
### 营养价值
1. **高蛋白质、低脂肪、低胆固醇**:每100克牛蛙肉含有19.9克蛋白质和0.3克脂肪,是一种营养价值高且健康的食品。
2. **多种微量元素**:牛蛙肉中含有丰富的微量元素,对人体健康有益。

### 功效
1. **滋补身体**:牛蛙性平,味咸,入脾、肾经,对于消化功能差或胃酸过多的人以及体质弱的人,有滋补身体的作用。
2. **促进气血旺盛**:牛蛙能促进人体气血旺盛,使人精力充沛。
3. **滋阴壮阳**:牛蛙具有滋阴壮阳的功效,有助于调节男女双方的身体机能。
4. **养心安神**:牛蛙可以养心安神,有助于改善睡眠质量。
5. **补气**:对于体质虚弱或需要补气的人群,牛蛙有很好的补气作用。
6. **缓解更年期骨质疏松**:现代医学研究表明,牛蛙还具有缓解中年人更年期骨质疏松,延缓机体衰老的作用。

### 使用禁忌


1. **过敏体质者**:过敏体质者不宜多食牛蛙,以防引起过敏症状。
2. **腹泻者**:腹泻者应慎用牛蛙,可能加重症状。


### 使用方法
1. **干燥牛蛙**:可用水煎服。
2. **鲜牛蛙**:可直接炖汤食用。
3. **注意**:由于牛蛙肉中可能含有寄生虫卵,一定要加热至熟透再食用。

### 其他用途
1. **蛙皮**:可制革,做成高级手套和弹性领带。
2. **蛙油**:可制作高级润滑油。
3. **蛙内脏和下脚料**:含有丰富的蛋白质,可用于医药、化妆工业等。



1. **清热解毒**:滇苦菜性寒,具有清热解毒的作用,适用于治疗因内热引起的多种病症,如牙龈肿痛、声音嘶哑等。

2. **凉血止血**:对于血热引起的出血症状,如吐血、衄血、便血等,滇苦菜有一定的止血效果。


3. **抗菌消炎**:滇苦菜中含有蒲公英甾醇、胆碱等成分,具有较强的杀菌作用,对金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌等多种细菌有抑制作用。

4. **补血保健**:滇苦菜含有丰富的胡萝卜素、维生素C以及钾盐、钙盐等,有助于预防和治疗贫血病,保持人体正常的生理运动。

5. **消暑保健**:滇苦菜具有消暑保健的功效,适合在夏季食用,有助于保持身体健康。

6. **促进发育**:滇苦菜中含有多种氨基酸、无机盐和微量元素,有利于儿童的生长发育,促进伤口愈合,防止维生素缺乏。

7. **高血压辅助治疗**:滇苦菜中含有的矿物质和维生素有助于改善高血压患者的代谢功能和调节交感神经兴奋性,从而有助于稳定血压。

8. **外用治疗**:滇苦菜外用可治疗痈疮肿毒、中耳炎等病症。




1. **高蛋白、低脂肪**:鹌鹑肉和鹌鹑蛋都是高蛋白、低脂肪的食物,这对于需要补充营养但又不希望体重增加的人群尤其有益。

2. **滋补强壮**:鹌鹑肉富含多种氨基酸和无机盐,能够补充人体所需的营养,增强体质,对于营养不良、体虚者有很好的滋补作用。

3. **补肾壮阳**:中医认为,鹌鹑肉有温肾助阳的功效,适合肾虚体质的人群食用,可以帮助增强性功能。

4. **健脑益智**:鹌鹑肉和鹌鹑蛋中含有丰富的卵磷脂和脑磷脂,这些物质对于神经活动非常重要,有助于提高智力,增强记忆力。

5. **辅助治疗多种疾病**:鹌鹑汤对于高血压、糖尿病、贫血、肝病等多种疾病有辅助治疗作用,如能改善症状,帮助患者恢复健康。

6. **养颜润肤**:鹌鹑汤含有多种营养成分,对于皮肤干燥、痕痒等症状有一定的改善作用,有助于养血润肤。


7. **提高免疫力**:鹌鹑汤中富含的多种营养成分能够增强人体的免疫功能,对于经常感到疲劳、免疫力下降的人群有很好的改善效果。

8. **促进血液循环**:鹌鹑汤中的某些成分有助于促进血液循环,对于改善头晕、头痛等症状有一定帮助。

9. **通经下乳**:鹌鹑汤对于气血亏虚导致的头晕头痛、周身乏力等症状有很好的辅助治疗作用,同时也有助于通经下乳。

10. **适合不同人群**:鹌鹑汤适合各个年龄段的人群食用,尤其是中老年人、体弱多病者、运动员等,可以增强体质,预防疾病。



1. **丰富的营养**:茶蛋的主要成分是鸡蛋,鸡蛋富含优质蛋白质、氨基酸、维生素以及矿物质等,这些都是人体必需的营养素。适量食用有助于满足人体日常营养需求。

2. **抗氧化作用**:茶叶中的茶多酚具有强大的抗氧化作用,能够帮助抵抗自由基,预防细胞氧化损伤,有助于延缓衰老过程。

3. **提神醒脑**:茶叶中的咖啡因成分能够刺激中枢神经系统,帮助提神醒脑,消除疲劳,适合工作或学习时食用。


4. **预防疾病**:茶叶中含有的单宁酸和氟化物等成分,有助于预防中风、牙齿疾病等。红茶中的成分还能有效防治皮肤癌。


5. **消化吸收**:茶蛋在制作过程中,茶叶中的生物酸碱成分可以渗透到鸡蛋中,与铁元素结合形成易于消化的物质,有助于营养物质的消化吸收。


6. **美容养颜**:红茶和绿茶中的抗氧化成分有助于保持皮肤健康,防治皮肤癌,具有美容养颜的效果。

7. **去腻、洁口**:茶蛋的特有风味有助于去除口腔异味,促进食欲,适合作为餐点或零食食用。



1. **提升紧致**:童颜针通过埋设可吸收粉末线,可以刺激局部成纤维细胞再生,从而提升面部轮廓,改善面部松弛下垂等问题,使皮肤看起来更加紧致。

2. **除皱抗衰老**:童颜针能有效去除额纹、眉纹、鱼尾纹、鼻背纹、颈纹、手背纹等多种皱纹,减轻岁月痕迹,达到抗衰老的效果。

3. **面部轮廓塑造**:童颜针不仅可以瘦脸、提眉、隆鼻、丰额、丰下巴、丰耳垂、卧蚕等,还可以改善腮腺肥大、精神肌肉松弛紧张等症状,重塑面部轮廓。

4. **改善肤质**:通过注射童颜针,可以改善肤质,使皮肤变得更加细腻和光滑,减轻油性皮肤、暗疮、痘痕、毛孔粗大、色斑、粉刺、暗哑、松弛皮肤等问题。


5. **持久效果**:童颜针的填充效果比较持久,一般来说,注射童颜针后,效果可以维持6个月至1年左右,具体时间因个体差异而异。

6. **安全可靠**:童颜针的主要成分如聚左旋乳酸(PLLA)具有生物相容性和生物降解性,降解产物对人体友好,安全性高。

7. **自然美观**:童颜针的效果自然,不易出现反弹、变形等问题,可以有效地改善面部皮肤问题,使面部肌肤看起来更加年轻、紧致、光滑。

8. **多种搭配方案**:童颜针可以与玻尿酸、肉毒素、3D立体线雕等医美产品或技术搭配使用,以达到更好的效果。



The "mixed element limit" brocade scales are intertwined with chaotic airflow, and the body is constantly rotating. The chaotic gas spreads all over the body, and the law of heaven and earth is instantly assimilated and the chaotic force is swallowed up by chaos.

"You have refined Zulong JingXie, and you should know that Zulong is powerful. Zulong’s true story can only be brought into full play in chaos." Brocade’s face does not have any feelings.
Jade Duxiu smell speech gently took a deep breath.
"Falun I am the strongest Falun I am"
"I don’t know how many eras it took to dominate Gankun’s vicissitudes of life!"
"Jin Li, there will be great changes in heaven and earth now. I don’t want to kill you. Heaven will produce virtue. Let’s go. Don’t fight the Falun Force. Either you can fight it or the Zulong is really resurrected."
"Dare to daring? Although the strongest Falun of the Zulong outside the chaos is a powerful overview of the Gankun hub, now the Falun has been recognized by you and refined. You can’t give full play to the Falun’s strength. "The brocade face is full of" I have something to sit in chaos. "
"Silly yum ~" Jade Duxiu shook his head. He wanted to return Jin Scale and set his mind at ease. Du Jie became a teacher, and then he was looking for his second guessed where he would play with Jin Scale.
So thinking about seeing Jade Duxiu’s palm stretch out of heaven and earth, time seems to be still in the next time, and a palm breaks into the chaos of brocade scale.
The chaos of brocade scale seems to be the real chaos, and the marginal reclamation limits the jade to stand alone, and all forces are gradually consumed by chaos.
Jade Duxiu withdrew her palm and frowned. "What is this?"
"If something happens, you can make moves. This is the strongest move at present. If you can break it, you win. If you can’t break it, it means that you lost this Kunlun Long Mai seat." Jin Li laughed wildly in chaos.
"awesome! It’s really amazing! It’s a wonder that Zulong’s arm has been melted. Do you know who is stronger and weaker than Aole? " Jade Duxiu is slowly brewing an attack.
"You this fellow is nonsense that your left hand and your right hand fight that strong that weak? Can you tell? " Jin Li mocked Yu Duxiu’s sentence, "You have patience. Yu Duxiu answered," But I have to suck that bitch who swallowed the Kunlun Mountain Long Mai Aole today, and I can’t escape from my hand. "
Looking at the brocade scale turtle shell jade Duxiu, his brow wrinkled a little, and Lei Guang fell towards the chaos with the flicker of fire.
Dacheng, the first god of thunder, blessed the first god of fire as if it were the beginning of the world, and instantly rolled up the chaotic fried water, wind and fire.
"Bastard!" Jin Li denounced a mobilization of chaotic forces to suppress the continuous rolling up of four spiritual forces.
Jade Duxiu shook his head, while the four spiritual forces have not stopped resting, and gently pushed out again toward chaos.
Chaos splits the square sometimes, and it is clear and turbid. All this is a jade show that can mobilize strength.
"Bastard!" In the chaos, Jin scales roared, and then the chaos collapsed. Jin scales were once again slapped and flew into the distance and disappeared.
Kunlun Mountain fell into the four seas twice in a series of wars, but it shocked the cultivation of cold in deep sleep
Cold world cold world slowly got up and hung a glittering and translucent snowflake between the eyebrows, and slowly walked out of the world of ice and snow, and instantly saw the brocade scale that was about to rush out of the four seas and was about to mouth, for fear of revealing the secret of Kunlun Mountain, and disappeared into the sea.
Han Yan frowned and came to the mountainside world in the depths of Kunlun Mountain, and saw the jade show with a crystal mask.
"Jin Li is coming again?" The cold sound is cold and faint
Jade Duxiu nodded and took off the mask. "Brocade devours Long Mai’s heart and never dies. I am in a bad state now, but this time I was almost swallowed up by Long Mai."
"You are not suppressed? Why did you run out again? " Han Tao came to the front of Yu Duxiu and touched Yu Duxiu’s body. "It’s really your honour."
Yu Duxiu’s face is full of pride. "If I don’t want to, can I be suppressed?"
Hearing this, he turned up his big eyes and took a white look at Yu Duxiu. His posture turned gracefully and looked at his huge feet. Long Mai said, "Since you don’t want Brocade to pester Long Mai away."
"Long Mai has the opportunity of Long Mai, I have my plan." Jade Duxiu’s black robe slowly faded into a blue robe.
"Aole has become a big trouble now, so that it can devour a Dragon King Palace. It will no longer be her opponent. My dumpling dragon is in trouble. If Aole is in one day, my dumpling dragon will not be alive." Cold man looked at Jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu stretched out his palm, a small emerald tower appeared in his hand, and a pair of eyes looked at the cold. "The remaining two old loaches were trapped by me in the lock demon tower. Don’t worry, Aole’s eyes are the enemy, but Jin Li sometimes comes to you for revenge."
Han Yan shook his head. "You must guard against it!"
"Aole can’t swallow brocade scales, it’s not your opponent. Wait for a while until the end of the demon clan war. I will definitely break through and help you revive the dumpling dragon with one arm." Jade Duxiu said something and stuffed the lock demon tower into the sleeve.
Chapter 2111 Demon clan rout coalition troops
"alas! It’s all up to you. I’m relying on it for you. "Cold We turned around and looked at Jade Duxiu, gently stroked an eyebrow, saw a glittering snowflake emerge and then slowly pressed it on the eyebrows of Jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu felt that the eyebrows were as cold as snowflakes melting, and the jade fingers had left their eyebrows.
"What is this?" Yu Duxiu is stupefied.
Han Tao smiled gently. "This is a secret method. With this snowflake, you can find me at any time and delay the fighter plane."
Jade Duxiu gently stroked the eyebrows and moved his mind. It seems that there is a vague world of ice and snow not far away. A beautiful and cold woman lives in it, but she vaguely knows that the goddess and soul blend and perceive each other’s thoughts
Scared to death, Jade Duxiu was stunned, but she was afraid to stay.
"If you dare to entertain foolish ideas, you will suffer."
As he spoke, he saw that the cold in the jade show was overflowing and the whole person turned into an ice lump.
Looking at the cold and leaving, Jade Duxiu just breathed a sigh of relief, and the ice was complicated and remained there for a long time without a word.
The external war was earth-shattering, and the demon clan and the protoss gathered more than half of the military forces to show a decisive battle.
With the slaying of the magic sword, the fiend clan’s momentum is decadent, showing a one-sided trend, scaring the fiend in the large array to be scared and constantly attacking by means of display.
Not only is the demon protoss in a hurry, but also watching the Yin Si Tai and all the ancestors are in a hurry. You look at me and I look at you, but you listen to the ancestor of Taiyuan. "Now the demon protoss is in a one-sided situation and wants to lose both sides. Let’s do it!"
"Now to face is the magic protoss demon family turned a blow at this time, although the magic protoss is one-sided, it is not at the end of its tether. The magic protoss may not have no chance to turn over. This divine power still belongs to the magic protoss. No one can take it away! Decide the outcome or high-end power at this time, although the magic protoss was defeated and slaughtered by the demon race, the real outcome depends on the fiend means "too easy to teach the ancestral way."
"Is extremely is in no hurry! Don’t try so hard to wait until the demon race demon protoss the tie is broken. It’s not too late for us to make moves. "At Tai Yuan’s ancestor, the Taiping ancestor took a look.
At first glance, I was almost so angry that my grandfather’s lungs exploded. I didn’t dare to say anything. I kept my mouth shut and my anger kept rolling and was forcibly suppressed by it.
Fox’s eyes are all ears, and a pair of eyes scan the whole battlefield. The demon clan and the protoss are fighting endlessly. With the sword, joining the protoss is simply a straw, and the number of casualties is declining.
On Sunday, the giant of the large array of stars is inextricably linked. When the matchmaker carefully looked at the battlefield, it was a few decades. On this day, the matchmaker ordered, "Tell the three demon gods that everything is ready. I owe the east wind. The demon family has secretly evacuated the main force from the battlefield. The demon protoss has been slaughtered, and the sword has been abandoned in the battlefield. Please also ask the demon gods to pretend to defeat and attract the joint forces of the underworld."
"Yes," the quasi-demon god got the order and immediately went out to pass the message.
"Good rich blood, this is the essence." The Hunger on the battlefield greedily looked at the number of blood and suddenly opened his mouth, but it was overwhelming that the blood rolled towards his mouth and went away. The gain of hundreds of millions of beings’ blood for The Hunger’s practice was not small, but it was incredible

Jiao Fei shook his clothes and strode into the main hall of this ancient temple. The younger brother of Buddhism, who believed in asceticism, often made a big wish soon after his entry. He was willing to build a temple on his own in the most desolate and uninhabited place, so even the most people in the Central Plains often have such an ancient temple.

When these Buddhist brothers who make great wishes become gods to relax their bowels, Buddhist elders will lead them to heaven of bliss to practice, and these temples will often be abandoned by taking advantage of the true meaning of Buddhism. If these Buddhist brothers who make great wishes are not cultivated in the end, they will either be eaten by wolves, insects, tigers and leopards in the mountains or swallowed by goblins and ghosts, which will make these temples run down. Comparatively speaking, of course, more Buddhist brothers will die in the wild.
Asking for the road to longevity is often successful in one out of thousands of people, but those who want the road still don’t remember all kinds of hardships and dangers. Needless to say, if you cut through the thorns, you have to kick through the iron wall and crash into it. If you are worried about greed and fear of death, you will wait for illness and death, marry a wife and have children, and bury yourself in loess like ordinary people. No, you need to be naked and worry about walking alone.
Jiao Fei and Su Huan teamed up to kill the yellow-shirted man, and then the white monk didn’t like fighting, but he couldn’t be afraid of life and death. Instead, he had to make a way out in thousands of dead ends. Jiao Fei was very courageous. Although there was a corpse in this ancient temple, at the moment, although the sun was west of the sun and the spirit was strong, he also practiced mana. He was very sure that he would dare to break into this ancient temple.
In the main hall of this ancient temple, there is a boxwood carved king kong, which is rough and rotten by hand. It looks more like a mountain spirit tree. The front of the ghost is a Buddha platform, but there is no half of the Buddha statue.
There are ten black lacquered wooden coffins in the main hall. The rancid smell in this ancient temple emanates from these ten black lacquered coffins. Jiao Fei reached out and used a little handling method to make one of the coffins fly out of the main hall and landed outside the temple gate.
Jiao Fei reached for a shot and six black ropes flew out of the coffin. He heard Kabbah and Kabbah ringing. The six black ropes suddenly made this mouth stronger than the black coffin. He heard a huge roar inside. A tall zombie with perfect black hair broke through the coffin and was screamed by the sun setting.
Although the black coffin was scratched by the black-haired zombie with one claw, the six black ropes outside immediately contracted and tied it firmly, but the black-haired zombie could no longer struggle.
Su Huan was surprised when he saw this zombie, and he called out a handful of flying banners and shook all the black air, which helped Jiao Fei to add another layer of imprisonment to the zombie. Only then did Jiao Fei say, "Jiao Gong, this is an iron corpse that has not yet been refined into climate. It is not a natural occurrence. It must be a corpse master refining artifacts. Let’s leave it alone!"
JiaoFei saw the zombie saw the sun is suddenly and violently roar incredibly not afraid in the heart also feel strange busy asked "what is iron resin? How can you tell that this black-haired zombie is an artifact made by monks? "
Su Huan patiently explained to Jiao Fei, "Although there are hundreds of thousands of mountains and rivers, there are thousands of fairy goddesses and black sand boys, but there are also some other small sects, including Majia Village, which specializes in practicing corpse. According to a Miao girl who is familiar with my sister in their village, this refined corpse is divided into four classes: gold, silver, copper and iron. The lowest iron corpse is equivalent to refining gas in the Xuanmen, and the bronze corpse is equivalent to refining gas and solidifying kung fu in the Xuanmen. If the silver corpse is refined, it can be compared with the refined gold corpse in the Xuanmen."
JiaoFei surprised way "darling if so much how can we handle it? I haven’t even practiced the first layer of the Blackwater True Method! This black-haired zombie may not be so powerful, right? Otherwise, the combination of my six black ropes and your flying banners may not trap it! "
Su Huan chuckled and said, "The public is too self-deprecating. Although Su Huan is not doing well, he also has refined gas into his mind. If he puts it right, even seven iron corpses can’t endure it. Although these refined corpses are made of copper and iron, no one can manipulate them. How much power can’t be exerted? Although he is practicing Japanese diving, he can easily win if he doesn’t get close to these pesky guys."
The power of the six black ropes is gradually exerted. Take it out from the black-haired zombie, absorb it, and the spirit of the corpse will rise and fall, but you can’t earn it by screaming at the black-haired zombie.
Jiao Fei saw that the six black ropes were very powerful, so he deducted nine Tianxing Jianwan pills and wanted to shoot the black-haired zombie at a stroke. Although Su Huan said that the black-haired zombie must be a corpse and master, but he has already made moves and will no longer care about other Jiao Fei, but it is a pity that this place can’t stay long since other monks beat him to it.
"This place is close to the Huaihe River. It is the perfect place to practice the black water method. If someone hadn’t occupied me first, I would have practiced the black water method first for three years and five years."
Six black ropes have absorbed abundant corpse gas, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that even the bones of the black-haired zombie will be broken, and the roar of the black-haired zombie is getting lower and lower. At last, the strength of the wheezing breathing part is left to fight against the power of six black ropes.
Jiao Fei’s nine sword pills can be cut into sixty or seventy pieces as soon as they are settled, but just then the black-haired zombie suddenly flashed a bright green symbol, and another black coffin in the main hall suddenly burst, from which a gray shadow came out.
Jiao Fei was about to send out the Star Sword Pill when he saw the big horror, but he heard the gray shadow shout, "Which bastard is my way to disturb the old dive? I didn’t expect it to be the younger generation of Heshan Road. Who is your master? Didn’t you see the old lady’s mark in front of the ancient temple? "
Su Huan pulled a JiaoFei sleeve JiaoFei didn’t wake up and she could hear the gray shadow and malicious. He looked intently at the gray figure, but it was a tall old man with a gray cassock. The old Taoist priest was nine feet tall and had a fierce look. It looked more like a battlefield to seize the flag and break through the hordes. He didn’t look like a monk at all.
He quickly received six black ropes and respectfully saluted, "I don’t know what my predecessor called Yao Shan?"
Jiao Fei knows that the two people in Heshan Road, of course, he chose a situation with a higher generation. The fate of Wang Dao is just a hundred thousand mountains with an iron back. Cang Lang’s strange talents have invested in Heshan Road, and some people may not know it soon.
The old monk in grey robe put a copper ring on his belt and wiped the black-haired zombie and fled back to the black coffin he had just come out. The old monk said with a hey hey smile, "It turned out to be Feng Jiu, the disciple Yao Shan. Although he has a good talent, he cultivated the magic of Heshan Daoism, but he was rude and didn’t know how to converge, and he couldn’t make trouble everywhere. It’s just that. Otherwise, sooner or later, Yao Shan was killed. That jerk was so vulgar, but it was also quite strange to accept you as a gentle apprentice. The old Ma Jiulong had a little friendship with you, the
Jiao Fei didn’t feel much when he heard this old-fashioned tone, but Su Huan gasped for air. The founder of Heshan Taoist School has been dead for more than 400 years. This Ma Jiulong can know the founder of Heshan Taoist School for more than 300 years, and he can live for more than 300 years, even if he hasn’t been refined, he will be a great person.
Jiao Fei arched his hands and said, "The younger generation also wanted to find a place to stay for a few days, but unexpectedly it collided with the elder hemp."
Ma Jiulong, an old Taoist priest, said with a smile, "What’s so good about this ruined temple? I really have nowhere to find it, so I can’t stay here. I’ll give you this place when I stay for a few days."
Jiao Fei was busy and humbly thanked him. "How dare you work like this! I don’t know who the predecessors are enemies with. Can the younger generation help? "
Ma Jiulong sighed, "I’m not afraid of her. This time, I was too greedy to win the pure Jun pot. I didn’t expect to win the treasure, but I was beaten by the blue plow road flyover Xuan Ming Mine. I lost three or four points of my ability, and even the protective gold resin was beaten into fly ash. Now I’m in a hurry to practice the nine-headed iron resin."
"You want to help me?" Ma Jiulong, the heroic old Taoist priest, squinted at Jiao Fei and said, "You are the most helpful person to offer two bodies with Xiao Ni. The old Taoist priest hurried to start work and then practiced two iron corpses."
Jiao Fei suddenly dared not say anything to help when he heard this statement.
Ma Jiulong is very heroic, even if he is dressed in a cassock, he can’t hide it. Although he is not an authentic Xuan door, it makes people easily feel good about Jiao Fei. Although he scared him, he was not angry, but he hid his identity from himself.
Ma Jiulong asked two people a few words. I heard that Yao Shan came to Chang ‘an to attend the amphibious conference. Suddenly, some people looked down on him and said, "Even if the emperor gave up the dragon chair, I’m too lazy to sit down and covet the royal family and give some wealth." If the yogi can’t give up everything, he still cares about luxuries, luxuries and food, so why should he practice Taoism? You must not learn from your master. Although Heshan Road has nothing to do but kill Yuan Shen seven times, if you can find a very long spirit beast in Shou Yuan, you can live for hundreds of years at least. If you have some luck, you may not be able to live forever. "
Jiao Fei got curious and asked casually, "I wonder what the practice of Ma’s predecessors is. How many years have you lived?"
Ma Jiulong smiled and said, "You little yellow-faced eyes are always turning around. You look like a clever guy. I am alone and there is no sect to restrict this practice. You are not white!"
Jiao Fei listened to the movement in his heart and thought, "Although the Black Water True Method is the practice of immortality, I may not be able to practice to the incarnation of the Black Dragon realm in my lifetime. If I can have a few more years, Shou Yuan may be more sure." When Jiao Fei threw himself on the ground and said sincerely, "If my predecessors are willing to extend my life, I will not dare to say anything!"
Ma Jiulong twisted his beard and smiled nobly. "I don’t know what I know when I see you. This method is my favorite practice. It’s nothing for me to teach you. It’s not that I want you to do anything difficult. My lay brother, like me, was a former military commander who accidentally strayed into a village in scenic zone because of marching and fighting …"
Ma Jiulong told his own story again, and Jiao Fei realized that this Ma Jiulong and his brother were both military commanders in the Southern Dynasties. When they fought in the scenic zone, they had an adventure and learned a set of resin refining methods. His brother later settled down in the mountains of 100 thousand mountains and left his heirs with their own veins. Su Huan talked about Majiazhai.
Ma Jiulong, however, was not willing to go out to travel after studying and succeeding in the scenic area, and made many friends.
When he traveled in the sky, he accidentally got a half-broken formula, which was also because he was bold and whimsical. He realized that a half-secret could make his body age very slowly. He lived for three or four hundred years and looked like he was only twenty years older.
However, despite Ma Jiulong’s 300-400-year history, it is not the right way to live forever, and it is inevitable that he will be robbed sooner or later. Only then did Jiao Fei and Su Huan realize that He Shan Dao has made friends after the operation. After all, He Shan Dao is the most powerful disciple of the three major factions in the 100,000 mountains, and an ordinary village in Ma’s family can’t compete with He Shan Dao even though they have practiced corpse magic.
He’s heard of Heshan Road. Now, there are nine elders, nine strokes and nine repairs, and Yao Shan, the highest one, is also a fierce role. This Jiao Fei’s young hand is actually six black ropes. Obviously, he’s also an excellent teenager. In the future, he must be a very important person in Heshan Road. If he buries a friendship first, Majiazhai will surely benefit a lot in the future.

The vulva in the back of the mountain is turbulent, and the transpiration of the mountain demon is another surprise for Xiaoqian and others to look at Yanchixia at once.

But see he gave praise and said
"Might as well do something. This brother is lucky."
After listening to everyone’s heart, it was a little safe, but even so, everyone did not continue to practice.
But with Yan Chixia, he closely watched the changes of Lingqing.
Liantai Lingqing wanted to see the new template, but she didn’t. New information emerged in front of her.
"Character templates get a grand baptism, and your comprehensive basic attributes get a certain degree of charisma+1 (19 → 2)"
"Character template charm attribute reaches 2 points and enters the extraordinary field.
You can choose an advanced branch of charisma from several extraordinary characteristics.
1. Charm is extraordinary. When you launch your extraordinary ability, all eyes around you will focus on you.
During the period of ability initiation, everyone’s theory of what they are doing will be affected; When the ability is not activated, it will subtly increase the goodwill of people around you.
(Note that the effect depends on the strength and subjective feeling of the other party’s divine knowledge.)
2, the whole army will be a soldier. You have the ability to command the ghost soldiers of the nether world, and the ghost soldiers can be empathetic and forbidden.
You can command a ghost soldier with a template level of ×1×1 (essence).
(Note that the commander-in-chief can control his own will and use the ghost soldier’s ability to reduce the benefit and punishment)
3. The gaze of sinful karma can arouse the hidden karma of other organisms and make them in a state of karmic churning and sinfulness.
When living things are in this state, they need to undergo a mental examination of evil.
(Note: If the creature succeeds in confessing through the theory of torture of mental sin, it can increase this feature to torture others depending on its mental experience.
Failure to pass its karma will transform the karma and burn it up and increase your own flame ability.)
Seeing this has aroused his interest. I think that the inexplicable power that emerged just now is caused by the increase of charm attributes.
It is expected that the previous theory is whether the level is rising or the template quality is rising.
However, in the end, the charm reached 2 points, awakening the extraordinary characteristics, but it surprised him a little.
Before the template level 4, he had raised it to the secular limit of 19 points.
I didn’t expect that the template upgrade would directly gain 1 extraordinary attribute.
It seems that such a great gift can only be obtained because the order of the underworld in this world has touched the human world.
At the same time, it should also be caused by his professional nature.
After all, no matter how strange the wild template is, it can’t be changed. He is a druid professional.
So in what kind of world?
If druids don’t violate the laws of the world nature, they will certainly not be disgusted by this world nature.
Moreover, the new professional template-natural pathfinder will combine itself with nature more closely.
It makes sense that the combination of hatchback and hatchback caused such a big gift.
After figuring this out, Lingqing is not ready to view other information.
Instead, I’m going to choose an advanced feature with extraordinary charm.
After all, none of the other liters is so extraordinary that he feels happy.
But I didn’t expect that my first extraordinary attribute turned out to be charm that he had never cared about.
According to the weird mood in my heart, I carefully looked at three branches.
The three branches represent the three roads of this template in the future.
After all, the main attribute of ghost template is charm.
The first characteristic is charismatic, which can be said to be the most typical charismatic characteristic.
Is that b embodiment of personal charm in the charm attribute.
At the same time, it also represents the degree of favor of the underworld for the template incarnation of Lingqing.
If you choose this, it will be much more convenient for him to make some moves in the underworld in the future.
On whether you want to change the pattern of the underworld or accept the time when a powerful ghost king is handsome.
Should be like fate, when times come, heaven and earth will work together.
And unify that army is the best embodiment of the element of leadership.
At the same time, Taoist Daobing combined with ghosts to unify their own forces.
If you choose this word, the level and template quality will rise in the future.
Equipped with a full amount of ghost soldiers, even it is equivalent to carrying an army with you, and it is also a huge strength amplifier.
For their own strength is also the most obvious.
The characteristic of a soldier is that he can concentrate all his strength on the body without any discomfort.
According to the current level of Lingqing, we must gather enough troops, and his strength can be said to have soared by a thousand times.
Staring at the final sin …
Chapter one hundred and sixty-one Industry fire blood flame
This feature can arouse the karma of his human body and turn it into a fire of karma.
I want to have something to do with his former flame ability and his understanding of sin during this period.
Of course, it should also be inseparable from the hateful characteristics of Hag.
When these factors are combined with strong charm and attractive characteristics,
That’s what make this seemingly unattractive feature.
Although this ability is not as charming as the world’s deflection, it is not as powerful as unifying soldiers and armies

However, it was a little hard to look at the height before turning to the dog’s bitter face. "I did have two yuan-shaped beads in the Weihe River, but before I took on the dragon king of Weihe River, a carp demon stole the yuan-shaped bead that was suppressed in the depths of the Dragon Palace of Weihe River, and the other one was refined into a dragon ball by me, which was afraid of disappointing my brother."

Said Long Chu spit out a white bead.
Looking at Long Chu spit out the dragon ball, Xiao Tian dog’s eyes flashed a trace of disappointment, and there was a trace of doubt in the disappointment, while Gao Cai did not show a faint look at the floating dragon ball.
"This carp demon used to jump in Longmen, but it didn’t jump in front of the dragon gate, but it was powerful enough to be immortal and had a good fighting capacity. I also wanted to wait until the future to investigate the Weihe River because I had the same friendship. Now I can give two messages to let the two find this treasure. This is the scene that the carp demon stole the pearl."
I’m afraid that Gao Cai and Xiao Tian dog don’t believe that a water mirror flashes in Long Chu’s hand and a mermaid appears in the mirror.
This mermaid sneaks into the Dragon Palace, and the first floor of the Dragon Palace Hall is forbidden to split. A piece of JingXie is low in her hands. After JingXie falls in the hall, the hall vibrates and calls out a five-claw golden dragon statue. After digging a milky pearl from the golden dragon statue’s eyes, she quickly escapes.
Seeing the scene in this mirror, the dog’s face doubts suddenly disappeared and he couldn’t help but hang his head and feel depressed.
"Roaring dog, I’m afraid we can still find this pearl when I look at the banshee for a short time. Don’t be discouraged."
See wheezing dog sample high just smiled and comforted way
I immediately thought about it and turned to say, "I have a treasure here, roaring dog. Would you like to exchange these nine forks?"
"What treasures can you have?"
In a bad mood, the dog said grumpily when he heard Gao Cai’s words
"Ha ha, you look first."
Gao Cai also doesn’t mind the attitude of Xiao Tian dog, throwing an undamaged sapphire butterfly cocoon to Xiao Tian dog.
"Hey, this is? This is the cocoon of sapphire butterfly! ? Where did you get such a treasure? This sapphire butterfly is extinct, but it’s an ancient insect. Although it hasn’t changed into a cocoon, it’s also a sword after refining. Maybe it can be sacrificed and refined into a spiritual treasure. "
See Gao Cai handed me the sapphire sword butterfly insect cocoon Xiao Tian dog’s face was happy and he couldn’t say how happy he was. Then his face was coagulated and he threw the nine forks to Gao Cai.
Holding a nine-legged fork, he got up and walked to the front of Long Chu and laughed. "Brother Long Chu’s new Weihe Dragon King hasn’t given me any gift yet. This nine-legged fork is a gift. I hope Brother Long Chu doesn’t mind."
Looking at Gao Cai handed me nine forks Long Chu’s face showed a slight excitement after wait for a while lived and took the nine forks.
"Brother Gao Cai, this gift is too big to make Long Chu feel ashamed. If it helps in the future, Long Mou will definitely devote himself to it."
"Brother Long is polite. You and I have the same friendship. That’s what I should do."
Looking at Long Chu sample high just smiled and said
"Don’t be polite, you two. Thank you for hosting me. I’m going to look for this pearl."
The roaring dog got up and got ready to leave here after receiving the cocoon of the sapphire butterfly.
"Are you coming with me, Xiao?"
When I left, the dog suddenly asked Gao Cai, who knew from Long Chu that the carp demon had arrived at Longmen without jumping over. The strong man was afraid that this guy would be able to go to one thousand without asking.
"I’ll go and have a look!"
Gao Cai said simply that now he is also preparing to travel, just following this roaring dog around, and Gao Cai also has some selfishness. His self-cultivation is too pure and refined. Nothing is better than Tianhe, which has the strength of flying fairy in heaven, but also secretly enters heaven. This roaring dog is a geographical ghost and can lead the way.
Chapter one hundred and thirty Song Gong mansion
After leaving the Weihe River, Gao Cai took the roaring dog and drove the Yuanyang Golden Boat to Luoyang, where the carp demon was located. After the Yuanling, Gao Cai was not too concerned, and he ordered the Yuanyang Golden Boat to fly on its own.
"Your golden boat has turned into a magic weapon and become more and more powerful. Do you think the carp demon will still be in Luoyang?"
Golden boat Xiao Tian dog worried and asked while looking at Yuanyang golden boat.
"Long Chu said that this carp demon doesn’t know what turned a mortal woman into an adult’s home in Luoyang, and now it should still be in that family, so you don’t have to worry."
Listen to the roaring dog worry Gao Cai slightly comforted.
"In that case, it’s a good thing I hope this yuan Zhu is still there."
Whispering, the dog is too lazy to talk.
In the gallop of Yuanyang golden boat, I soon arrived outside Luoyang, looking at the huge Luoyang city, and slowly turned into a Taoist with a roaring dog.
As soon as he entered Luoyang City, the dog suddenly wanted to settle accounts with the carp demon in that family.
"If you run like this, you will be afraid of disturbing the people in Luoyang, and then you will be in trouble, and the carp demon may also take this opportunity to escape."
Looking at the roaring dog, it was only when it was in a hurry that it was heavy to persuade.

"Get along with Shinto ….. and the stars from outside are forced to tear and flee to this place because of an enemy struggle. It’s a coincidence to get to know Mo Wen, the little get along with Shinto, and there are not many other people besides him. Nine times out of ten, those people are estimated to have died in the fairy war four thousand years ago! After so many years, one or two of them have either realized the mystery and left this star to seek a higher realm, or Shou Yuan has exhausted the loess. How many people can you remember me? "

Gu Qing hesitated for a moment and said, "If I am lucky enough to build an avatar in the future, I will definitely come here to help you!"
"Ha ha, if you can really live for thousands of years and not die, you can really cultivate magical powers that ordinary people don’t have! It’s a pity that Zun is now suppressed in the fire, and it is difficult to turn over and protect himself. Otherwise, I will personally show up and set you up for a few decades, and then I will be able to make some achievements outside! "
Guqing Institute risked so much not to leave this crack when the old demon was weak, and chose to stay because it hoped to get some benefits from this Shinto deity!
A person who understands the Upanistic Truth is stronger or weaker than Xuanyang Tianzong’s palm teaching and respecting Yunyan. Even if he gives a little advice, he will benefit from the double realm of Cai Dan Dao!
The eye has finally reached the harvest step, and he is no longer melodramatic. "If the predecessors are interested in pointing out, why don’t you give me the magical power of the blood classics?" When you go out with more magical powers in the future, you will be able to protect yourself a little more, so that you won’t see it again. Today, this appearance is chased and fled by some practitioners of the third and fourth alchemy. "
"Blood classics? This magical power does have a certain mystery. In the end, several blood gods can be cultivated. At that time, people will fight, even if they fall from the flesh, and the soul department will be wiped out. There must be a statue of blood gods to live and practice again. It is really not weak in saving lives … What I can do is to suppress it through the ages. Now I rely on this billion blood gods to plunder and devour them underground and suck their JingXie constantly to supplement themselves … "
Guqing nodded his head in the heart. If there is no merit in this magical power, it will be a shame that The Hunger lived in the secret code of the town now!
"Well, since you are interested in this magical power, I will give it to you. What you can build in the future depends on your own nature!" Speaking of this old devil’s tone, he gave a slight "small connection"
A strong spiritual will instantly shoots out from the furnace, transforming a strong divine knowledge energy into the soul of Guqing.
This spiritual will contains powerful and overbearing forces, which directly rushed to Gu Qingdan’s quadruple spirit to form a weak defense and enter his spiritual world at a high speed, and when he did not give him a response.
"Is he going to show me past lives’s past and future magical powers to explore the authenticity of my words?"
Gu Qing’s mind suddenly came up with this idea lurking in the depths of consciousness. The map is the first time to sweep up and include this spiritual will. If it dares to change, it will be swallowed up by the vast star world in the map and lost in the vast Xinghai forever!
However, in addition to a large number of magical powers and practices, this stock of gods is a false alarm!
The magic giant in the stove noticed the abnormality in Guqing’s soul for the first time, but he didn’t ask the truth!
"It seems that you are a little unknown adventure … if these adventures can protect him for hundreds of years and let him grow up, maybe it is really possible to rescue me from this eternal ruin … in that case … I will grant him fishing according to his wishes …"
The third volume The stars gather together for the tenth time Phoenix tears of blood bracelet
The Twelve Avatars of The Hunger Sect of Tianxue Dafa are already the same as the Avatars of Xuanyang Tianzong Zhang Zun past lives in the past and future!
And the value of the secret code sent by The Hunger Zongzhen is even higher. Looking at the whole dazzling Yang Tianzong, I am afraid that there is a burning sun to dazzle the true fire, which can slightly overwhelm it!
This knowledge of the magic giant in the stove not only contains the magical skill of the Blood Sea Sutra, but also includes his various comments and unique opinions on this magical skill. It can be said that it is extremely detailed at a glance, and a contact gives Gu Qing a sense of strangeness that will be thoroughly understood!
"Zun is now suppressed in the fire, and he can’t exert his magical powers except for some basic techniques of God’s knowledge! If you rashly display the power of God’s communication through the ages, the array will explode immediately. At that time, not only will I have to suffer from array training, but even if you are near here, you will be affected by array power! This crack was formed three years ago when I tried to break the seal and struggled hard! That force Shinto collapsed on the spot. It’s half lucky! " The magic giant said that this tone paused for a moment as if he were feeling "otherwise, the statue can give you this blood-soaked avatar directly, so that you can repair him in one breath and not practice from scratch like this!" Step by step! "
"Fortunately, you can’t use your avatar, otherwise the avatar will be able to know my true origin by forcibly reading the memory in my mind! At that time, I can also use the’ Blood Shadow Dafa’ to exit this crack! " GuQing heart secretly to himself!
He is really bold in playing tricks and conspiring in front of a giant who is more horrible than Xuanyang Tianzong’s palm religion and Yun Yan. If anything goes wrong, he will be unable to escape the broken flesh and soul and rebuild his destiny!
Seek wealth and danger!
It is precisely because of this mentality of daring to fight that he has won such a great magical method of the Blood Sea Sutra, and it is clearly annotated, which is several times easier than ordinary people to practice!
"Although I really want to leave you chatting for a few words to solve loneliness, this law statue didn’t see through it today. I don’t know when it will run more violently, so that the flame of the underworld will burn vigorously. When it burns vigorously, the pain statue can’t bear it. It must be countered by the magical power in the furnace to reduce the damage! But in this way, it is bound to excite the whole array surface and the whole underground world. If it happens, you will quickly retreat! "
The benefits have come to hand, and Guqing naturally didn’t stay to show his flaws. He immediately nodded, "I will keep in mind what I have done today when I have become an avatar. I will definitely come here again!"
"Ha ha ha ha, I believe you, but it’s a pity that you, a little boy, won’t join in killing demons all day, or you will greatly increase your chances of making a living in the outside world to become a Shinto if you learn the magical power of Pure Yang Daoism!"
Gu Qing shook his head. After all, he is not a real heir to the family of Tiancan. The deeper this matter is involved, the greater the possibility of revealing flaws. The wisest way is to get out of here immediately after getting a little benefit!
Thinking of this, he will leave and leave.
However, when he was about to say something, his heart suddenly moved and his tone changed slightly. "If you trust me, after I leave, I will travel around to find the right person for you to make up for your regret. What do you think?"
"Oh, look for me to kill the devil clan …"
The old devil in the stove hesitated for a moment, weighed the gains and losses of a matter and said, "If there is any suitable candidate, you can bring him here for me to have a look and test him. If he can pass, I don’t mind cultivating him to see if he is really qualified to inherit the devil clan and reproduce it to glory."
It’s a test and a trial period!
It seems that the man looking for someone will not get this old devil’s letter as easily as himself, and it will take some trouble.
However, he is also casually expressing this opinion. Whether it will be implemented or not depends on whether the conditions are ripe!
At this time, the old devil in the stove once again said, "I’ll give you some advice when I see that you are so young and smart, so that you can be more secure in the cultivation of immortals!" Have the elders in your family ever told you the origin of the’ phoenix bracelet with tears of blood’ in your hand! "
"As I estimate! I can tell you for sure that this’ Phoenix Bracelet for Tears of Blood’ is the most famous of the three great artifacts of the God-Killing Demon Sect. In those days, God didn’t ask for directions, and it was sensed by the stars outside the country that it was taken from the powerful Shinto Zun! This artifact is said to be made of sixteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-three fairy bones mixed with a large number of’ broken crystals’ and a star’ star nucleus’. Gee, it’s amazing … "