
1. **滋阴润燥**:猪脑中的营养成分有助于滋阴润燥,对于因肺肾阴虚导致的干咳少痰、虚热便秘等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **滋肾补脑**:猪脑含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪和卵磷脂等成分,能够滋养肾脏,补充脑髓,适用于肾虚脑髓化生不足引起的健忘、头晕等症状。


3. **养血息风**:天麻具有养血息风的作用,对于偏头痛、半身不遂、眩晕等症状有良好的治疗效果。

4. **平肝息风**:天麻能平肝息风,对于神志不清、提气益神有良好效果,对眩晕病有显著的治疗效果。

5. **息风止痉**:天麻能够缓解各种病因引起的肝风内动、惊痫抽搐等症状。

6. **增强记忆力**:对于小孩来说,天麻猪脑汤能够增强大脑活力,提高记忆力。


7. **降低血压**:天麻猪脑汤有助于降低血压,对心肌缺血有保护作用。

8. **祛风止痛**:对于肢体麻木、头昏、腰酸背痛、头疼、神经衰弱等症状有辅助治疗作用。

9. **改善心脑血管疾病**:对于高血压、动脉硬化、美尼尔氏综合症等心脑血管疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

10. **辅助治疗癫痫**:对于癫痫病也有一定的治疗作用。


印度神油,也称为Vajra Oil或Vajra Lingam Oil,是一种在印度和其他一些亚洲国家流行的传统油膏。它通常被宣传为一种增强性功能和性欲的天然产品。以下是一些关于其宣称的效果:

1. 增强性欲:印度神油声称可以提升使用者的性欲和性冲动。
2. 增加勃起硬度:它被宣传为可以帮助男性提高勃起的硬度和持续时间。
3. 延长性交时间:一些使用者声称使用印度神油可以延长他们的性交时间。
4. 提高性快感:据说可以增强性快感,提高性生活的质量。
5. 治疗性功能障碍:包括早泄、勃起功能障碍等。


– **科学依据**:尽管印度神油含有多种草药成分,但缺乏严格的科学研究和临床试验来证明其有效性。
– **安全性**:一些成分可能对皮肤或身体产生不良反应,特别是对于过敏体质的人。

印度神油,也称为Vajra Oil或Vajra Lingam Oil,是一种在印度和其他一些亚洲国家流行的传统油膏。它通常被宣传为一种增强性功能和性欲的天然产品。以下是一些关于其宣称的效果:

– **监管**:不同国家和地区的监管机构对这类产品的监管不同,因此在购买和使用前应确保产品符合当地的法律和标准。



1. **保护心血管健康**:深海鱼含有高浓度的欧米伽-3脂肪酸,如EPA和DHA,这些脂肪酸能够降低血液中的甘油三酯和胆固醇含量,抑制血小板凝集,从而有效预防心血管疾病。

2. **预防认知障碍**:欧米伽-3脂肪酸在人体内浓度越高,越有利于大脑容量的保持,这有助于延缓大脑萎缩和认知功能下降,对预防认知障碍症等疾病有积极作用。

3. **降低房颤风险**:摄入一定量的深海鱼产品,如每周吃两次深海鱼,可以降低心律不齐的风险。

4. **降低肠道疾病风险**:从深海鱼中摄取的欧米伽-3脂肪酸能够提高血清素水平,促进肠道菌群多样性,有助于降低糖尿病、慢性肠炎等肠道疾病的风险。

5. **保护视力**:三文鱼、沙丁鱼等深海鱼富含欧米伽-3脂肪酸,有助于调节视力,防止视力受损和下降。

6. **促进儿童发育**:深海鱼中的DHA和EPA对儿童脑力和视力发育至关重要,也是孕妇和婴幼儿营养补充的良好选择。

7. **增强免疫力**:深海鱼中的维生素E、维生素C及胡萝卜素等抗氧化物质,能抑制自由基的活性,增强人体免疫力,防止衰老。


8. **促进伤口愈合**:深海鱼含有高生物价值的优质蛋白质,有助于伤口愈合。

9. **补钙**:深海鱼是钙质含量高的食物,有助于妇女和老年人补充钙质。

10. **美容养颜**:深海鱼中的活性离子钙和其他营养成分有助于美容养颜。




1. **止血与活血化瘀**:三七具有双向调节的作用,既可以止血,又可以活血化瘀。这一特性使得三七在治疗因出血引起的各种症状,如吐血、衄血、便血、崩漏、眼底出血等,都有显著效果。

2. **扩张血管、降低血压**:三七中含有的黄酮类化合物可以扩张血管,降低血压,改善微循环,增加血流量,预防和治疗心脑组织缺血、缺氧症。

3. **促进蛋白质、DNA、RNA合成**:三七能够促进蛋白质、核糖核酸(RNA)、脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的合成,从而强身健体,增强体质。

4. **调节血液细胞**:三七可以促进血液细胞的新陈代谢,平衡调节血液细胞,对血液系统有很好的保健作用。

5. **双向调节中枢神经**:三七对中枢神经系统有双向调节作用,可以提高脑力,增强学习和记忆能力。


6. **增强免疫功能,抗肿瘤**:三七具有增强机体免疫功能,抗肿瘤的作用。

7. **保肝、抗炎**:三七具有保肝、抗炎的作用,对肝脏有一定的保护作用。

8. **延缓衰老**:三七皂苷可以提高相关酶的活性,具有较强的抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。

9. **双向调节血糖、降低血脂、胆固醇**:三七具有双向调节血糖、降低血脂、胆固醇、抑制动脉硬化的作用。

10. **镇痛作用**:三七及其有效成分对急性脑缺血后细胞有保护作用,有一定的镇痛效果。

11. **抗休克和抗应激作用**:三七具有一定的抗休克和抗应激作用。



### 黄酒的益处:

1. **活血化瘀**:黄酒具有活血化瘀、通经活络的功效,可以帮助改善血液循环,减轻肌肉酸痛。
2. **抗衰护心**:黄酒中含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸和维生素,对女性美容和老年人抗衰老有积极作用。


3. **暖胃驱寒**:黄酒能驱寒暖胃,适合冬季饮用,对于预防感冒有一定的帮助。
4. **促进食欲**:黄酒中的锌元素可以促进能量代谢和蛋白质合成,改善食欲不振和消化不良。

### 红糖的益处:

1. **补血活血**:红糖中的叶酸和微量元素有助于加速血液循环,刺激造血功能,对女性月经调理有益。
2. **暖胃养生**:红糖具有暖胃养生的作用,可以缓解胃寒和消化不良。
3. **提神益思**:红糖可以提神醒脑,消除疲劳。
4. **抗菌增强免疫力**:红糖具有一定的抗菌作用,可以增强免疫力。

### 黄酒加红糖的协同益处:

1. **暖胃驱寒**:两者结合饮用,可以更好地发挥暖胃驱寒的效果,特别适合体寒的人。
2. **促进食欲**:黄酒和红糖共同作用,可以促进食欲,改善消化系统症状。
3. **补血活血**:对于月经不调的女性,黄酒和红糖的结合使用有助于调理月经,缓解痛经。
4. **增强免疫力**:两者结合可以增强身体免疫力,预防疾病。

### 注意事项:


– **适量饮用**:虽然黄酒和红糖对身体有益,但不宜过量,尤其是糖尿病患者和肥胖人群。
– **避免空腹饮用**:饮用黄酒和红糖时,应避免空腹,以免刺激胃黏膜。
– **不宜长时间存放**:黄酒和红糖应存放在阴凉干燥处,避免长时间存放导致变质。



### 功效:
1. **清热燥湿**:苦参具有清热燥湿的作用,常用于治疗湿热引起的病症。
2. **祛风杀虫**:苦参可以用来驱除体内外的寄生虫,对皮肤瘙痒、疥癣等寄生虫感染有一定的治疗效果。


3. **利尿**:苦参具有利尿作用,可用于治疗水肿、黄疸等疾病。


4. **抗炎**:现代药理研究表明,苦参具有抗炎作用,可用于治疗关节炎、风湿病等炎症性疾病。
5. **抗菌**:苦参中的苦参碱等成分具有抗菌作用,对多种致病菌有抑制作用。
6. **抗癌**:苦参中的苦参碱和槐果碱具有抗肿瘤作用,可用于治疗肠癌、肺癌、宫颈癌等恶性肿瘤。
7. **调节心率**:苦参碱和氧化苦参碱等成分对心率失常有一定的抵抗作用,可以缓解心悸、心跳加快等症状。
8. **平喘化痰**:苦参可用于治疗支气管炎、肺炎等引起的咳嗽有痰等症状。
9. **止痛**:苦参总碱可以增强中枢抑制作用,起到镇痛作用。

### 用途:
1. **治疗热毒血痢、肠风下血**:苦参可以用于治疗由湿热引起的痢疾、便血等症状。
2. **治疗黄疸**:苦参有清热利湿的作用,可用于治疗黄疸。
3. **治疗赤白带下、阴肿阴痒**:苦参可用于治疗妇科疾病,如带下病等。
4. **治疗皮肤瘙痒、湿疹、湿疮**:苦参具有抗炎、抗菌作用,可用于治疗皮肤瘙痒、湿疹等。
5. **治疗疥癞恶疮**:苦参对疥疮、恶疮等皮肤病有治疗作用。
6. **治疗小儿肺炎、疳积**:苦参可用于治疗小儿肺炎、疳积等疾病。
7. **治疗急性扁桃体炎**:苦参可用于治疗急性扁桃体炎等疾病。


Chapter 32 At the beginning of the confrontation between the two countries, ten immortals gathered together to set up ten wonders

Yin Shang’s troops were too strong, but in a few days, the governors of 200 towns in Zhoudi were swept away, and 206,000 soldiers and horses gathered in the city to surround Xiqiao City.
10,000 troops are already overwhelming, and 600,000 troops are overwhelming. All kinds of military forces are besieging the four doors for several days, shouting and killing constantly. However, the younger brother naturally knows that some military aircraft have seen this scene, so he found Jiang Shang’s way: "If Martial Uncle is always like this, we can wait for the chance of winning the city. 600,000 troops are the Yellow River resistance, but we can also whip the enemy to cut off the flow. We need to meet for a while before we can tell the outcome."
Jiang Ya saw that the Shang army was powerful and lost his calculation. Listening to Jin Yi said this, he made the three armies play in the city camp. Wen Zhong was also depressed. These days, the siege soldiers were all recruited from Zhou, and the fighting capacity was extremely poor. Suddenly, it was reported that Zhou Jun came out of the city to fight, and he couldn’t help showing his face. He didn’t hesitate to rush to lead the troops to meet with each other.
How can Jiang Shangguan, who has heard of the great master Duan, see that the nine clouds crown Jin Xia fills the air with crimson yarn, the clothes crane dances, the clouds fly, the yin and yang silk tapestry ends, and he sits on the Kirin like ink; The golden whip swings like a glory, worshipping the heavenly religion, except for the "Three-Five" escape, which includes the world’s operation and the thousands of pearls; Dan Xin is full of loyalty in the daytime.
This Wen Zhong looks extraordinary. It’s majestic and murderous. On his left hand is Deng Xin, Zhang Tao, the four heavenly kings, and on his right hand is the four generals of the magic house, that is, the top four generals of the four heavenly kings. It’s Wang Mo, Yang Sen, Gao Yougan, Li Xingba, the four saints of Kowloon Island, Zhao Gong and San Xiao Kong Xuan who have true teachings and can’t easily come forward to wait and see.
Ginger teeth saw each other’s power, and they were shocked to know that each other was strong and tight, but they were shocked to see that one person in the enemy’s array was a fish-scale armored and dazzling. It was Zhang Guifang, the soup general, who looked at the generals with a long gun in his hand and shouted, "Come on."
One of the generals in Zhou Barracks is Wen Ji Wang Shu Kun. His whole body is brave and extraordinary. Zhang Guifang wants to play, but he sees a general running out behind him. "The general needs a wheel to kill the chicken?" Such a junior needs a general to do it? It’s enough to have my wind forest. "
After the two horses crossed the wind, Lin Naifeng was followed by the left Taoist priest, who also refined a magical skill. He turned around and walked away. Ji Shukun didn’t know the depth of the horse, and he was eager to chase the wind. See you later. Uncle Gan came to his mouth and murmured. He spit out a black smoke and melted into a net. Inside, there is a red bead the size of a bowl. Looking at Ji Shukun’s face, he called a bead and turned around for the first time to form a soup army.
Jiang Shang was shocked to see that a temple had been broken. He was angry and anxious to whip up the gods when he saw that Feng Lin was brave, but when he saw the yellow light falling as fast as lightning, he went to Feng Lin’s side to see the magic ceremony. Seeing that it was not good, he waved his Qingyun sword in his hand and went up into the sky with the gods’ whip, but he heard it boom and dazzled the eyes of both armies.
Jiang Ya was taken aback when he saw the magic whip. The wind forest was also ignorant of the depth. Wei Hu, here at Jiang Ya’s side, made a sacrifice to the magic pestle. He heard that the wind forest was smashed to pieces with his horse. Alas, General Ma was also going to be killed.
Here, Molihong saw his face changed. He will hold the mixed pearl umbrella in his hand in the future, but when the sun and the moon are dark, he will cover the Western Zhou Dynasty with the magic ritual sea. He also spontaneously shouted to bounce the pipa, but he listened to Qu Yiyi and let those soldiers lose their calculations. The magic ritual life here in the northwest and southeast is not weak. The purple dragon, the fox and the sable will become like a white elephant and swallow Zhou Bing with wings.
The four heavenly kings held the treasures in their hands so well that the Western Zhou Dynasty soldiers and horses were thrown into a mess. Deng Xin and Zhang Tao, the four heavenly kings here, saw it and shouted, "Don’t take this opportunity to kill the past and make achievements?" Shout for the soldiers and horses to rush to the enemy line.
Can Wang Mo, Yang Sen, Gao Yougan and Li Xingba endure such a situation? Urgently urge the exotic animals to go on the rampage in their hands.
The golden whip end of the male and female dragons in the hands of a surname Wen is the powerful enemy * * * City Shuang Bian, who will beat the friar in Zhou Camp in a panic.
Army soldiers have been in chaos in Jiang Shang, even if they have the ability to fly to heaven, they should not rush to take the lead and go first. This world war I killed all the stars and scattered clouds. Most of Zhou Jun’s casualties were broken. Five members of the seven temples were distributed, Yang Jian, Wei Hu, Jin Bai, Mu Bai and the Huang Tianhua tried their best to escape. A bearded tiger ran out of the water. Fortunately, he ran away with the help of the underground technique.
Back in the camp, Jiang Shang’s heart is really worried. If it’s one-on-one, this monk Xiqiao may not lose to that soldier in soup, but the other side is full of chaos and takes advantage of the large number of soldiers. Even if he is proficient in war, he is not their opponent.
Yang Jian mind deep see ginger teeth with sorrow immediately advised "ShiShu will worry? Don’t Kunlun Mountain seek advice from Zhang Jiao? " Jiang Ya heard it as if he saw a lamp in the dark. He nodded, "You are right, but I am confused."
Immediately told the door to defend the city, not to fight out of the city, not to meet the king of Wen easily when facing the enemy, but if you say less, it will take three to five days, and then you will reply to the king of Wen on seven days. He told him, "Prime Minister, be more careful, go early, go back early, and be lonely."
Jiang Shang’s heart is also anxious and anxious. It is also God’s help that the Western Zhou Dynasty is rushing to Kunlun when the wind is not good, but he has not yet come to the palace, but he sees that the Antarctic fairy Weng will come out to meet the sidewalk. "The tooth palm teaches the teacher to have a life. You don’t need to go to the palace to take care of Xiqiao, so it is natural for someone to help you then."
After that, I gave my hand to Jiang Shang and nodded and said, "The teacher asked me to give this central flag to you. You can protect yourself from this self-defense."
Jiang Ya nodded and said that he had been back to Xiqiao in a few days, but he saw that the auspicious clouds had enveloped him. One fairy was the real person of Huanglong in Magu Cave of Erxian Mountain. When he saw Jiang Shang, he nodded and smiled. "I was instructed by the palm of my hand to teach the teacher to come and help the rest of my classmates. I also got the teacher’s decree and I will come back soon."
If Jiang Ya is overjoyed, it is necessary to explain to all the experts that he will worry about things again and three people will come here.
Guangcheng in Taoyuan Cave of Jiuxian Mountain, Chijing in Yunxiao Cave of Taihua Mountain, Huanglong Zhenren in Magu Cave of Erxian Mountain, Cowardly Liusun in Feiyun Cave of Jialong Mountain, Taiyi Zhenren in Jinguang Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, Lingbao in Yuanyang Cave of Kongtong Mountain in exorcist Wulong Mountain Scenic Resort Yunxiao Cave, Manjuguangfa Tianzun, Pu Xian Zhenren in Baihe Cave of Jiugong Mountain-later became Bodhisattva, a man from Luojia Cave of Putuo Mountain, Yuding Zhenren in Jinxia Cave of Yuquan Mountain, and Jinting.
Seeing the score outside the city these days, the glow in the city shines brightly, and Wen Zhong’s heart is white. I am afraid that the fairies gathered in Xiqiao these days to prove themselves high.
Kong Xuan saw secretly shaking his head in the camp these days, and his eyes were full of sighs. He looked at the sad Wen Zhong and shook his head lightly and sighed, "What do you think? Really don’t know or fake don’t know? Why don’t you find some monks? Interception is stronger than explanation. I don’t know how many times it is ridiculous. You are in Baoshan but you don’t know how to dig. "
Wen Zhong’s eyes were full of sighs before he woke up after listening. He was about to get up and suddenly saw the sky shining, but he saw a few monks coming from Bailu Island. Ten days later, you saw the ceremony and Qin Tianjun took the lead. "We heard that Shen Gongbao Daoyou told each other that Daoxiong was here to teach the enemy that he was invincible for a long time and came to help you."
Wen Zhong nodded exultantly. "I need your help. I think it won’t be a day to break that gap."
Yao Tianjun smiled and nodded, "I’ll wait for ten people to hear that it taught Baoding Xiqi to practice the Ten Commandments and help Daoxiong achieve great things."
Wen Zhong heart move nods "I don’t know which ten unique array also please say".
Our Lady of Golden Light chuckled, "These ten arrays are Qin Tianjun’s unique array, Zhao Tianjun’s crack array, Xun Tianjun’s wind roar array, Yuan Tianjun’s ice array, our golden array, Sun Tianjun’s blood array, daytime jun’s flame array, Yao Tianjun’s soul array and Wang Tianjun red water array. There is no way to have any of these ten arrays."
Kong Xuan looked cold and glanced at him for ten days. He snorted without saying a word. Obviously, Wen Zhong has his own thoughts. When he saw his heart next to him, he also looked at each other with a lot of doubts. "Brother Kong, do you have any ideas? Say it. There are no outsiders here."
Kong Xuan took one look at Shi Tianjun and saw that they obviously all had their own thoughts. Godsworn, like Jianghu middleman, has had the first and second statement since ancient times. Although Kong Xuan is the first monk in the Taoist school, Shi Tianjun has indescribable confidence in this array. They don’t believe that Kong Xuan can have any other ideas.

"Well, there’s something." Xu Hongcai bowed his head and fiddled with his mobile phone without really looking at each other

"Come to Xu Sir I propose a toast to you …!" Lieutenant colonel colonel show some stiff with glass and said
"I make a message" Xu Hongcai light replied with words and dialed Shen Yin number.
The colonel was a little embarrassed, put down his glass and immediately replied, "You go first, you go first!"
Room a colonel, a regimental financial officer and three deputy regimental cadres accompany at the moment is neither dare to talk loudly nor dare to take the initiative to talk to Xu Hongcai, can sit in situ and wait.
"hello? Busy? " Words through Xu Hongcai asked with a smile.
"Just a meeting what are you doing? Xu god of fortune "Shen Yin quipped and asked.
"Ha ha, I chatted with the head of the 769 regiment outside." Xu Hongcai said cheerfully. "The people from the Finance Bureau just called me and said something about Lao Huang."
"Are you honest?" Shen Yinwen
"Ha ha, this stick hit him much more honest." Xu Hongcai replied with a slightly mocking tone. "Today, this guy submitted a review to the Ministry of Finance. It’s still pitiful for Mom to write tears."
"Ha-ha, just be honest." Shen Yinyin woke up bright and clear. "But don’t be too mean. Just make him white or he won’t look generous."
"Yes, that’s what I mean," Xu Hongcai asked in a low voice. "It’s hard to talk about Jin Taizhu after such a mess."
"Then don’t talk about me trying to get this person." Shen Yin said softly, "Don’t worry, I have it here."
"Ha ha, that must be done as soon as possible," Xu Hongcai replied lightly. "Salt Island is the political link between the EU and the V regions, and if it can be used economically and militarily, it will be a great achievement that has never happened in decades."
"It has been said that the salt island will be brought to a war zone, and less investment of 5 billion troops will turn it into a military strategic base stuck in the three major regions and five regions of the European Union." Shen Yin said gravely, "This is of great significance and I am bound to win."
"Yes, I talked to our people in the Ministry of Finance yesterday. It is not a problem for this place to have the opportunity to bring money." Xu Hongcai nodded and responded.
"Well, ok, I’ll go to Fengbei in the next few days and let’s meet and talk."
"Well, that’s it!"
Say that finish two people ended the call.
"Alas, I’m so tired every day." Xu Hongcai put his mobile phone in a lazy posture and leaned against the sofa.
Colonel colonel immediately before very enthusiastically said "finished? Then I’ll call someone in and let’s have a good time. "
"Don’t take care of these things." Xu Hongcai lightly waved his hand and spoke like an old prince. "You have to approve the army and almost turn around. I’ll find someone to dock it for you. You just have to get it ready."
Colonel colonel heard this suddenly a little difficult "Xu Sir, I tell you the truth, it is already very stepping on the bar to apply for this army. Without a word, we can’t finish the goal given by HQ this year … Do you think this rebate can be …!"
"Do you know how many regiments there are in the ninth district?" Xu Hongcai asked.
Lieutenant colonel officer was stuck.
"More than 200,000 troops plus a few hundred regiments" Xu Hongcai said with a straight face. "That regiment is not difficult? Why do you have to approve this money? "
Colonel’s speech
"That’s the rule. Can you sum it up in your heart?" Xu Hongcai got up. "Ok, that’s it for today. I’ll go first."
"Stay a little later …!"
"What’s the use of this broken place?" Xu Hongcai threw a step and walked out.

"Some knives are strong and strong, and they are strong and strong. This knife’s artistic conception is the main force. Some knives are light and small, and they take the extremely fast road. This knife’s artistic conception is the main agile road."

"The former attack is strong, but the speed will be dwarfed. If you face ordinary fighters, there is no big problem, but once you face a strong fighter who is agile, it will be easy to be restrained, especially the fighters who are famous for their fast swords. The latter is not particularly powerful in attack, but it is better than the speed. It is suitable for being an assassin and a speed swordsman."
I don’t like these two kinds of Yang Guang very much.
First of all, he doesn’t like the big knife at all. It should be similar to Mr. Zhong’s dragon crescent moon knife. He is very powerful, yes, but he doesn’t like that
He doesn’t like it even more because it’s light and small. He doesn’t like being a first-class assassin, and it’s unnecessary.
"We have an artistic conception in Jack nife, but it was formed after the fusion of ten knife meanings, and its ultimate goal is to transform the artistic conception of Jack nife, so that we can be natural enemies. Unfortunately, no one has done it, and even the people who created this artistic conception are far from it." Wu Tian seems to be missing or trying to inspire a Yang Guang.
"To be able to fusion knife? What is the fusion method? " Yang guang is a little curious.
Because he still knows little about the so-called artistic conception, he needs a guide to tell himself these things, otherwise it may take a lot of time just to grope for words by himself
But Yang Guang immediately thought of an important word, that is "creation"
"Wait, you said that you can create a knife meaning, that is to say, you can acquire inheritance and create yourself?"
Some of them are based on other people’s knife ideas, and some belong to themselves, but it should be difficult to create them, right?
Yang guang this sentence after he saw that Wu day residual soul revealed a pair of "Confucian can teach" smile even for a moment.
"Well, it is the strongest to have your own and suit yourself. Those who bear the knife are strong but hard to belong to themselves after all."
第四百十章 愿景

These three flying swords are divided into three different directions, and they are clever and abnormal, and they are stabbed according to Nie Haoshen’s key points.

This kind of swordsmanship is already quite high.
At the same time, Lin Xuanji’s hands hit a road of spiritual strategics, which was chaotic, complicated and unpredictable.
Heavenly master!
Leave the finger of hate!
Frost palm!
Wave the cloud hand!
Cicada gas explosion!
Three green ghost knives!
Freeze the ice!
After a dazzling set of spiritual strategies changed, Lin Xuanji hit ten spiritual skills in one breath as if condensed into a shocking tsunami and swarmed towards Nie Hao!
Seeing this, people have these two words in their minds.
"This …"
"Where did this man come from?"
"There are roots in all these ten spiritual techniques. I can’t recognize his origin!"
There were waves in the crowd.
Lin Xuanji hid his identity and naturally won’t release the mysterious skills of Xuanji Palace, but he knows almost everything he has learned. It is a suffocating offensive to make a casual move!
Don’t say it’s Nie Hao. Even Su Mo is not sure about Lin Xuanji’s strength.
"I’ll go!"
Nie Hao was shocked and cursed in his heart, "This little fool!"
Where is this a small role?
Nie Hao waved his hand, dusting 3,000 pieces of dust, which were divided into three strands, respectively, to meet the sword.