
1. **清头明目**:昆仑穴能够缓解头痛、目眩等症状,对于治疗眼部疾病有一定的帮助。


2. **舒筋活络**:昆仑穴具有舒筋活络的作用,适用于治疗项强、癫疾、瘛疭等神经系统疾病。

3. **理气止痛**:对于肩背腰尻痛、脚跟肿痛等疼痛症状,昆仑穴具有很好的止痛效果。

4. **治疗头面五官病症**:昆仑穴可用于治疗瘿瘤、鼻衄等头面五官疾病。

5. **其他病症**:昆仑穴对于治疗滞产胞衣不下等病症也有一定的效果。

6. **调整脊柱侧弯**:昆仑穴在中医理论中被认为能够帮助调整脊柱侧弯,提高脊柱的稳定性。

7. **降压作用**:昆仑穴被称为降压穴,对于高血压患者具有一定的调节血压的作用。

8. **治疗痛症**:如落枕、坐骨神经痛等,昆仑穴在临床报道中显示出了良好的治疗效果。

9. **预防老年人疾病**:昆仑穴对于预防老年人常见的疾病具有一定的辅助作用。


10. **增强大肠蠕动**:昆仑穴还能增强大肠的蠕动,对便秘有一定的改善作用。



1. **促进新陈代谢**:鼠曲草中的营养成分可以促进人体新陈代谢,有助于身体保持健康状态。

2. **补血养颜**:鼠曲草富含铁质,能够帮助预防和治疗贫血,同时具有养颜美容的效果。


3. **预防缺铁性疾病**:由于其含铁量高,经常食用鼠曲草可以预防因缺铁引起的各种疾病。

4. **利尿、抗炎、解毒**:鼠曲草具有利尿、抗炎和解毒的作用,有助于排除体内多余的水分和毒素。

5. **消痰止咳**:鼠曲草的止咳化痰功效可以用于治疗咳嗽、气喘等呼吸系统疾病。

6. **祛风除湿**:对于风湿性关节炎、腰腿疼痛等风湿性疾病有一定的缓解作用。

7. **增强免疫力**:鼠曲草富含多种维生素和矿物质,有助于增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

8. **预防肝炎、胃病、便秘**:鼠曲草对肝炎、胃病、便秘等疾病有预防和治疗作用。


9. **调节尿酸水平**:研究表明,鼠曲草萃取液可以降低高尿酸血症患者的血清尿酸水平,对痛风等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. **健胃消食**:三仙中的焦山楂、焦神曲和焦麦芽都有帮助消化的作用,适用于治疗因饮食不当导致的消化不良、食积等症。

2. **活血化瘀**:焦山楂具有活血化瘀的功效,可以用于治疗瘀血引起的病症,如经闭、产后瘀阻等。


3. **降脂、降压**:山楂中含有的有效成分具有降低血压、降低血脂的作用,对于高血压和高血脂患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **健脾助运**:三仙可以增强脾胃功能,帮助食物的消化吸收,对于脾胃虚弱引起的消化不良、腹胀、腹泻等症状有改善作用。

5. **消食导滞**:对于饮食停滞引起的腹痛、腹胀、恶心呕吐等症状,三仙可以起到导滞的作用,帮助缓解症状。

6. **回乳**:在中医中,三仙也用于回乳,帮助断乳的母亲减少乳汁分泌。

7. **解表**:三仙还能起到解表的作用,适用于外感风寒引起的轻微发热、头痛等症状。

8. **适应症**:适用于各种饮食积滞的患者,如矿石类药物难以消化、吸收,以及肉食、面粉类食物引起的饮食停滞。

– 需在医生指导下使用,尤其是对于儿童和孕妇。
– 根据个人体质和病情调整剂量。
– 在日常生活中,保持良好的饮食习惯,避免食用过多油腻、辛辣刺激性食物。



1. **美容护肤**:翡翠玉珠中含有丰富的微量元素和矿物质,如锌、镁、铁、铜、硒、铬、锰、钴等。佩戴翡翠玉珠时,这些微量元素可以逐渐被人体皮肤吸收,有助于活化细胞组织,使皮肤变得更加嫩白,从而达到美容护肤的效果。


2. **装饰点缀**:翡翠玉珠的颜色清澈,外形圆润,具有很好的观赏价值。佩戴翡翠玉珠不仅可以提升个人气质,还能增加装饰效果,使人们看起来更加优雅大方。

3. **稳定情绪**:翡翠玉珠中含有多种微量元素,长期佩戴可以稳定佩戴者的情绪,使心情更加愉悦。这对于调节人体内分泌,促进身心健康具有积极作用。

4. **驱邪避凶**:自古以来,玉就被认为具有驱魔辟邪的作用。佩戴翡翠玉珠,可以带来吉祥、转运的寓意,使佩戴者满意吉利、安全顺畅。

5. **保值增值**:翡翠作为稀有的玉石,具有很高的收藏价值和投资价值。佩戴翡翠玉珠不仅可以欣赏其美丽,还可以作为资产保值增值的手段。

6. **保健养生**:据化学分析,玉石中含有多种对人体有益的微量元素。佩戴玉石可以使这些微量元素被人体皮肤吸收,有助于增强体质、提升机体功能,并有助于身体的快速恢复。

7. **文化传承**:翡翠玉珠具有深厚的文化底蕴,从佛珠演变而来,具有静心的功效。佩戴翡翠玉珠可以让人感受到传统文化的魅力,有助于修身养性。



1. **清热解毒**:苦瓜性味苦寒,具有清热解毒的功效,适合在夏季饮用,有助于消除体内燥气,促进体内毒素的排除。

2. **美容减肥**:苦瓜中的苦味素具有减肥效果,可以帮助促进肠胃排除身体毒素,改善皮肤状况,适合爱美人士。


3. **降血糖**:苦瓜含糖量低,其中的苦瓜素和多肽类物质具有类似胰岛素的作用,可以有效降低血糖,适合糖尿病患者食用。

4. **预防炎症**:苦瓜水可以帮助抑制和预防夏季常见的炎症,如咽炎、气管炎等。

5. **抗氧化**:苦瓜含有丰富的维生素C和维生素A,具有清除自由基、抗氧化、美容养颜的作用。

6. **保护肝脏**:苦瓜中的营养成分有助于保护肝脏,对肝脏健康有益。


7. **改善视力**:苦瓜富含维生素A,有助于保护眼睛,改善视力。

8. **增强免疫力**:苦瓜中的提取物能够增强免疫力,刺激唾液和胃液分泌,有助于消化。

9. **抗菌作用**:苦瓜水对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌等细菌具有抗菌作用。

10. **调节内分泌**:苦瓜有助于调节内分泌,抗氧化,抗菌,延缓皱纹。

11. **减肥瘦身**:苦瓜中的清脂素能有效去除身体多余的脂肪,加速新陈代谢,起到减肥瘦身的作用。

12. **抗癌作用**:苦瓜中的奎宁和苦味素可以抑制恶性肿瘤分泌蛋白质,防治癌细胞的生长和扩散。



### 榆钱的营养价值

1. **营养成分丰富**:榆钱含有丰富的碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、膳食纤维以及多种矿物质和维生素。每100克榆钱含有约8.5克碳水化合物、3.8克蛋白质、1克脂肪、1.3克膳食纤维和3.5克矿物质。


2. **矿物质含量高**:榆钱中钙、磷、铁等矿物质含量较为丰富,尤其是铁的含量极高,是菠菜的11倍,西红柿的50倍,对于预防和治疗缺铁性贫血有很好的效果。

3. **维生素丰富**:榆钱含有维生素B1、B2、烟酸等,特别是烟酸和抗坏血酸(维生素C)的含量较高,有助于提高身体代谢和增强免疫力。

4. **特殊成分**:榆钱中还含有一定量的烟酸、胡萝卜素等酸性物质,以及大量的无机盐,这些都是榆钱具有多种保健功效的物质基础。

### 榆钱的功效与作用

1. **健脾益胃**:榆钱中的酸性物质和无机盐有助于健脾和胃,对于食欲不振、消化不良等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **清热安神**:榆钱中的水分、烟酸、抗坏血酸及无机盐等成分具有清热安神的作用,适用于治疗神经衰弱、失眠等症状。

3. **杀虫消肿**:榆钱中的烟酸、种子油具有清热解毒、杀虫消肿的功效,可以用于预防和治疗多种寄生虫病,并通过利小便而消肿。

4. **止咳化痰**:榆钱味辛,可以入肺经,具有润肺止咳、化痰的作用,适用于治疗咳嗽痰多等症状。


5. **补钙补铁**:榆钱中的钙、铁等微量元素含量高,且不含草酸,有利于人体吸收,对预防和治疗缺钙、缺铁性贫血有积极作用。

6. **其他功效**:榆钱还具有通利、消除湿热等功效,可用于治疗妇女白带多、小儿疳积羸瘦等病症,外用可治疗疮癣等顽疾。

### 注意事项


1. 选择新鲜、成熟的榆钱,避免食用未成熟的或发霉的榆钱。

2. 适量食用,过量食用可能导致消化不良。

3. 对于过敏体质的人群,食用前应先进行过敏测试。

4. 榆钱虽好,但不能代替药物治疗,如有不适请及时就医。

"Don’t be repetitive, you and I will just take care of it once." Lan Dongyi suddenly pulled out two sets of grips behind him, and the cold light flashed brightly.

Jade Duxiu stepped forward and instantly came to the front of Lan Dongyi, and pressed "I will become you if I want to die" towards Lan Dongyi’s chest with one hand and one hand.
"whoosh!" Seize the sky and instantly block the road ahead of Yudu Show.
This Lan Dongyi is a wolf god who specially and carefully sets up to deal with the Terran Department. A nail monster beast is the best at hand-to-hand combat. I don’t know how many times it is, but it will give full play to hand-to-hand combat.
"Hey!" For a moment, I saw that the scales of Jade Duxiu’s palm suddenly emerged, instantly protecting the whole body and arming the African claws, which seemed to be covered by this palm.
The palm of Lan Dongyi’s hand is extraordinary, but it was a treasure that was refined when the Wolf God became a Taoist. It can be seen that the Wolf God has dealt with the Terran and his thoughts are even willing to give up his own legacy.
The legacy is that Baoyu Duxiu, although he has experienced the blood-washing and body-training of Zulongzhen, is unwilling to rely on his body to play hardball for a moment, but he sees Jade Duxiu palm his paws fiercely and the wolf paws collide together.
Tai Chi Jin, like a cone with a handle, instantly penetrated the wolf’s claw into the blue east body, defeated its layers of obstacles and drilled towards its internal organs, trying to turn its internal organs into dust.
"bang!" Lan Dongyi flies out, and Yu Duxiu chases after him, catching cicadas and taking an instant step. While you are sick and killing you, Yi Long’s claws instantly cut through the imaginary desire to penetrate Lan Dongyi.
Key moment Landongyi is suddenly raised his hand and blocked the jade Duxiu African Union, but his body is flying out in this strong way.
Once again, I chased the cicada and chased Lan Dongyi. I didn’t give the other party a chance to gather mana. Jade Duxiu’s palm once again extended its desire to completely break its heart. Just then, in the distance, a monk rode a giant wolf one or two meters high, like a calf, holding a mace in his hand and calling toward Jade Duxiu as a pledge.
"whoosh!" Jade Duxiu suddenly stopped moving, just like a wily rabbit. Seeing the mace as a pledge, Jade Duxiu’s footsteps moved and moved, and he grabbed the dragon’s claws through the virtual hole and grabbed them at the knight’s chest.
"Ow!" A wolf barked, only to see the giant wolf suddenly jump out and jump up high with a foul mouth and bite at Jade Duxiu.
"Die" Jade Duxiu smiled coldly, but the big wolf was not seen by him. If you want to kill this monk, it is easy to eliminate a samadhi fire to discipline the other side to ashes. But at this time, both sides are more proud than fighting martial arts Jade Duxiu, so they will take the lead in using the operation method.
Only to see the African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American monk suddenly fell out when he shook his African-American African-American African-American African-American wolf head.
Jade Duxiu rose with one foot suddenly stepping on the friar’s chest. A burst of bones and muscles broke off the sound, only to see that the friar had instantly melted the meat and mud, and all his bones and muscles were broken in an instant by Tai Chi.
"Kill" at this time, Lan Dongyi flew upside down as if a beast’s eyes revealed a thick animal nature and caught it as a pledge towards Jade Duxiu.
Landongyi flew out, but Yu Duxiu stood out with one foot in his chest and flew out.
If the arm has leg length, especially when the two sides are fighting, the center of gravity of Lan Dongyi’s forward attack is unstable.
"bang!" One saw Landongyi’s clothes split in an instant, and several pieces of armor flew away in all directions.
This jade is unique in its strength, and it actually broke the armor of Landongyi. It seems that Landongyi was dumbfounded and couldn’t believe what he saw in front of him. "How is it possible that you are a monk? How can martial arts be so powerful?"
"Sit and watch the sky, be ignorant, and be original and learn martial arts. Do you understand this generation?" Jade Duxiu disdained to smile for a moment and once again threw a paw at Landongyi.
This Landongyi knows that he dare not meet this catch hard, and immediately flies back to the whole body with a rune flashing with a mysterious qi machine that actually blocked the jade show.
Jade Duxiu’s paws caught behind the mask, only to see that the mask flashed with a rune, which was like catching a ball and being stressed in general. With the help of Jade Duxiu’s strength, Lan Dongyi instantly shot into the distant army array.
"This is too small for us to fight alone. It’s not his opponent or an army attack." Landongyi indecision may look at the jade show in the distance
"Hum Landongyi, you simply failed to live up to the adult’s cultivation of martial arts. It’s not a human waste. Adults spend a lot of time to cultivate you. Go out and meet him for a while and watch my means." At the same time, a strong man took a look at Landongyi with a bare head and disdain, and a spike hung in his hand for a moment and came to the distant jade show.
"hmm? Beast qi activity gives a person a kind of beast feeling "jade Duxiu eyebrows a wrinkly looking at that came strong man’s eyes flashed a moment of doubt in the hands of Zulong grasp flashing chaotic gas suddenly toward the strong man pledge to grasp.
The strong man ferocious smile spike transient in the hand is about two meters instantaneous in the virtual over the road white shadow to jade Duxiu middle cut.
"What a cunning guy."
For the other side, I was amazed at the jade show, but I was in no hurry. The Zulong grabbed the divine light and flashed against the spike and caught it in the past.
"Click" only to see that the spike was actually grasping the strength of Zulong and breaking two pieces instantly. The wolf’s paw didn’t stop momentarily, and it exploded from the big fellow’s heart, inserted into Tai Chi, and the blood and fog were flying all over the sky, only to see that the strong man was instantly shattered by the strength and the residual limbs were flying all over the sky.
"This ….." While Landongyi suddenly shivered, he looked at the torn strong man as if he had thought of being torn to pieces by the other party. If it weren’t for the rune that blocked the jade show, he was afraid that this strong man scene would fall on him.
"The army attacked the army and attacked everyone. Give me this guy and pile him up." Lan Dongyi’s eyes flashed cold and light. The wolf was never a lone animal but a social thing
"Boo hoo"
After nine days of horn sound, I saw millions of troops shaking in unison, as if the earth were shaking and the earth were shaking, as if the earth were falling, and as if a volcano were erupting, the sky was full of Shaqi, and I don’t know how many times it was instantaneous.
Chapter 544 Fire
"A scuffle?" Jade Duxiu squints her eyes and stands proudly. The black lotus on the top of her head is slowly rising and falling. It is still as powerful as the Wang Yang sea, but Jade Duxiu is independent and free from dust.
At this time, the millions of troops on both sides are about to scuffle in the virtual world, and the law of qi and vitality turbulence is scattered, and the aura of heaven and earth is entangled. All magical powers are greatly reduced at this time, which is even weaker than repairing the monk’s body mana, which has been gradually polluted by the sky’s Shaqi.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes flashed with cold light. Looking at the eyes of the millions of troops across the street, the little killing was intended to slowly brew "Dare me, the natural enemy of Biyou Cave, I’ll ask you to taste it today."
After that, I saw that Jade Duxiu’s palm suddenly stretched out in the virtual space to make full use of the disaster and robbery force, and the disaster and robbery force was mobilized by Jade Duxiu at this time.
"Disaster and fire" Yu Duxiu’s eyes lit red disaster and robbery force suddenly erupted towards the opposite side at the moment of emergence.
The flame was all over the sky, but I saw that the flame suddenly seemed to be a meteor, and the meteor fire and rain instantly smashed into the enemy camp.
"Natural disasters have existed but man-made disasters are still lacking." Jade Duxiu looked at the distance coldly.

"Are there any details?" Jin Taizhu asked.

"It is very difficult for this person to get this information when he is not under surveillance." The other party shook his head and said, "If I need more accurate information, I need it."
"When a police officer had advanced training experience, he sent his wife and children away before they suddenly disappeared. After he came back, his father died again. Hehe, I had a little idea." Jin Taizhu squinted and scratched his nose with his thick forefinger, and he made a lot of self-improvement for Lin Chengdong’s identity. "This exhibition must be Lin Chengdong’s line. It is estimated that he has mastered many people like Lin Chengdong, which is a fatal threat to some people in our five districts … investigation and action!"
Exhibition nan buckle feet sitting on the bed somehow sneezed.
At the same time
Car Lin Chengdong looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "How much money do you have?"
"Ten gold bars" middle-aged relatively calmly replied.
"Ha ha, ten gold bars are not worth taking any more risks." Lin Chengdong said with a smile.
Chapter 1264 Business is booming
Ah Wei narrowed his eyes and said, "It’s enough to grab cash in the bag. When the company rings, we will definitely want to go. Ten gold bars are meaningless."
"I agree" Xiao Bo nodded.
"Then it will collapse." Lin Chengdong made a decision. "Find an intersection in front and deal with him."
Middle-aged people listened to several people talking, and fine sweat came out on their foreheads and then shouted "Can you add more!"
"It’s not far from the fork in the road ahead. You have to say quickly how much you can add." Lin Chengdong patted the other person’s head and asked.
"Twenty!" Middle-aged shout
They didn’t respond, and the car continued to move forward.
After about five or six seconds, Che Xiaoliang has moved closer to the fork in the road and will choose to stop.
Middle-aged clenched fist shouted again "fifty gold bars! ! This is all the money I can move. You let me live. It’s you. "
Lin chengdong was a little surprised to hear this.
"I didn’t lie. It’s really that I can move all the money." The middle-aged man swallowed and said, "No one knows that you took these fifty gold bars. It’s okay to let me live."
"Where is the money?"
"I have to get it myself."
"Are you fucking crazy? I know it’s a person or a ghost, so I’ll go with you to get the money?" Xiao Bo pie mouth scold a way
"I’m not right in front of you. Kill me at any time," the middle-aged man replied nervously.
Lin chengdong licked his lips and turned to look at Awei.
"Fifty gold bars can still be done." Awei turned his head and asked at the middle age. "You were fucking arrested in Jin Taizhu company. Now police officers must be looking for you all over the world. It’s very risky for us to get money."
"I asked someone to go to Jin Taizhu to do something. We didn’t know each other before." The middle-aged man replied, "I will definitely send someone to search for me when I have an accident. I don’t deny this, but no one knows where I put my money."
Lin Chengdong pondered for a long time. "Don’t move him first. Let’s find a place to see the situation."
Everyone nodded.
One-night talk
Later the next day, Zhan Nan wore a dark blue windbreaker at the entrance of an entertainment city in Hudongpu District, NANBERT ZHONG, and whispered, "I’ll come over later when I arrive. Come and meet and talk. I’ll wait for you."
Hang up the words and Zhan Nan walked into the casino with four brothers.
"Oh, manager Nan!"
"Nan Ge!"
Exhibition nan came in and several managers on both sides gathered around and smoked in succession.
"Don’t smoke, don’t smoke, my voice is not comfortable these days." Zhan Nan said softly, "It’s still the old card desk."
"Good Lenango, this way!"
Exhibition Nan nodded slightly and led people to follow the manager into the slow-moving bar room. Music roared and the group of demons danced in the dance floor. The manager took Exhibition Nan through the passage and went down the steps to the second floor.
The noise here is relatively low and the location is special. There are no other tables around the left corner, and the view is good.
After Zhan Nan and others sat down, the manager trotted directly to arrange it without telling them.
"How noisy it is for me to talk about things here?" The brother took out a cigarette case and asked 1.
Zhan Nan stretched himself and said flatly, "The big things have been talked about. Today, I mainly take the lead and have a drink with them."
"Ah, that’s right." The brother nodded.
They sat together, talking nonsense, eating fruits and waiting for about twenty minutes before five or six young people around the age of 30 came from the building.
After seeing each other, Zhan Nan grinned and raised his arm and shouted, "Here it is!"
Five or six people stepped forward and the leader said with a smile, "The atmosphere here is quite good, and the quality of the girls I saw is quite high."
Zhan Nan pointed to the dance floor and said, "If you have a small card, you can choose my arrangement at will."
"Can you choose without cards?" The other party teased and asked
"Fuck, you can choose. It’s not a problem if you can take money and hit it." Zhan Nan is very bright. "But if someone is taken, they won’t be recruited."
Leading guest pie mouth answered, "I heard that you have married five or six daughters-in-law. Are you still cheating on men and women? !”
"Fuck rumors. I’m very single-minded about feelings."
"I still believe you when you say you are single-minded about caves."
"Ha ha!"

Looking at Tufo coldly, the whole person gives a very arrogant breath, and his hands suddenly lift up their eyes and look at the sky, which has a sense of contempt for the gods.

A majesty comparable to Ling Xu’s master suddenly spread all over the square, causing everyone to suffocate. At the moment, everyone was in a trance. It was the reversal of the Heart Sutra that simulated the powerful master’s coercion!
Plus, it’s so imposing that the master Chu Yun is somewhat similar.
However, Tufo knew that he was not afraid of binge drinking when he simulated coercion, so he came directly to the funeral home. He was so arrogant that he didn’t care about him!
But just as Tufo was about to leave the world, a black light passed away, and a very strong magic gas was consumed by him instantly. The demon clan was eager to trace interest, and suddenly a strong and terrible force surged and went away. A strong horse’s spiritual power broke and exploded in Tufo’s head like a thunder, hitting Tufo’s brain nerve hard.
"Ow-"is better than a master like Tufo, who is suddenly injured and gives a scream in this crazy spirit.
Although he was injured by carelessness, Tufo immediately slowed down and distributed the Buddhist sutra force of anger and blood that day outside the body to form a bloody mask, so that even the desire mark is difficult to get it again easily.
But just as he was preparing for the counterattack, another extremely horrible spiritual force struck, with a frequency as high as 316,000 times per second. This spiritual force suddenly burst into several psychic fluctuations, which actually tore Tufo’s protective energy into a gap.
At this moment, the breath of the whole body turned into a black mountain flashing, but the black mountain passed away and suddenly condensed in his palm. Suddenly, it turned into a vortex and formed a lotus flower lingering ofuda, which devoured all forces and blasted out the defensive flaw at a stroke, suddenly printing Tufo’s body.
Just as the spell touched Tufo’s body, the word "soul-transforming" suddenly flashed, which directly meant that it was a breath that swallowed everything and swallowed his body instantly.
Bellow out of the Tufo again, although it is strong, but the soul-transforming power is amazing. Although the power of being away from the eye can be limited, it is also extremely painful to be touched by the soul-transforming power.
"The magic door is dying!" Magic dance time will directly leave the wounds, which reveals whether it is out of surprise or waking Muziyin and others from the side.
"The bloody spell power contains terrible swallowing power, and I’m afraid it’s not in the soul solution-"The ghost will also say some doorways in his mouth.
The ghost face is more complicated and low. "So isn’t this young man proficient in fairy, magic, ghost and Confucianism? Is he a lonely traveler?"
It’s not that he doesn’t want to answer this question, but that he starts with it.
However, Tufo was badly hurt by Lu Li’s continuous slamming in his heart.
"Blood Buddha is real!"
So injured Tufo is still fighting with undiminished strength, and directly conjures up a blood Buddha’s shadow, which is impartial, just as it is generally smashed by the appearance, and directly hits the chest of the bereaved.
Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and even my sternum seemed to crush the whole population, and the blood spurted instantly and was shot on the spot.
But just as he separated for a moment, his body just turned into a 99-way light and shadow, and then suddenly he was unified in the eyes of all, just piercing Tufo’s hasty cloth defense barrier and passing Tufo through his heart!
Chapter 60 Blood Buddha destroys desire
"Buddhist sword mark-"
Tufo strangely looked at his heart vein wound and told the other side this recruit sword meaning.
MuZiYin don’t know if it is already a tearful eyes make HuangFuQianFeng some don’t then he looked at the sky that white.
It turned out that the original spotless white clothes were soaked with blood after the wounds reappeared. Obviously, the sudden blow of Tufo caused great damage to him, keeping Ling from falling slightly, gently holding his chest with his left hand, and the whole person was also breathing and repeatedly injured.
Tufo forced to seal the heart vein wound without considering his own loss of Buddhism’s true power. His heart was punctured, but there was a strong force to repair it. Although this sword passed through the heart, it was only the intention of the sword. His heart was not completely broken, but was protected by his true power. It was just a wound.
Even so, the heart is still suffering from some trauma, which is rare after Tufo came to Middle-earth.
"The mysterious posture, the devil’s heart, the Buddha’s heart and sword, the Confucian arrogance, and the heart-eating sword-how many secrets do you have?"
MuZiYin heart feel more and more can’t see through this man is he really experience to join the mu family?
This separation between the two can be described as a big loss. Although the surface hurt Tufo, the overbearing blood Buddhist scriptures deeply touched him.
"Distraction master proved to be more powerful than Fang Yunhan’s at the beginning, and this Tufo vicious abnormal hand is even more merciless. If I didn’t practice to reverse the Heart Sutra, the blood Buddha blow just now would directly destroy me-but now it’s not time to move that trick."
Lu Li Zhen-yuan consumes a lot. When he was injured, he forced his sword mark to fight back. Although he achieved certain results, he did not know the gain or loss at the cost of aggravating his own injuries.
In this round, the inside information of the master of Tufo Tianxian was revealed. He just once again consumed some real yuan, and then temporarily restored his ability to act. However, after spending too much, he can barely maintain Ling’s strength and seems to have lost his counterattack.
How can Tufo show any mercy? I can’t wait to immediately flash and wave the ten thousand pieces of Buddha’s shadow from the wounds, and summon a statue of the Buddha’s name, the bloody king, and the virtual shadow of the king will shoot a lotus flower directly bombarding the body when it is pointed out.
In vitro, the weak defense barrier snapped and shattered on the spot. I want to avoid this blow, but it is the essence of the blood Buddha’s wrath sutra. Can the French king’s finger be avoided so badly?
Although Lingyin is extremely mysterious and ethereal, it is too slim to display a person’s physical strength at this time, and it is too slim to avoid the blow of the fairy master.
Lotus flower flash in the land force to dodge the finger position slightly offset, but it is still bombardment in the land on the left side of the abdomen set off a blood fog.
The original seriously injured body stirred up a cloud of smoke at the place where the body crashed to the ground because it could no longer bear the pressure.
Cover your mouth gently MuZiYin fought back a chill to see the land from the abdomen is like being penetrated, and the blood keeps flowing out. She can’t bear to see it any more, but there is a strange feeling that she was hesitant to make a decision at this moment.
The magic dance has a constant face. I look at the mourning for several times and I don’t know what I’m thinking
Tufo is happy in his heart when he sees it in his eyes. True Yuan moves, wrath, blood, Buddhist sutra force permeates his body, and a strange true Yuan instantly flows through his meridians. Seeing that the face is full of muscles and muscles, it gives people a sense of terror.
Hold your hands in the sky, and a bloody ball of light will gather in your hands. With a blood shadow, the Tufo body will spread. The blood cells will swell ten feet in an instant, emitting a very strong blood-filled light, just like a blood yang, which makes Fiona Fang thousand feet covered with blood.
The virtual shadows of ten blood buddhas appear around more than ten feet away, and each meditation Buddha mantra seems to be waiting for the blood drop to destroy him directly.
"It’s worth your while to die in my move!"
Tufo’s hands suddenly tore at both sides as he moved, and the blood cell was split in two and a half, and two rounds of blood moon split towards the ground.
MuZiYin impressively did not move, she has stayed on the spot I don’t know so good.
This blow to bullying is beyond her imagination. The original work is extremely calm. Muziyin actually hesitated at this moment. I don’t know if I should rescue him.
If she doesn’t fully grasp that she can pick it up, besides, it’s too strange to know what he joined Mu’s family by Muzi sound method.
But if you don’t take the shot, what will you do? I’m afraid the chance of dying on the spot is 90%
A moment’s hesitation will often change many things, which will greatly affect the number of lives. Perhaps it is not controlled by heaven, but everyone likes to believe in destiny, so many destinies are actually ruined by themselves.
Two masters of Sanxiu looked on coldly as a group of ghosts moved and danced, and Muziyin hesitated. At this moment, the perfect person came to the rescue.
In the face of the deadly attack, he didn’t fight back immediately, but his eyes moved with difficulty to look at MuZiYin.
This look contains a lot of words!
At this moment, the bloody bimonthly immediately cut off the land and finally cast out the long-hidden soul-breaking knife. Seeing the flash of knife light, the artistic conception has left the land. It turned out that it was going to compete with the knife tactic in this desperate situation of life and death.
"The blood moon is now evil, and all worldly thoughts are shattered-the blood Buddha is extinct!"
Blood Buddha binge drinking one or two rounds of blood moon blood light is extremely abundant, which will completely explode the power of blood Buddha sutra. This is a blow to decide the outcome!
No, this blow is not decisive. If it is decided by the law, it is not decisive, but life and death!
Although the magic dance has the same emotion, it is also a little uneasy in my heart. This parting breath is very similar in appearance, but it is not a parting, but a name parting. Although it contains the word "parting", there is a mystery in it.
Don’t wait for her thoughts to finish, and the blood moon wheels have already left the blade to meet!
Chapter sixty-one Arrogance and pride

"Old so not Ye Aofeng mischief?" King Kong cannon first thought of Ye Aofeng.

"No, it’s definitely not that he wants to pull a yang soul. Simple will not cause this situation." I shook my head and said that Zhang Lianchang’s situation is being countered by people, but it’s not necessarily a soul search tactic. Other sects also have similar spells to force people’s souls.
"Forget it. Ask him." King Kong Gun looked at me with questioning eyes. I nodded slightly. King Kong Gun stepped forward to platform Reiki and sent Zhang Lianchang back with his half-yang soul exposed in vitro.
"Oh, it’s killing me." Zhang Lianchang’s horse will be able to talk about his yang soul, but he can’t control his body when his normal thinking is still there.
Seeing the king kong cannon lightly cured Zhang Lianchang of his "stroke". Colonel Jiang and Zhang Lianchang’s lover rushed to thank us, and almost all the words that could be expressed in words were said by them.
"Thank you, Yu Kechang and Niu Wei." Zhang Lianchang is also a tough man. He stretched out his hand and pulled his wrist drip needle.
"You’re welcome, Zhang Lianchang, please tell us what happened." I’ll cut to the chase. King Kong Bao and I have already made the itinerary before we set off. As soon as things are over here, we will go to Kunlun Mountain to find the soul-sealing jade, so I don’t want to stay here more.
"I’m hungry, go out and buy me something to eat." Zhang Lianchang turned to his lover and said.
"You are chatting me out." Zhang Lianchang’s lover rushed Jiang Tuanchang and said good morning to us and turned to walk away.
"There is pigeon soup at the entrance of the hospital, so let them stew it now." Zhang Lianchang’s intention is obvious, that is, it is impossible to support his lover to stew soup for hours.
"Some things are best not to let her know." Zhang Lianchang was embarrassed to explain to us when he watched his lover go out.
"Keep it a secret for ten times. Zhang Lianchang did a good job." King Kong cannon smiled and sat down at the bedside, while Jiang Tuanchang and I sat down in the chair.
"I’m afraid of scaring her." Zhang Lianchang sighed and shook his head and asked for a cigarette with the King Kong cannon, which told us what had happened.
When the army sentries are on duty at night, the company cadres will inspect the posts from time to time. First, they will check and urge the sentries to perform their duties. Second, they will strengthen the inspection of the boundary area. On the night of the incident, it happened that Zhang Lianchang was in charge of inspecting the posts. At about one o’clock in the morning, Zhang Lianchang found that the sentries were parked in a car outside the gap of the ancient tomb, but the sentries had disappeared. You know, since the incident, no one dared to go there to relieve themselves. So Zhang Lianchang felt that things were abnormal and walked into the Woods carefully and found three sentries. Soldiers have been lying on the ground without breathing, and the previous gap has also been hit by people. There are several climbing ropes hanging at the gap. Zhang Lianchang guessed that someone had sneaked into the ancient tomb and was preparing to hold the hole for support, but he felt very dizzy and his head was hit by hidden weapons. Zhang Lianchang suddenly collapsed to the ground.
"Did you lose consciousness?" I asked eagerly.
"No, although the body can’t move, the brain is still clear." Zhang Lianchang nodded and said.
"What did you see?" King Kong cannon stubbed out cigarette butts.
"A dozen people climbed out of the face, all dressed in camouflage but not wearing ranks." Zhang Lianchang recalled the situation at that time. "They all wore night vision equipment and could not see their faces clearly."
"Are you armed?" I asked.
"Yes! But it’s too dark for me to see clearly. It looks like a 56-punch or a Soviet-made AK47. "Zhang Lianchang said that it’s not certain that the 56-punch Soviet AK47 style is almost the same.
"What about after?" I continue to ask
"After those people came, they went directly to the east. It didn’t take long for the Woods in the west to move. There were also many people listening to the footsteps. They went south." Zhang Lianchang said that he was wearing slippers on the bed.
"They attacked you. Is hidden weapons still there?" I’m still confused when I hear it
"I pulled it out in the hospital. When my lover comes back, I’ll ask her where she put it." Zhang Lianchang said the door and went to health.
"Let’s go to the toilet, too." King Kong Bao said hello to Colonel Jiang and pulled me out of the ward.
"Are you looking for that sword?" King Kong cannon went to a secluded place and was forced to stop.
"It should be," I nodded solemnly. "It seems that they are two groups of people. One group went first, and the other group waited outside to collect the fishermen’s profits. When they found that they didn’t find anything, they quietly retreated."
"What do those people outside want to send hidden weapons to beat Zhang Lianchang?" King Kong cannon asked doubtfully.
"I don’t know." I shook my head slowly, and I couldn’t figure out why.
Back to the ward, Zhang Lianchang has come back, and he has basically said everything, and there are no valuable clues.
I didn’t know it was a needle to attack Zhang Lianchang hidden weapons until pigeon soup came back!
"Where was this needle stuck in you at that time?" I carefully looked at the needle in front of me