, commander-in-chief of the old triangle region, personally conducted the command in the trench less than three kilometers away from the battlefield center.
It’s been suppressed for too long! !
Since the war in the old triangle, the army Coalition formed by Guchuan Fupu has not only failed to make a breakthrough, but has also fallen into a face disadvantage
The original plan of this counterattack was that Gu Qinpu sent troops to defeat the frontier corps stationed in the Northeast Theater in Fuyang area.
However, I didn’t expect Jiang Hanshan to temporarily change his tactical intention to three san’s main battlefield. However, Xiaobai led the 191st Brigade, but it was like an indestructible spearman coming out of the estuary and then obliquely inserted it into Fuyang area from the side. Only 6,000 troops instantly muddied three battlefields, forcibly moving the enemy’s envisaged main battlefield in three san back to Fuyang area, and even mixing Jiang Hanshan’s center with anti-encirclement tactics in all directions into a confrontational attack in three areas, causing the other side’s advantage to swing.
The significance of this battle is not only to suppress and fight back, but also to mean that the grassroots generals in Sichuan Province have risen and shined.
Jin Shengnan, the command of the Northeast Theater of the Fifth District, frowned and said urgently, "Order the army to stop attacking three san and support the Fuyang battlefield. We must not lose it here!"
Chapter 195 Jiang Han is rewarded with kindness
In the large-scale corps battle, no one can guarantee that the scheduled plan will unfold smoothly. The battlefield situation is changing rapidly. It tests not only the strategic vision and tactical command ability of the supreme commander, but also the ability of the supreme commander to read the battlefield in real time and control the direction of the war.
Fuyang area is in the center of the battlefield, and if there is a war situation here, it will be reversed. The 191st brigade of Chuanfu, a 20,000-strong army, can choose to support Bidu battlefield in the south, and the 121,122 brigade of Chuanfu, a 57-strong army, can attack the main force of the southern theater of Zone 5 together. It is also possible to deploy the main force of the northeast theater of 30,000 people to attack the north of Fuyang.
Suo Jin Shengnan’s order to withdraw Junda from three san to support Fuyang area was very decisive and wise.
Fuyangling Qiushanfang 325 Armored Division Headquarters
Jiang Hanshan braved fine sweat on his forehead and stared at the sand table. He said quickly, "Have the two regiments retreated to the defense zone at present?"
"We returned, but the battle damage was more than half." The chief of staff immediately said, "Pu Zaihe’s elite attack troops are going to climb from the front and attack the defense zones on both sides of our ridge line."
"United with three regiments of the 326th Division, let them reinforce the defensive zones along both sides of the ridge line, and at the same time ordered our infantry regiment to send more troops to the mountain artillery regiment position to resist the impact of Pu Corps." Jiang Hanshan immediately adjusted his defensive tactics.
"Teachers, the other side’s offensive force is almost three times that of our defenders. Personally, I think HQ should retreat and wait for the arrival of support troops to fight back, otherwise …!" The chief of staff wants to discourage
"Withdrawing now is a fear of war." Jiang Hanshan replied firmly with a wave of his hand. "If HQ loses its determination to win the defense, the morale of grass-roots troops will collapse! Don’t do this again. I just ordered it! "
"Yes!" Chief of staff nodded.
The enemy’s 326th division left three regiments in Jiang Hanshan’s deployment and quickly added to the defense zone to increase the defense strength.
in half an hour
The 191st Brigade cooperated with Pu’s main force to frantically attack the enemy’s central defense zone around Lingqiu Mountain.
This kind of tough battle is very difficult to fight. The other side has the advantage of mountain terrain and has dug up the chain trench defense points that intersect and support each other. Every time the attacker pushes forward, he will pay a very tragic price.
After nearly an hour of fierce fighting between the two sides, the situation is still inseparable!

Blood mosquitoes sneered and cried, "Come and watch me break you!"

Blood mosquitoes murmured, reached out and grabbed six black ropes before flying out. Six long black ropes fell into the hands of blood mosquitoes, and blood mosquitoes coldly shouted, "Do you dare to bring these collars to the fore? The magic of Heshan Road cannot be used by our brothers. "
Chapter 37 Huang Xianer
Chen Qi secretly complained, "How can these monsters get worse than one? I still ran away." Thought of here, Chen Qi didn’t even say hello to the six black ropes. Li Mei Mei turned around and left.
Seeing that Chen Qi was about to run, the blood mosquito hurriedly chased after him, but the two fire crows could not hurt him, but they could resist the enemy. Chen Qi left two fire crows to resist the enemy and pulled Li Mei Mei to run out of the twenty or thirty miles in one breath. This was the only way to transport the fire crow array and summon the two fire crows back, but Chen Qi didn’t expect that when the two fire crows flew back, the blood mosquito changed its original shape and followed all the way.
It’s a day before Chen Qinai can perform his old trick again.
In the evening, when Chen Qi saw a village in front of him, he said to Li Meimei, "That mosquito is so delicate and clingy. Let’s go to that village to beg for food first and then try our best to get rid of him!" Li Mei Mei naturally has no objection to following Chen Qi into the village.
The Zhuzhi Sect has a strong influence in Dou Liang County. It often walks around Poyang Fucheng and knows that this village is called Wanjia Village.
Wanjia Village is not a village with a family name of Wan, but because the people in this village come from all directions, it has gradually formed such a village. Every family comes from different places, so it has its name. This village is located in several official roads, and there are many business trips in the past, so it is also quite lively. There are not only restaurants in the village, but also people who borrow houses instead of inns.
Li Mei Mei found a familiar family. When he saw that it was a bamboo branch gang, the three Wang did not dare to neglect it. He immediately put out the best room in the house and let Chen Qi and Li Mei Mei live in it.
Chen Qi and Li Mei Mei fled all day, exhausted, and did not consider the pursuers behind them. They all slept in their pockets. Chen Qi, after all, took two kinds of Daoism and worked on his own, and after sleeping for the middle of the night, his energy recovered.
Chen Qiyi woke up to see that it was still late at night, so he thought about going to sleep for a while. He practiced Taihua Dragon Tactics and Fire Crow Array Method once respectively, and he has already got through 90 orifices. The true qi has been extremely strong, and he can’t hold his breath, and his body is constantly refined. In the future, he will become a real dragon and lay a solid foundation. The fire crow array is another situation. Chen Qi suddenly gave birth to an idea in 72 fire orifices, and he had to train himself, so that 72 fire crows could be regarded as the initial kung fu of the fire crow array.
Chen Qi was thinking about these two formulas when he suddenly heard some noise in the next room. It seemed that someone was arguing. When they came to stay, they had heard the host say that the next room was a house. But Chen Qi heard that the next room was very urgent and said that his voice was quite strange. As soon as he turned over, he sat up. He didn’t bother Li Mei Mei to quietly leave the house and transport her flying skills over the wall.
The courtyard next door has been very dilapidated for a long time, but in a main house, there are two strands of faint yellow and green light wandering around, perhaps like a jack-o’-lantern floating.
Chen Qi is not afraid of ghosts when he has never learned spells. At this time, he is not afraid of sneaking up near the window. From the broken window paper, he squinted and looked into the room. Two small animals the size of a cat were fighting. One was white and the other was yellow, biting and chirping. Just now, the movement was made by these two small animals.
"Hey, the little white beast looks familiar … like Xun Yuzao, the little fox, and she’s not dead! Still arguing with what monster beast? "
Chen Qi, although some martial arts have also refined the true qi, has not yet reached the point of practicing the true qi into a virtual room, and can also be regarded as a daytime vision. It took a long time to distinguish that the little beast fighting with Xun Yuzao was a "Huang Xianer"
Huang Xianer is a weasel, which is mostly cunning and cruel. After it becomes refined, it likes to be a person on the side of the road and call passers-by. If someone doesn’t notice an acquaintance and asks him to answer, he will follow the breath to harm people in the middle of the night.
"Xun Yuzao your home is dead and so stubborn. If you marry me, I will avenge you. Wouldn’t it be a pair of good things? If you have to be so reluctant, you should be careful that I go to those people and put you out. "
"Yellow leather, you are full of nonsense. Where can you avenge me? You fishing in danger is not a good man … "
"Xun Yuzao, I’m Huang Pier, but I’m Huang Xianer."
Chen Qi looked at the heart andao for a long time. "This Huang Xianer is also interesting to know that the opportunity is rare to fish in troubled waters, but since it hit an Chen Da’s hand, it might be a cross."
Although Chen Qi has lost six black ropes, there are still four pieces of Heshan Road Instruments. When he waved his hand, he released the black light from Wuyin bag into a circle, and the Taihu Lake demon and others repaired the Heshan Road Instruments. However, the weasel’s elite cultivated into essence and was barely able to take shape soon. The black aperture changed by Wuyin bag cried and could not move and was swallowed by Wuyin bag.
As before, the five yin bags only swallowed the head of Huang Xianer, Chen Qiti, and the dragon tactic was too strong, so they forced the head of weasel to swallow the essence, which made Chen Qiti really strong and thickened by one point.
Xun Yuzao was fighting with Huang Pier, and suddenly a black aperture flew out of the window to "take away" the weasel essence, and his heart was too scary to care for, so he rushed away with his small waist and melted into dust.
Chen Qi smiled and didn’t stop the heart. "Miss Wan Da and those military men in black are fierce, and Wang Changsheng’s spells are extremely fierce. How did this little fox escape?"
He didn’t turn the footsteps when he heard someone call him behind him. When he turned his head to look, it was Xun Yuzao. This little fox was quite embarrassed. Looking at Chen Qi’s eyes with tears in his eyes, he was also afraid of some small samples.
Chen Qi is hungry and I don’t know what to do, such as comforting the little fox whose family is ruined. Wen Hao said, "How did you escape alone? Is there anyone else in your Xun family? "
Xun Yuzao heard Chen Qi’s gentle voice and jumped into Chen Qi’s arms crying and saying, "I went to Huangpi ‘er’s abode of fairies and immortals to find you. It was the place where you hid for the first time that escaped this robbery, but I couldn’t get rid of it … I don’t know if anyone else in Xun’s family escaped. Please help me!"
Hearing this little fox pleading softly, Chen Qi also sighed and said, "If I am a clay idol crossing the river myself, can I help you?" Chen Qi didn’t even think straight. He said euphemistically, "Fox, I just provoked the Taihu demon and was chased by blood mosquitoes. You are in some danger with me now."
Xun Yuzao was born in the monster clan. Although Xun’s family has never been a master, he knows all about the demon clan. He was horrified. "How can you get out of the Taihu demon again?" I heard that Taihu Lake Demon took refuge in Huntian Demon King Lao Huang Jing Shan Jun 40 years ago, and when he got Huntian Demon King’s training, he was able to ride the wind, even my sister Xun Jinling was no match. "
Chen Qi, of course, refused to talk about the Heshan Sutra and the three pages of gold, saying that he didn’t know the Taihu demon.
Xun Yuzao is a fox demon, but she grew up in Xunjiazhuang and has been in contact with the outside. Although she told Chen Qi that she hated human beings very much, she was also influenced by her family. Her heart was somewhat prejudiced. She was saved once by Chen Qi, and this time it was a family wreck. Suddenly, she felt that she relied on hearing that Chen Qi had provoked such a powerful demon as Taihu Lake Demon to detain Chen Qi.
Chen Qi made many excuses to see the little fox at a loss, but he refused to share with himself, so he was too lazy to say more. He thought slightly and said, "You have nothing to do now, and you should not stir up when I start work with people." Xun Yuzao nodded slightly and agreed to Chen Qi, and led her back to the beautiful girl in the lodging room.
When Chen Qi went out, Li Mei Mei, the three Wang, was awakened. When she saw Chen Qi’s rotation, she brought a charming little girl, and she couldn’t help smiling. "I said, how did Chen Da take charge of going out in the middle of the night? I didn’t know who this little sister was so beautiful?"
Chen Qi’s eyes stopped with a cold hum. Xun Yuzao forbade her to speak and didn’t answer Li Mei’s flattery. She just pressed her hands and said, "The blood mosquito hasn’t moved yet, but it should be coming to us soon. This time, we must find a way to kill him here, or it will be a big trouble sooner or later to have such a ghost who has lost his boots."
Li mei mei saw that Chen qi had some precautions against her, but she still had a strange heart. "Where did this little thief cheat such a good girl back?" This girl looks so beautiful and her clothes are quite gorgeous. She looks like a daughter of a big family … "
Chen Qizheng is discussing with Li Meimei to kill blood mosquitoes as designed, but he doesn’t know that this big demon has turned back to Zhuyin Mountain.
Blood mosquitoes and Chen Qi fought several times, knowing that they could not stand it alone. After getting rid of the entanglement of two fire crows last night, they didn’t continue to catch up, but rushed back to Zhuyin Mountain as soon as possible to certify.

Lin Yang, Liu Xiangcheng and Ma Wanwen all rushed to Zhou Liang and put up the middle finger.

"The three brothers don’t take such bullying …" Zhou Liang was hit hard and pursed his mouth to be cute.
Seeing this, Lin Yang, Liu Xiangcheng and Ma Wanwen were all dead.
Time flies in this tired and busy military training day.
Another week later, Lin Yang received a message that Wen Xiaoqi was discharged from the hospital and returned to school.
Although Wen Xiaoqi’s treatment was completed by Chen Shiwen’s medical skill, Wen Xiaoqi was the first patient of Lin Yang anyway. What’s worse, she was a fellow countryman and high school classmate of Lin Yang, so she should visit him.
So this afternoon, after the military training, Lin Yang went to the fruit stand outside the school to grind his teeth and bought a few pounds of apples-there was no way to stop grinding his teeth, but it took him two days to pay for the meal. If it weren’t for Wang Shizhen, he would really love to die.
Once a rich man who spent a lot of money, now he spends only a dozen or twenty dollars … I really don’t know what he would laugh at if his former friends knew about this matter.
Lin Yang came to the Art College with this bag of apples.
Lin Yang, looking at the dormitory building of the Art College, suddenly remembered a very important thing-he didn’t know which building and room Wen Xiaoqi lived in.
"Fortunately, I left her mobile phone number before." Lin Yang quickly took out from her pocket and had already stopped production. Nokia 31 dug out Wen Xiaoqi’s phone number and dialed the past.
Melodious ringtone rang a few words and then turned on Wen Xiaoqi that for a long time didn’t hear the sound from the mobile phone "Lin Yang, how did you think of calling me? Can I help you? "
I can hear that she is still very happy about Lin Yang’s call.
I had already thought about the rhetoric when I came to Linyang. "I heard that you were ill and hospitalized not long ago, and you didn’t return to school until two days ago, so you wanted to visit me. As a result, you came to your art college and suddenly remembered that I didn’t know which dormitory you lived in …"
There was a silvery smile in the phone, and Wen Xiaoqi said, "I’m in Building A. Give me a message when you arrive and I’ll pick you up."
"Good" Lin Yang should hang up and look for a dormitory building in the Art College.
Ten minutes later, Lin Yang finally found a dormitory building next to an artificial lake with a small area.
What makes him wonder is that this A dormitory building is actually a large group of boys.
Isn’t this the girls’ dormitory? Why do you gather so many boys?
In fact, it is precisely because this is a girls’ dormitory that so many boys gather here.
You know, this is the girls’ dormitory of the Art College of West China University, and the girls recruited by the Art College every year are excellent in appearance, temperament and mind. Under such circumstances, a large group of wolves gather in the freshman A girls’ dormitory … Oh, no, it is not surprising that it is a large group of boys!
These boys have flowers and guitars in their arms, and they are all shocked when they see a bag of apples coming here to Linyang.
What’s the situation?
Shouldn’t you be playing the piano and giving flowers to Bo? Why did someone come with a bag of apples? Is he trying to get a good impression by sending apples? But how can he get a good impression when he eats that apple?
Everyone looked at Lin Yang with curiosity and wonder. There are disdain and disdain, but none of them value him.
Even a boy holding a rose said to him in a n experienced tone, "Go home, buddy, don’t come here for a wave. Let’s see if we are either playing the piano with our guitars on our backs or holding flowers to strike up a conversation … What do you mean when you come with a bag of apples? Do these sister papers still covet your apples? And look at you, there are not many apples in this bag … "
Lin Yang shook his head. "You misunderstood that I didn’t come here to pick up girls."
"Not here to pick up girls? Then what are you doing here? " The boy holding a rose is puzzled.
Lin Yangxiao smiled and didn’t answer his question. He reached into his pocket and prepared to take out his cell phone and call Wen Xiaoqi, but at this time he saw a familiar figure coming towards him.
It is Wen Xiaoqi.
After approaching, Wen Xiaoqi looked into the bag and said cheerfully, "The apple looks good. Can you give me one?"
"This bag is full of you," Lin Yang replied.
"Really? Well, let’s go with me and help send it to my dormitory. "Say Wen Xiaoqi turned and walked towards the dormitory door. Lin Yang naturally followed behind her.
"Really? Is that ok?"
Look at Lin Yang, led by Wen Xiaoqi, walking into that girl’s dormitory, which is insurmountable for most boys. These boys holding flowers and guitars froze their faces and their expressions were wonderful to the extreme.
"I finally understand that he really didn’t come to pick up a girl … he just came to be picked up by a girl!" Holding roses, the boy muttered to himself with a face of envy and jealousy.
At the scene, many boys have poured out such a question in their hearts. "Is it true that these girls like to eat apples because they are not good at literature and art or roses?"
The most direct impact brought by this is that the apples in the fruit stalls near West China University will be sold out of stock for a long time to come …
Of course, these things have nothing to do with Lin Yang.
Following Wen Xiaoqi to her dormitory, Lu Linyang has been watching her.
After these days, Chen Shiwen carefully taught Lin Yang to have a further understanding and mastery of the five-qi concept. At this moment, he is analyzing and diagnosing his physical recovery by observing Wen Xiaoqi’s complexion and expression.

The door sent away the ram’s green cream, and I was lost in thought again, but this time I thought it wasn’t the ram’s green cream king kong cannon, which one looked more accurately. I thought it was who I really was, and what words of ram’s green cream would comfort me?

I thought that I had left Bai Jiuyi with a perfect body when I pressed the key, hoping that she could find a man who could accompany her through her life. I had my own "noble" sentiment and felt great.
However, after going through many things, I found that I was not noble, and I couldn’t even talk about being single-minded. Wang Yanpei loved dialogue and love. In the end, it was a mess. I let Bai Jiuyi pursue happiness, but when I heard the news that she was married, I felt as bad as death. I used to love someone to let her go to find happiness. Now I don’t think so much. True love is cowardice.
"The horse went to Tu Shan to see what happened to her," I said to myself.
"What about Wang Yanpei? Her soul is still in the underworld. What I did was a betrayal of the dead." I hesitated and sat down again
"I’m a man. Go." Get up.
"I’m a man and I can’t go." Sit down.
….. "What are you doing here?" Just when I was fidgeting, King Kong cannon came in with a pack of cooked food, and there was still some heat in the cooked food. This guy must have just bought it from the mountain.
"It’s too long to be active when closed." I smiled and perfunctory.
"Eat" King Kong cannon put a paper bag.
"What’s so shy?" I frown at the meat on the table.
"Don’t you like this thing best?" King Kong cannon hit the paper bag.
"I have no appetite." I waved my hand to indicate that the King Kong cannon was taken away. After reaching the peak of purple gas, I was quite resistant to this kind of meat food, including cigarettes, and I didn’t want to smoke any more.
"Then have a drink." King Kong Bao took a can of my favorite drink from his pocket and sent it to me.
"What do you want?" I wonder that it’s nothing to watch this guy buy food for me. It’s like serving my uncle. My humble attitude makes me suspicious again. As the saying goes, courting is either rape or theft. This guy is bound to have something.
"Hey hey hey ….." King Kong cannon awkward.
"Speak," I urged.
"You are at the peak of your purple spirit. You can use this spell. I want to ask you a favor." King Kong Bao rolled his eyes.
"You and I are brothers and said that it didn’t do anything?" I put the drink on the table.
"Look, I didn’t mean to lie to you with Zhuifeng. You can’t really be angry with us," said King Kong Gun.
"I’m not angry. Just say it. What do you want me to do?" I asked impatiently.
"I don’t want you to do anything. I want you not to do anything." King Kong Gun looked awkward. "Don’t always float around to scare people at night."
"What are you trying to say?" I was confused by the king kong cannon.
"It’s not good not to go to my house to scare the children at night." I can hardly hear the sound of King Kong cannon.
"Don’t worry, when Yuan Shen was absorbed for three days," I couldn’t help laughing. Several children had already moved to the fifth room with Xiaoxue. This guy was worried that I would scare him when I pressed the key.
"The grass said earlier that the pig’s trotters topped the eggs." King Kong Bao grabbed the cooked food and the bottle of drinks and turned and walked out.
"You don’t take this bear drink …"
Chapter 25 Hidden Mountain Man
Knowing that Bai Jiuyi didn’t get married, I suddenly felt a lot easier, so I didn’t know that I was in a better mood.
At this time, I naturally can’t get away from the ceremony of Ziyang Guanpai, but I have underestimated my priorities. I still have to distinguish clearly.
Before a brisk walk, I grabbed the drink from the King Kong gunner and took a few sips. I walked to the next room where the elder brother Wen Xiaofeng was lying at the moment.
"Do you want to wake up the old?" King Kong cannon kicked pig’s trotters into his pocket and leaned over.
"Wait until the day before the pie." I handed the drink to the King Kong cannon. The situation is not optimistic. We don’t know how long it will last after waking up, but one thing is certain: it will never be long.
"Let’s go and see how old you are. There are many things waiting for you to come out." King Kong Bao also sighed. Although Mu Na was stupid in his previous life, his temperament was good.
Wandering away from the warm wind room, I couldn’t wait to be dragged into the king kong gun room. After they got married, they lived in the king kong gun room. At this moment, all the things needed for the pie were placed.
"Do you think this robe needs to be modified?" Mu Zhuifeng pointed to a silk-embroidered purple robe, which was tattooed with five noble and dignified elements embroidered on the back of Yin and Yang. The real teacher, the three saints, wore exactly the same robes, so don’t ask, don’t know, it is the robe for palm teaching.
"Elder martial sister, your heart is broken." I am grateful to Chong Mu Zhuifeng for nodding my head. Without Mu Zhuifeng, Kong Bao and I would have made a mess.