
### 榆钱的营养价值

1. **营养成分丰富**:榆钱含有丰富的碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、膳食纤维以及多种矿物质和维生素。每100克榆钱含有约8.5克碳水化合物、3.8克蛋白质、1克脂肪、1.3克膳食纤维和3.5克矿物质。


2. **矿物质含量高**:榆钱中钙、磷、铁等矿物质含量较为丰富,尤其是铁的含量极高,是菠菜的11倍,西红柿的50倍,对于预防和治疗缺铁性贫血有很好的效果。

3. **维生素丰富**:榆钱含有维生素B1、B2、烟酸等,特别是烟酸和抗坏血酸(维生素C)的含量较高,有助于提高身体代谢和增强免疫力。

4. **特殊成分**:榆钱中还含有一定量的烟酸、胡萝卜素等酸性物质,以及大量的无机盐,这些都是榆钱具有多种保健功效的物质基础。

### 榆钱的功效与作用

1. **健脾益胃**:榆钱中的酸性物质和无机盐有助于健脾和胃,对于食欲不振、消化不良等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **清热安神**:榆钱中的水分、烟酸、抗坏血酸及无机盐等成分具有清热安神的作用,适用于治疗神经衰弱、失眠等症状。

3. **杀虫消肿**:榆钱中的烟酸、种子油具有清热解毒、杀虫消肿的功效,可以用于预防和治疗多种寄生虫病,并通过利小便而消肿。

4. **止咳化痰**:榆钱味辛,可以入肺经,具有润肺止咳、化痰的作用,适用于治疗咳嗽痰多等症状。


5. **补钙补铁**:榆钱中的钙、铁等微量元素含量高,且不含草酸,有利于人体吸收,对预防和治疗缺钙、缺铁性贫血有积极作用。

6. **其他功效**:榆钱还具有通利、消除湿热等功效,可用于治疗妇女白带多、小儿疳积羸瘦等病症,外用可治疗疮癣等顽疾。

### 注意事项


1. 选择新鲜、成熟的榆钱,避免食用未成熟的或发霉的榆钱。

2. 适量食用,过量食用可能导致消化不良。

3. 对于过敏体质的人群,食用前应先进行过敏测试。

4. 榆钱虽好,但不能代替药物治疗,如有不适请及时就医。


1. **镇心安神**:紫石英可以缓解心悸、怔忡、惊痫等症状,对于精神紧张、焦虑不安、失眠多梦等神经系统问题有较好的疗效。

2. **温肺下气**:对于肺寒引起的咳逆上气、气急、胸部胀闷、咳嗽痰多等症状,紫石英有温肺下气的作用。


3. **暖宫**:紫石英对于女性宫寒不孕、四肢寒冷、慢性盆腔炎、宫颈炎等妇科疾病有一定的治疗作用。

4. **助阳**:紫石英有温肾助阳的作用,适用于肾阳不足、性欲淡漠等症。

5. **治疗不孕症**:对于因肝血症引起的不孕症,紫石英有一定的治疗效果。

6. **驱寒降逆**:紫石英可以驱除寒邪,降低逆气,适用于风寒感冒引起的头痛、恶寒、痰多以及胸闷等症状。


7. **治疗痈肿毒等**:紫石英醋淬后,可以用于治疗痈肿毒等外部感染。


– **剂量控制**:紫石英中含有大量的氧化钙,过量使用可能会对心脏、肾脏等器官造成损伤,因此应严格按照医嘱服用。

– **体质禁忌**:阴虚火旺者不宜服用紫石英。

– **炮制方法**:紫石英在入药前需经过特定的炮制方法,如火煅醋淬等,以确保其药效。



1. **提升紧致**:童颜针通过埋设可吸收粉末线,可以刺激局部成纤维细胞再生,从而提升面部轮廓,改善面部松弛下垂等问题,使皮肤看起来更加紧致。

2. **除皱抗衰老**:童颜针能有效去除额纹、眉纹、鱼尾纹、鼻背纹、颈纹、手背纹等多种皱纹,减轻岁月痕迹,达到抗衰老的效果。

3. **面部轮廓塑造**:童颜针不仅可以瘦脸、提眉、隆鼻、丰额、丰下巴、丰耳垂、卧蚕等,还可以改善腮腺肥大、精神肌肉松弛紧张等症状,重塑面部轮廓。

4. **改善肤质**:通过注射童颜针,可以改善肤质,使皮肤变得更加细腻和光滑,减轻油性皮肤、暗疮、痘痕、毛孔粗大、色斑、粉刺、暗哑、松弛皮肤等问题。


5. **持久效果**:童颜针的填充效果比较持久,一般来说,注射童颜针后,效果可以维持6个月至1年左右,具体时间因个体差异而异。

6. **安全可靠**:童颜针的主要成分如聚左旋乳酸(PLLA)具有生物相容性和生物降解性,降解产物对人体友好,安全性高。

7. **自然美观**:童颜针的效果自然,不易出现反弹、变形等问题,可以有效地改善面部皮肤问题,使面部肌肤看起来更加年轻、紧致、光滑。

8. **多种搭配方案**:童颜针可以与玻尿酸、肉毒素、3D立体线雕等医美产品或技术搭配使用,以达到更好的效果。




### 功效:
1. **清热燥湿**:苦参具有清热燥湿的作用,常用于治疗湿热引起的病症。
2. **祛风杀虫**:苦参可以用来驱除体内外的寄生虫,对皮肤瘙痒、疥癣等寄生虫感染有一定的治疗效果。


3. **利尿**:苦参具有利尿作用,可用于治疗水肿、黄疸等疾病。


4. **抗炎**:现代药理研究表明,苦参具有抗炎作用,可用于治疗关节炎、风湿病等炎症性疾病。
5. **抗菌**:苦参中的苦参碱等成分具有抗菌作用,对多种致病菌有抑制作用。
6. **抗癌**:苦参中的苦参碱和槐果碱具有抗肿瘤作用,可用于治疗肠癌、肺癌、宫颈癌等恶性肿瘤。
7. **调节心率**:苦参碱和氧化苦参碱等成分对心率失常有一定的抵抗作用,可以缓解心悸、心跳加快等症状。
8. **平喘化痰**:苦参可用于治疗支气管炎、肺炎等引起的咳嗽有痰等症状。
9. **止痛**:苦参总碱可以增强中枢抑制作用,起到镇痛作用。

### 用途:
1. **治疗热毒血痢、肠风下血**:苦参可以用于治疗由湿热引起的痢疾、便血等症状。
2. **治疗黄疸**:苦参有清热利湿的作用,可用于治疗黄疸。
3. **治疗赤白带下、阴肿阴痒**:苦参可用于治疗妇科疾病,如带下病等。
4. **治疗皮肤瘙痒、湿疹、湿疮**:苦参具有抗炎、抗菌作用,可用于治疗皮肤瘙痒、湿疹等。
5. **治疗疥癞恶疮**:苦参对疥疮、恶疮等皮肤病有治疗作用。
6. **治疗小儿肺炎、疳积**:苦参可用于治疗小儿肺炎、疳积等疾病。
7. **治疗急性扁桃体炎**:苦参可用于治疗急性扁桃体炎等疾病。


"I didn’t know before his mother that my order to Xiaobaida was to send troops out with a mouth, but this little drill went straight to Fuyang to make a mouth." Qin Yunai replied, "He has mobilized me. Now Xun Chengwei’s 121 Huncheng Brigade and Ou Xiaobin’s 122 Brigade have no way to retreat. They can help him fight for help in Bidu area."

"I’m white," Teng Pang immediately replied, "You can rest assured that I know what to do."
"Okay, that’s it."
After the two sides ended the call, Teng Pang immediately rushed to the division commander and shouted, "Inform all the troops at the front not to attack at a single point, and rush to our department for multi-point impact to drag the enemy’s 30,000-person department to the north side."
Fuyang southwest attack line
"Boom boom …!"
The mortar position of the 191st Brigade moved forward again. When the enemy was captured, the position was rebuilt, and then it was attacked at the deep defense zone.
Xiaobai in the central area saw that the frontier troops had been fighting with the defenders of the 325th armored division. After a battle, he directly took off his distribution coat and personally picked up an automatic rifle. He shouted, "The guards of the brigade headquarters and the officers of the brigade headquarters have all taken off their shoulders and changed their ranks for private soldiers."
The company commander of the "brigade commander" guard company swallowed and said, "You can’t …!"
"You know a fart! Senior officers don’t enter the worst battlefield to feel the intensity of the war, which will always be a paper talk about soldiers. "Xiaobai glared at his eyes and replied," Fuck your mother, you haven’t killed the general for such a long time. Today, you are all ready to bypass the positive ridge line. "
At this moment, all the troops in Fuyang area have ensured that the security department of the 325th armored division is in the central area.
Yoko Daya grabbed Ou Xiaobin’s arm and said in a low voice, "We must cross this area before the battle of Fuyang is over, but we may encounter enemy reconnaissance units halfway … so you must be careful to ensure the concealment of the troops."
"I know" Ou Xiaobin nodded.
Fang stretched out his palm and looked at him with fangs. "Bon voyage!"
"Have a safe trip!" Ou Xiaobin reached out and clenched his fists with his fangs. After a long time, they looked at each other. Ou Xiaobin took people first.
Follow Ou Xiaobin. Meng Xi looked back at Dachuan, while the latter yi tooth said, "Old Meng saved his life. Don’t fucking die. We still have to do great things in Chuanfu!"
Meng Xi nodded and quickly followed Ou Xiaobin to leave.
Five minutes later, the Pu Corps counterattacked the front battlefield of the Fuyang area with 20,000 troops.
Pu Blind, commander-in-chief of the old triangle region, personally conducted the command in the trench less than three kilometers away from the battlefield center.
It’s been suppressed for too long! !
Since the war in the old triangle, the army Coalition formed by Guchuan Fupu has not only failed to make a breakthrough, but has also fallen into a face disadvantage
The original plan of this counterattack was that Gu Qinpu sent troops to defeat the frontier corps stationed in the Northeast Theater in Fuyang area.
However, I didn’t expect Jiang Hanshan to temporarily change his tactical intention to three san’s main battlefield. However, Xiaobai led the 191st Brigade, but it was like an indestructible spearman coming out of the estuary and then obliquely inserted it into Fuyang area from the side. Only 6,000 troops instantly muddied three battlefields, forcibly moving the enemy’s envisaged main battlefield in three san back to Fuyang area, and even mixing Jiang Hanshan’s center with anti-encirclement tactics in all directions into a confrontational attack in three areas, causing the other side’s advantage to swing.
The significance of this battle is not only to suppress and fight back, but also to mean that the grassroots generals in Sichuan Province have risen and shined.
Jin Shengnan, the command of the Northeast Theater of the Fifth District, frowned and said urgently, "Order the army to stop attacking three san and support the Fuyang battlefield. We must not lose it here!"
Chapter 195 Jiang Han is rewarded with kindness
In the large-scale corps battle, no one can guarantee that the scheduled plan will unfold smoothly. The battlefield situation is changing rapidly. It tests not only the strategic vision and tactical command ability of the supreme commander, but also the ability of the supreme commander to read the battlefield in real time and control the direction of the war.
Fuyang area is in the center of the battlefield, and if there is a war situation here, it will be reversed. The 191st brigade of Chuanfu, a 20,000-strong army, can choose to support Bidu battlefield in the south, and the 121,122 brigade of Chuanfu, a 57-strong army, can attack the main force of the southern theater of Zone 5 together. It is also possible to deploy the main force of the northeast theater of 30,000 people to attack the north of Fuyang.
Suo Jin Shengnan’s order to withdraw Junda from three san to support Fuyang area was very decisive and wise.
Fuyangling Qiushanfang 325 Armored Division Headquarters
Jiang Hanshan braved fine sweat on his forehead and stared at the sand table. He said quickly, "Have the two regiments retreated to the defense zone at present?"
"We returned, but the battle damage was more than half." The chief of staff immediately said, "Pu Zaihe’s elite attack troops are going to climb from the front and attack the defense zones on both sides of our ridge line."
"United with three regiments of the 326th Division, let them reinforce the defensive zones along both sides of the ridge line, and at the same time ordered our infantry regiment to send more troops to the mountain artillery regiment position to resist the impact of Pu Corps." Jiang Hanshan immediately adjusted his defensive tactics.
"Teachers, the other side’s offensive force is almost three times that of our defenders. Personally, I think HQ should retreat and wait for the arrival of support troops to fight back, otherwise …!" The chief of staff wants to discourage
"Withdrawing now is a fear of war." Jiang Hanshan replied firmly with a wave of his hand. "If HQ loses its determination to win the defense, the morale of grass-roots troops will collapse! Don’t do this again. I just ordered it! "
"Yes!" Chief of staff nodded.
The enemy’s 326th division left three regiments in Jiang Hanshan’s deployment and quickly added to the defense zone to increase the defense strength.
in half an hour
The 191st Brigade cooperated with Pu’s main force to frantically attack the enemy’s central defense zone around Lingqiu Mountain.
This kind of tough battle is very difficult to fight. The other side has the advantage of mountain terrain and has dug up the chain trench defense points that intersect and support each other. Every time the attacker pushes forward, he will pay a very tragic price.
After nearly an hour of fierce fighting between the two sides, the situation is still inseparable!

Chapter 32 At the beginning of the confrontation between the two countries, ten immortals gathered together to set up ten wonders

Yin Shang’s troops were too strong, but in a few days, the governors of 200 towns in Zhoudi were swept away, and 206,000 soldiers and horses gathered in the city to surround Xiqiao City.
10,000 troops are already overwhelming, and 600,000 troops are overwhelming. All kinds of military forces are besieging the four doors for several days, shouting and killing constantly. However, the younger brother naturally knows that some military aircraft have seen this scene, so he found Jiang Shang’s way: "If Martial Uncle is always like this, we can wait for the chance of winning the city. 600,000 troops are the Yellow River resistance, but we can also whip the enemy to cut off the flow. We need to meet for a while before we can tell the outcome."
Jiang Ya saw that the Shang army was powerful and lost his calculation. Listening to Jin Yi said this, he made the three armies play in the city camp. Wen Zhong was also depressed. These days, the siege soldiers were all recruited from Zhou, and the fighting capacity was extremely poor. Suddenly, it was reported that Zhou Jun came out of the city to fight, and he couldn’t help showing his face. He didn’t hesitate to rush to lead the troops to meet with each other.
How can Jiang Shangguan, who has heard of the great master Duan, see that the nine clouds crown Jin Xia fills the air with crimson yarn, the clothes crane dances, the clouds fly, the yin and yang silk tapestry ends, and he sits on the Kirin like ink; The golden whip swings like a glory, worshipping the heavenly religion, except for the "Three-Five" escape, which includes the world’s operation and the thousands of pearls; Dan Xin is full of loyalty in the daytime.
This Wen Zhong looks extraordinary. It’s majestic and murderous. On his left hand is Deng Xin, Zhang Tao, the four heavenly kings, and on his right hand is the four generals of the magic house, that is, the top four generals of the four heavenly kings. It’s Wang Mo, Yang Sen, Gao Yougan, Li Xingba, the four saints of Kowloon Island, Zhao Gong and San Xiao Kong Xuan who have true teachings and can’t easily come forward to wait and see.
Ginger teeth saw each other’s power, and they were shocked to know that each other was strong and tight, but they were shocked to see that one person in the enemy’s array was a fish-scale armored and dazzling. It was Zhang Guifang, the soup general, who looked at the generals with a long gun in his hand and shouted, "Come on."
One of the generals in Zhou Barracks is Wen Ji Wang Shu Kun. His whole body is brave and extraordinary. Zhang Guifang wants to play, but he sees a general running out behind him. "The general needs a wheel to kill the chicken?" Such a junior needs a general to do it? It’s enough to have my wind forest. "
After the two horses crossed the wind, Lin Naifeng was followed by the left Taoist priest, who also refined a magical skill. He turned around and walked away. Ji Shukun didn’t know the depth of the horse, and he was eager to chase the wind. See you later. Uncle Gan came to his mouth and murmured. He spit out a black smoke and melted into a net. Inside, there is a red bead the size of a bowl. Looking at Ji Shukun’s face, he called a bead and turned around for the first time to form a soup army.
Jiang Shang was shocked to see that a temple had been broken. He was angry and anxious to whip up the gods when he saw that Feng Lin was brave, but when he saw the yellow light falling as fast as lightning, he went to Feng Lin’s side to see the magic ceremony. Seeing that it was not good, he waved his Qingyun sword in his hand and went up into the sky with the gods’ whip, but he heard it boom and dazzled the eyes of both armies.
Jiang Ya was taken aback when he saw the magic whip. The wind forest was also ignorant of the depth. Wei Hu, here at Jiang Ya’s side, made a sacrifice to the magic pestle. He heard that the wind forest was smashed to pieces with his horse. Alas, General Ma was also going to be killed.
Here, Molihong saw his face changed. He will hold the mixed pearl umbrella in his hand in the future, but when the sun and the moon are dark, he will cover the Western Zhou Dynasty with the magic ritual sea. He also spontaneously shouted to bounce the pipa, but he listened to Qu Yiyi and let those soldiers lose their calculations. The magic ritual life here in the northwest and southeast is not weak. The purple dragon, the fox and the sable will become like a white elephant and swallow Zhou Bing with wings.
The four heavenly kings held the treasures in their hands so well that the Western Zhou Dynasty soldiers and horses were thrown into a mess. Deng Xin and Zhang Tao, the four heavenly kings here, saw it and shouted, "Don’t take this opportunity to kill the past and make achievements?" Shout for the soldiers and horses to rush to the enemy line.
Can Wang Mo, Yang Sen, Gao Yougan and Li Xingba endure such a situation? Urgently urge the exotic animals to go on the rampage in their hands.
The golden whip end of the male and female dragons in the hands of a surname Wen is the powerful enemy * * * City Shuang Bian, who will beat the friar in Zhou Camp in a panic.
Army soldiers have been in chaos in Jiang Shang, even if they have the ability to fly to heaven, they should not rush to take the lead and go first. This world war I killed all the stars and scattered clouds. Most of Zhou Jun’s casualties were broken. Five members of the seven temples were distributed, Yang Jian, Wei Hu, Jin Bai, Mu Bai and the Huang Tianhua tried their best to escape. A bearded tiger ran out of the water. Fortunately, he ran away with the help of the underground technique.
Back in the camp, Jiang Shang’s heart is really worried. If it’s one-on-one, this monk Xiqiao may not lose to that soldier in soup, but the other side is full of chaos and takes advantage of the large number of soldiers. Even if he is proficient in war, he is not their opponent.
Yang Jian mind deep see ginger teeth with sorrow immediately advised "ShiShu will worry? Don’t Kunlun Mountain seek advice from Zhang Jiao? " Jiang Ya heard it as if he saw a lamp in the dark. He nodded, "You are right, but I am confused."
Immediately told the door to defend the city, not to fight out of the city, not to meet the king of Wen easily when facing the enemy, but if you say less, it will take three to five days, and then you will reply to the king of Wen on seven days. He told him, "Prime Minister, be more careful, go early, go back early, and be lonely."
Jiang Shang’s heart is also anxious and anxious. It is also God’s help that the Western Zhou Dynasty is rushing to Kunlun when the wind is not good, but he has not yet come to the palace, but he sees that the Antarctic fairy Weng will come out to meet the sidewalk. "The tooth palm teaches the teacher to have a life. You don’t need to go to the palace to take care of Xiqiao, so it is natural for someone to help you then."
After that, I gave my hand to Jiang Shang and nodded and said, "The teacher asked me to give this central flag to you. You can protect yourself from this self-defense."
Jiang Ya nodded and said that he had been back to Xiqiao in a few days, but he saw that the auspicious clouds had enveloped him. One fairy was the real person of Huanglong in Magu Cave of Erxian Mountain. When he saw Jiang Shang, he nodded and smiled. "I was instructed by the palm of my hand to teach the teacher to come and help the rest of my classmates. I also got the teacher’s decree and I will come back soon."
If Jiang Ya is overjoyed, it is necessary to explain to all the experts that he will worry about things again and three people will come here.
Guangcheng in Taoyuan Cave of Jiuxian Mountain, Chijing in Yunxiao Cave of Taihua Mountain, Huanglong Zhenren in Magu Cave of Erxian Mountain, Cowardly Liusun in Feiyun Cave of Jialong Mountain, Taiyi Zhenren in Jinguang Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, Lingbao in Yuanyang Cave of Kongtong Mountain in exorcist Wulong Mountain Scenic Resort Yunxiao Cave, Manjuguangfa Tianzun, Pu Xian Zhenren in Baihe Cave of Jiugong Mountain-later became Bodhisattva, a man from Luojia Cave of Putuo Mountain, Yuding Zhenren in Jinxia Cave of Yuquan Mountain, and Jinting.
Seeing the score outside the city these days, the glow in the city shines brightly, and Wen Zhong’s heart is white. I am afraid that the fairies gathered in Xiqiao these days to prove themselves high.
Kong Xuan saw secretly shaking his head in the camp these days, and his eyes were full of sighs. He looked at the sad Wen Zhong and shook his head lightly and sighed, "What do you think? Really don’t know or fake don’t know? Why don’t you find some monks? Interception is stronger than explanation. I don’t know how many times it is ridiculous. You are in Baoshan but you don’t know how to dig. "
Wen Zhong’s eyes were full of sighs before he woke up after listening. He was about to get up and suddenly saw the sky shining, but he saw a few monks coming from Bailu Island. Ten days later, you saw the ceremony and Qin Tianjun took the lead. "We heard that Shen Gongbao Daoyou told each other that Daoxiong was here to teach the enemy that he was invincible for a long time and came to help you."
Wen Zhong nodded exultantly. "I need your help. I think it won’t be a day to break that gap."
Yao Tianjun smiled and nodded, "I’ll wait for ten people to hear that it taught Baoding Xiqi to practice the Ten Commandments and help Daoxiong achieve great things."
Wen Zhong heart move nods "I don’t know which ten unique array also please say".
Our Lady of Golden Light chuckled, "These ten arrays are Qin Tianjun’s unique array, Zhao Tianjun’s crack array, Xun Tianjun’s wind roar array, Yuan Tianjun’s ice array, our golden array, Sun Tianjun’s blood array, daytime jun’s flame array, Yao Tianjun’s soul array and Wang Tianjun red water array. There is no way to have any of these ten arrays."
Kong Xuan looked cold and glanced at him for ten days. He snorted without saying a word. Obviously, Wen Zhong has his own thoughts. When he saw his heart next to him, he also looked at each other with a lot of doubts. "Brother Kong, do you have any ideas? Say it. There are no outsiders here."
Kong Xuan took one look at Shi Tianjun and saw that they obviously all had their own thoughts. Godsworn, like Jianghu middleman, has had the first and second statement since ancient times. Although Kong Xuan is the first monk in the Taoist school, Shi Tianjun has indescribable confidence in this array. They don’t believe that Kong Xuan can have any other ideas.

"Yes!" Hong feng answered

"Then wait," Yu Guihai said calmly.
In a short time, several figures came out of Shimen.
The 17th squad looked at it excitedly and wanted to question it for such a long time.
Only to find that a faint coercion swept through the crowd and the words suddenly swallowed back.
"Your captain? Come out to talk. The wind is real. I have something to ask. "A man came out and said coldly.
Yu Guihai is the captain Lu who is the gatekeeper.
"Yu Guihai has seen the real wind" Yu Guihai said in a few steps before.
"Are you small ah what’s the matter? I heard that you met a congenital ghost here? " Wind reality saw him chuckle.
"Report to me that the real person met and was one of the top two ghosts, but they were all killed by my brother." Yu Guihai answered.
"All killed? What ghosts are they? " Wind reality surprised way
"It’s a ghost group led by an innate ghoul, and a black ghost with tentacles. The innate ghoul left a ghost eyeball, and the tentacle monster left nothing in the ghost corpse, and the yin qi was absorbed by my circle."
Yu Guihai answered and took out a green eye like jade and several pieces of flower paper depicting the complex array.
His half-truths are all seen in the squad. The innate ghoul method hides him and tells the truth directly.
And the ghost behind Huang Jinshan five people have not seen him, so he made up a ghost in Huang Jinshan five people and he didn’t have a root.
Doing so also confuses the people behind it. Success can always cover up a thing or two.
The wind reality took a look at it, and then returned the decal to him with a green eyeball, toying with it in his hand and exclaiming, "It’s good that you can slay two big ghosts, and few of them are brothers of the same rank."
Yu Guihai was about to make a modest remark when he heard the wind turn around and said, "I just need this eyeball. Do you need anything?"
Yu Gui Hai Wen immediately said, "Since the real person needs it, I will send the real person. Don’t ask him to seek truth. I will wait for justice."
"oh? Let’s hear it, "the wind reality was slightly startled way
"Report to the real person, I’m here to bring the team members to the vicinity of this entrance. I never thought that this security zone should meet two congenital ghosts one after another. I think there must be something wrong with it."
Yu Guihai immediately answered.
He has already thought about it.
Although Huang Jinshan’s five people were killed by him, these people are likely to be obeying orders. They arranged two congenital ghosts to take the opportunity to kill him.
Now that he’s not dead, the people behind him won’t let it go. It shouldn’t be possible to assassinate him directly in the fortress.
Then it can be a justified reason to suppress him.
For example, he led the ordinary members of the brigade to suffer heavy losses in the cave, and he was punished for Luo Zhi’s crime of Lizongmen Rules.
Although there are often ordinary players near the entrance to the cave, the door of vision does not stop this, but since he has suffered casualties this time, there are many people who have died.
Then once you are motivated, it is likely to cause trouble to him.
Therefore, Yu Guihai simply exposed some things first and directly, which is to pose a threat and let the people behind him get the boat. Instead, he has to cover up some things and calm down the impact of this matter.
"Hum! What can be strange? I think you are making excuses for your own mistakes. "The captain Lu immediately shouted at the smell speech.
Yu Guihai saw his one eye and ignored the fact that he was looking at the wind.
"Well, it’s rare to see two congenital ghosts in a row near the entrance, and it’s just a coincidence that so many people come to your team. Maybe there is a problem." The wind real person nodded and agreed
"I think so, too. I think someone colludes with ghosts and things to murder my classmates and needs real people to check it carefully," Yu Guihai said.
"Let’s talk about it when we go back. Now I want to ask your players something and answer it truthfully." Feng Zhenren waved his hand and said.
"Yes, you’ve heard it. You must know what to say and never cheat." Yu Guihai surrendered to the sea and then ordered the players to say
Then the wind reality asked the players what had happened and the players didn’t hide it.
For example, the reason why I visited Huang Jinshan all the way and met a five-person team, watching them enter the honeycomb stone wall and returning home, encountering congenital ghouls and blocking the road, leaving the team to escape alone and so on.
The wind reality quickly asked and didn’t hear anything unusual, so he nodded and said, "Well, I’m going to the sea. You can take people home first."
"Come back with me if you want."
Yu Guihai then called the rest of the team back to Shimen.
"Now that it’s okay, hello Shimen, I’ll go back. When Fan Zhenren comes back, you can leave according to the facts." Feng Zhenren commanded me to leave immediately.
"Yes!" The gatekeeper team immediately closed Shimen.
Is Lv Yixin sullen for a while and then find a header to find a person on duty for him, then left.
"Are you familiar with Captain Lu, the gatekeeper of Hongfeng?"
17 small group of people to protect Yu Guihai suddenly asked
"You mean Lv Yixin. He is a cruel and cruel person. It is not a good thing to look down on us ordinary brothers!" Flood peak low scold a way
"Oh" Yu Guihai nodded and didn’t say much, but his heart was white. It was hard for him to be surnamed Lu.

The "mixed element limit" brocade scales are intertwined with chaotic airflow, and the body is constantly rotating. The chaotic gas spreads all over the body, and the law of heaven and earth is instantly assimilated and the chaotic force is swallowed up by chaos.

"You have refined Zulong JingXie, and you should know that Zulong is powerful. Zulong’s true story can only be brought into full play in chaos." Brocade’s face does not have any feelings.
Jade Duxiu smell speech gently took a deep breath.
"Falun I am the strongest Falun I am"
"I don’t know how many eras it took to dominate Gankun’s vicissitudes of life!"
"Jin Li, there will be great changes in heaven and earth now. I don’t want to kill you. Heaven will produce virtue. Let’s go. Don’t fight the Falun Force. Either you can fight it or the Zulong is really resurrected."
"Dare to daring? Although the strongest Falun of the Zulong outside the chaos is a powerful overview of the Gankun hub, now the Falun has been recognized by you and refined. You can’t give full play to the Falun’s strength. "The brocade face is full of" I have something to sit in chaos. "
"Silly yum ~" Jade Duxiu shook his head. He wanted to return Jin Scale and set his mind at ease. Du Jie became a teacher, and then he was looking for his second guessed where he would play with Jin Scale.
So thinking about seeing Jade Duxiu’s palm stretch out of heaven and earth, time seems to be still in the next time, and a palm breaks into the chaos of brocade scale.
The chaos of brocade scale seems to be the real chaos, and the marginal reclamation limits the jade to stand alone, and all forces are gradually consumed by chaos.
Jade Duxiu withdrew her palm and frowned. "What is this?"
"If something happens, you can make moves. This is the strongest move at present. If you can break it, you win. If you can’t break it, it means that you lost this Kunlun Long Mai seat." Jin Li laughed wildly in chaos.
"awesome! It’s really amazing! It’s a wonder that Zulong’s arm has been melted. Do you know who is stronger and weaker than Aole? " Jade Duxiu is slowly brewing an attack.
"You this fellow is nonsense that your left hand and your right hand fight that strong that weak? Can you tell? " Jin Li mocked Yu Duxiu’s sentence, "You have patience. Yu Duxiu answered," But I have to suck that bitch who swallowed the Kunlun Mountain Long Mai Aole today, and I can’t escape from my hand. "
Looking at the brocade scale turtle shell jade Duxiu, his brow wrinkled a little, and Lei Guang fell towards the chaos with the flicker of fire.
Dacheng, the first god of thunder, blessed the first god of fire as if it were the beginning of the world, and instantly rolled up the chaotic fried water, wind and fire.
"Bastard!" Jin Li denounced a mobilization of chaotic forces to suppress the continuous rolling up of four spiritual forces.
Jade Duxiu shook his head, while the four spiritual forces have not stopped resting, and gently pushed out again toward chaos.
Chaos splits the square sometimes, and it is clear and turbid. All this is a jade show that can mobilize strength.
"Bastard!" In the chaos, Jin scales roared, and then the chaos collapsed. Jin scales were once again slapped and flew into the distance and disappeared.
Kunlun Mountain fell into the four seas twice in a series of wars, but it shocked the cultivation of cold in deep sleep
Cold world cold world slowly got up and hung a glittering and translucent snowflake between the eyebrows, and slowly walked out of the world of ice and snow, and instantly saw the brocade scale that was about to rush out of the four seas and was about to mouth, for fear of revealing the secret of Kunlun Mountain, and disappeared into the sea.
Han Yan frowned and came to the mountainside world in the depths of Kunlun Mountain, and saw the jade show with a crystal mask.
"Jin Li is coming again?" The cold sound is cold and faint
Jade Duxiu nodded and took off the mask. "Brocade devours Long Mai’s heart and never dies. I am in a bad state now, but this time I was almost swallowed up by Long Mai."
"You are not suppressed? Why did you run out again? " Han Tao came to the front of Yu Duxiu and touched Yu Duxiu’s body. "It’s really your honour."
Yu Duxiu’s face is full of pride. "If I don’t want to, can I be suppressed?"
Hearing this, he turned up his big eyes and took a white look at Yu Duxiu. His posture turned gracefully and looked at his huge feet. Long Mai said, "Since you don’t want Brocade to pester Long Mai away."
"Long Mai has the opportunity of Long Mai, I have my plan." Jade Duxiu’s black robe slowly faded into a blue robe.
"Aole has become a big trouble now, so that it can devour a Dragon King Palace. It will no longer be her opponent. My dumpling dragon is in trouble. If Aole is in one day, my dumpling dragon will not be alive." Cold man looked at Jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu stretched out his palm, a small emerald tower appeared in his hand, and a pair of eyes looked at the cold. "The remaining two old loaches were trapped by me in the lock demon tower. Don’t worry, Aole’s eyes are the enemy, but Jin Li sometimes comes to you for revenge."
Han Yan shook his head. "You must guard against it!"
"Aole can’t swallow brocade scales, it’s not your opponent. Wait for a while until the end of the demon clan war. I will definitely break through and help you revive the dumpling dragon with one arm." Jade Duxiu said something and stuffed the lock demon tower into the sleeve.
Chapter 2111 Demon clan rout coalition troops
"alas! It’s all up to you. I’m relying on it for you. "Cold We turned around and looked at Jade Duxiu, gently stroked an eyebrow, saw a glittering snowflake emerge and then slowly pressed it on the eyebrows of Jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu felt that the eyebrows were as cold as snowflakes melting, and the jade fingers had left their eyebrows.
"What is this?" Yu Duxiu is stupefied.
Han Tao smiled gently. "This is a secret method. With this snowflake, you can find me at any time and delay the fighter plane."
Jade Duxiu gently stroked the eyebrows and moved his mind. It seems that there is a vague world of ice and snow not far away. A beautiful and cold woman lives in it, but she vaguely knows that the goddess and soul blend and perceive each other’s thoughts
Scared to death, Jade Duxiu was stunned, but she was afraid to stay.
"If you dare to entertain foolish ideas, you will suffer."
As he spoke, he saw that the cold in the jade show was overflowing and the whole person turned into an ice lump.
Looking at the cold and leaving, Jade Duxiu just breathed a sigh of relief, and the ice was complicated and remained there for a long time without a word.
The external war was earth-shattering, and the demon clan and the protoss gathered more than half of the military forces to show a decisive battle.
With the slaying of the magic sword, the fiend clan’s momentum is decadent, showing a one-sided trend, scaring the fiend in the large array to be scared and constantly attacking by means of display.
Not only is the demon protoss in a hurry, but also watching the Yin Si Tai and all the ancestors are in a hurry. You look at me and I look at you, but you listen to the ancestor of Taiyuan. "Now the demon protoss is in a one-sided situation and wants to lose both sides. Let’s do it!"
"Now to face is the magic protoss demon family turned a blow at this time, although the magic protoss is one-sided, it is not at the end of its tether. The magic protoss may not have no chance to turn over. This divine power still belongs to the magic protoss. No one can take it away! Decide the outcome or high-end power at this time, although the magic protoss was defeated and slaughtered by the demon race, the real outcome depends on the fiend means "too easy to teach the ancestral way."
"Is extremely is in no hurry! Don’t try so hard to wait until the demon race demon protoss the tie is broken. It’s not too late for us to make moves. "At Tai Yuan’s ancestor, the Taiping ancestor took a look.
At first glance, I was almost so angry that my grandfather’s lungs exploded. I didn’t dare to say anything. I kept my mouth shut and my anger kept rolling and was forcibly suppressed by it.
Fox’s eyes are all ears, and a pair of eyes scan the whole battlefield. The demon clan and the protoss are fighting endlessly. With the sword, joining the protoss is simply a straw, and the number of casualties is declining.
On Sunday, the giant of the large array of stars is inextricably linked. When the matchmaker carefully looked at the battlefield, it was a few decades. On this day, the matchmaker ordered, "Tell the three demon gods that everything is ready. I owe the east wind. The demon family has secretly evacuated the main force from the battlefield. The demon protoss has been slaughtered, and the sword has been abandoned in the battlefield. Please also ask the demon gods to pretend to defeat and attract the joint forces of the underworld."
"Yes," the quasi-demon god got the order and immediately went out to pass the message.
"Good rich blood, this is the essence." The Hunger on the battlefield greedily looked at the number of blood and suddenly opened his mouth, but it was overwhelming that the blood rolled towards his mouth and went away. The gain of hundreds of millions of beings’ blood for The Hunger’s practice was not small, but it was incredible

"Don’t be repetitive, you and I will just take care of it once." Lan Dongyi suddenly pulled out two sets of grips behind him, and the cold light flashed brightly.

Jade Duxiu stepped forward and instantly came to the front of Lan Dongyi, and pressed "I will become you if I want to die" towards Lan Dongyi’s chest with one hand and one hand.
"whoosh!" Seize the sky and instantly block the road ahead of Yudu Show.
This Lan Dongyi is a wolf god who specially and carefully sets up to deal with the Terran Department. A nail monster beast is the best at hand-to-hand combat. I don’t know how many times it is, but it will give full play to hand-to-hand combat.
"Hey!" For a moment, I saw that the scales of Jade Duxiu’s palm suddenly emerged, instantly protecting the whole body and arming the African claws, which seemed to be covered by this palm.
The palm of Lan Dongyi’s hand is extraordinary, but it was a treasure that was refined when the Wolf God became a Taoist. It can be seen that the Wolf God has dealt with the Terran and his thoughts are even willing to give up his own legacy.
The legacy is that Baoyu Duxiu, although he has experienced the blood-washing and body-training of Zulongzhen, is unwilling to rely on his body to play hardball for a moment, but he sees Jade Duxiu palm his paws fiercely and the wolf paws collide together.
Tai Chi Jin, like a cone with a handle, instantly penetrated the wolf’s claw into the blue east body, defeated its layers of obstacles and drilled towards its internal organs, trying to turn its internal organs into dust.
"bang!" Lan Dongyi flies out, and Yu Duxiu chases after him, catching cicadas and taking an instant step. While you are sick and killing you, Yi Long’s claws instantly cut through the imaginary desire to penetrate Lan Dongyi.
Key moment Landongyi is suddenly raised his hand and blocked the jade Duxiu African Union, but his body is flying out in this strong way.
Once again, I chased the cicada and chased Lan Dongyi. I didn’t give the other party a chance to gather mana. Jade Duxiu’s palm once again extended its desire to completely break its heart. Just then, in the distance, a monk rode a giant wolf one or two meters high, like a calf, holding a mace in his hand and calling toward Jade Duxiu as a pledge.
"whoosh!" Jade Duxiu suddenly stopped moving, just like a wily rabbit. Seeing the mace as a pledge, Jade Duxiu’s footsteps moved and moved, and he grabbed the dragon’s claws through the virtual hole and grabbed them at the knight’s chest.
"Ow!" A wolf barked, only to see the giant wolf suddenly jump out and jump up high with a foul mouth and bite at Jade Duxiu.
"Die" Jade Duxiu smiled coldly, but the big wolf was not seen by him. If you want to kill this monk, it is easy to eliminate a samadhi fire to discipline the other side to ashes. But at this time, both sides are more proud than fighting martial arts Jade Duxiu, so they will take the lead in using the operation method.
Only to see the African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American African-American monk suddenly fell out when he shook his African-American African-American African-American African-American wolf head.
Jade Duxiu rose with one foot suddenly stepping on the friar’s chest. A burst of bones and muscles broke off the sound, only to see that the friar had instantly melted the meat and mud, and all his bones and muscles were broken in an instant by Tai Chi.
"Kill" at this time, Lan Dongyi flew upside down as if a beast’s eyes revealed a thick animal nature and caught it as a pledge towards Jade Duxiu.
Landongyi flew out, but Yu Duxiu stood out with one foot in his chest and flew out.
If the arm has leg length, especially when the two sides are fighting, the center of gravity of Lan Dongyi’s forward attack is unstable.
"bang!" One saw Landongyi’s clothes split in an instant, and several pieces of armor flew away in all directions.
This jade is unique in its strength, and it actually broke the armor of Landongyi. It seems that Landongyi was dumbfounded and couldn’t believe what he saw in front of him. "How is it possible that you are a monk? How can martial arts be so powerful?"
"Sit and watch the sky, be ignorant, and be original and learn martial arts. Do you understand this generation?" Jade Duxiu disdained to smile for a moment and once again threw a paw at Landongyi.
This Landongyi knows that he dare not meet this catch hard, and immediately flies back to the whole body with a rune flashing with a mysterious qi machine that actually blocked the jade show.
Jade Duxiu’s paws caught behind the mask, only to see that the mask flashed with a rune, which was like catching a ball and being stressed in general. With the help of Jade Duxiu’s strength, Lan Dongyi instantly shot into the distant army array.
"This is too small for us to fight alone. It’s not his opponent or an army attack." Landongyi indecision may look at the jade show in the distance
"Hum Landongyi, you simply failed to live up to the adult’s cultivation of martial arts. It’s not a human waste. Adults spend a lot of time to cultivate you. Go out and meet him for a while and watch my means." At the same time, a strong man took a look at Landongyi with a bare head and disdain, and a spike hung in his hand for a moment and came to the distant jade show.
"hmm? Beast qi activity gives a person a kind of beast feeling "jade Duxiu eyebrows a wrinkly looking at that came strong man’s eyes flashed a moment of doubt in the hands of Zulong grasp flashing chaotic gas suddenly toward the strong man pledge to grasp.
The strong man ferocious smile spike transient in the hand is about two meters instantaneous in the virtual over the road white shadow to jade Duxiu middle cut.
"What a cunning guy."
For the other side, I was amazed at the jade show, but I was in no hurry. The Zulong grabbed the divine light and flashed against the spike and caught it in the past.
"Click" only to see that the spike was actually grasping the strength of Zulong and breaking two pieces instantly. The wolf’s paw didn’t stop momentarily, and it exploded from the big fellow’s heart, inserted into Tai Chi, and the blood and fog were flying all over the sky, only to see that the strong man was instantly shattered by the strength and the residual limbs were flying all over the sky.
"This ….." While Landongyi suddenly shivered, he looked at the torn strong man as if he had thought of being torn to pieces by the other party. If it weren’t for the rune that blocked the jade show, he was afraid that this strong man scene would fall on him.
"The army attacked the army and attacked everyone. Give me this guy and pile him up." Lan Dongyi’s eyes flashed cold and light. The wolf was never a lone animal but a social thing
"Boo hoo"
After nine days of horn sound, I saw millions of troops shaking in unison, as if the earth were shaking and the earth were shaking, as if the earth were falling, and as if a volcano were erupting, the sky was full of Shaqi, and I don’t know how many times it was instantaneous.
Chapter 544 Fire
"A scuffle?" Jade Duxiu squints her eyes and stands proudly. The black lotus on the top of her head is slowly rising and falling. It is still as powerful as the Wang Yang sea, but Jade Duxiu is independent and free from dust.
At this time, the millions of troops on both sides are about to scuffle in the virtual world, and the law of qi and vitality turbulence is scattered, and the aura of heaven and earth is entangled. All magical powers are greatly reduced at this time, which is even weaker than repairing the monk’s body mana, which has been gradually polluted by the sky’s Shaqi.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes flashed with cold light. Looking at the eyes of the millions of troops across the street, the little killing was intended to slowly brew "Dare me, the natural enemy of Biyou Cave, I’ll ask you to taste it today."
After that, I saw that Jade Duxiu’s palm suddenly stretched out in the virtual space to make full use of the disaster and robbery force, and the disaster and robbery force was mobilized by Jade Duxiu at this time.
"Disaster and fire" Yu Duxiu’s eyes lit red disaster and robbery force suddenly erupted towards the opposite side at the moment of emergence.
The flame was all over the sky, but I saw that the flame suddenly seemed to be a meteor, and the meteor fire and rain instantly smashed into the enemy camp.
"Natural disasters have existed but man-made disasters are still lacking." Jade Duxiu looked at the distance coldly.

"Yes" Meng Xi’s heart is sad, and he is sad. People like himself have a little touched and happy mood.

Old Joe sat cross-legged on the ceiling and said in a low voice, "Whoever can run out and do it together in the first seven days of the seventh year is who."
Meng Xi turned to look around and leaned over and asked, "What is the seventh day?"
"The four mountain airports in the second district have been built. If we don’t do it, we may be transferred to the new project area." Old Joe bowed his head and said, "When you get there, you have to get familiar with the environment again, and … we can’t hide some guys."
"I have to find a way to meet Dachuan before I do it." Meng Xi replied without stopping. "I have to know how he arranged it."
"You don’t believe me?" Old Joe asked with a smile.
"It’s not always necessary to discuss such a big thing," Meng Xi asked. "Can you arrange it?"
Old Joe thought, "If you work in the tunnel, I can arrange it, but you won’t have a chance to contact him on the platform."
Meng Xi touched the bar "so that I can find a way to go to the tunnel one day and you can arrange for me to meet."
"OK" Old Joe promised to come.
Late clock or so.
Beifengkou Wu’s mercenary group set off fireworks and firecrackers worth more than 500 thousand in more than 20 living villages and seven living towns.
The northern land is snowy and the stars are bright.
Fireworks bloom in the dark, and Chinese and people living in the whole Beifengkou area feel the smell of the New Year at this moment.
Most of these people come here from other planned areas around the ninth district to make a living. They are doing some small businesses in the barren land, and they can’t afford to set off fireworks. However, Wu’s mercenary group spends a lot of money to set off fireworks for everyone every year and will also distribute some new year’s goods in moderation.
Wu Tianyin’s words are that it’s been a hard year. Let’s take the big guys with us when our industry is bigger.
When fireworks exploded all over the sky, two private transport helicopters, which looked very ordinary, quietly passed the Beifengkou and arrived at the No.19 mining base.
The helicopter landed in the compound, and a man dressed in the military uniform of the fifth district and with the rank of major general led a dozen people into the main building in a hurry.
Li Zhixun met everyone in the hall with a correct attitude and saluted Major General Male "Hello General Li!"
"How are you going?" The other party quickly asked in Korean as he walked to the inside.
"The mountain airport layout base has ended" Li Zhixun quickly told the other party "Our executives also arrived here in batches and are currently living in Building No.2 waiting for orders"
"This operation will be under my command," General Li said concisely as he stepped into the ladder. "You immediately ordered Lieutenant Colonel officers to come to the meeting."
"Yes!" Li Zhixun nodded.
Room 415, dormitory building
Meng Xi sat on the ceiling and was eating some snacks and sweets sent by the management.
"Brother, where are you from?" The former le Meng Xi neck strong man came over and asked with a smile.
"I … my hometown is Yanbei" Meng Xi replied with a smile.
"Is it a district?"
"Is in the area before" Meng Xi nodded.
"Nice place!" The strong man sat next to Meng Xi and sighed. "Life is just different. Your hometown is in the district. My hometown is gone … I didn’t know where to go when I wanted to go to the grave for the New Year."
"What’s wrong with this? Are we different now? We all stay in this terrible place." Meng Xi replied with a smile.
"Yeah, I hope I can get out."
"How many years have you been here?" Meng Xi asked
"For almost two years, Qiao Ge and I are the first batch to come here." The strong man habitually stubble "… when I left, I told my daughter-in-law that I could give 20 thousand yuan a year here and I would go back to a hotel with her after three or four years of work … Hehe, fuck it … I’ve been lost for almost two years, and I don’t know … what happened to her and her children"
Meng Xi silence
"If you are upset, just talk about it. If you don’t want to listen, we can talk about something else." The strong man scratched his head and replied.
But many people here are honest workers, and most of them are cheated.
"Don’t worry about chatting …!"
Meng Xigang wanted to reply when the door suddenly came several officers and leaders shouted, "Meng Xizhuang, Liu Cheng, you three come out."
Three people smell immediately to meet the past.
The officer knocked on the door with a key and said with a straight face, "There is something wrong with the outer wall line. You three go and repair it."
The three men were reluctant, but they were ordered to carry out the execution and immediately followed the officers and soldiers to the mining area.
After about an hour, everyone changed their jobs at the entrance of the tunnel and went to the familiar platform again.
But this time, the scene inside is completely different.
The qiankuang platform has been full of bombers one after another. These planes were set up by light rail and special passages when workers were resting.
Meng Xi watched in dismay as the foreheads of these planes were covered with sweat.
"Don’t look around and go!" The officer urged 1.
Meng Xi return to absolute being, step and follow each other to the back of the glass door where the rope can be hung.
Shi Jiangxue was also present, and he was also pulled in to repair the line urgently.
"Hurry up and get ready to go out together later." The engineer clapped his hands and shouted
Jiang Xue took the opportunity to gather around Meng Xi and whispered, "So many fucking bombers have been pulled … it is estimated that something big is going to happen. We must send the information out!"
No.19 mining base main building